“Pray without ceasing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Prayer is probably the most underestimated resource available to God's people. We are often guilty of treating prayer as just another line in the church bulletin or an activity reserved for super saints. Just like a spare tire, we want to have prayer available to us should an emergency arise.
Every professing Christian would admit that prayer is important. If pressed, we would state that we pray ourselves. Yet do we pray like we should? How important is prayer to you?
Prayer is simply our conversation with the Lord. We demonstrate our need for Him when we pray. The fabric of our fellowship with God is strengthened when we pray. Prayer keeps our hearts connected to God's power. Prayer deepens our faith and strengthens our courage. Prayer opens the door to special blessings God reserves for those who ask for them.
The late Leonard Ravenhill often said, “No man is greater than his prayer life.” I've come to appreciate the accuracy of this statement. A man's greatness is not determined by the money he possesses, the power he seems to yield or the elite crowd he associates with. In reality, the greatness of a man's life is really gauged by what or who he worships. It is not the man, but God, who is great. It is amazing to know that such a great God would choose to dwell within the heart of a mortal man.
Along with reading the Bible daily, prayer ranks as the most important holy habit that a Christian should practice. While prayer is a spiritual discipline, it is also a blessing and a privilege. To think that a beggar like myself can come to the very throne of God and have His attention is an amazing truth. Through Jesus Christ, we have such a blessing.
Most would consider it an honor to have access to the President on certain occasions. Yet we have a privilege that is far greater than that. At any moment, we are welcome to come into God's presence. Through the blood of Christ, we have been adopted into the family of God. We are the children of God. Children do not need an engraved invitation to speak with their father. Neither do we. As His children, we can approach our heavenly Father any time, any day.
Prayer should be a holy habit for every believer. Let me encourage you to pray daily.
First of all, set a time for prayer each day. It is best to have a time of prayer early in the day. We need God all day, so start the day with Him.
Secondly, if you it is physically possible, get on your knees and pray. I think kneeling is a great posture for prayer. Obviously, you can pray as you walk, drive or sit, but kneeling is special because it is an act of humility. Even better, get on your face before God. Many saints have fallen prostrate before God when they pray. Such a position reminds us how small we are before such a mighty God. We are reminded that we are just dust.
Next, keep a prayer list. Have a list of people to pray for. I can't rely on my memory when it comes to the needs around me. Adrian Rogers was famous for saying, “The weakest ink is better than the strongest memory.”
Also, begin your time of prayer in worship and praise. It is great to remember how great He really is. Worship keeps our vision clear. When we praise God, we recall that He is much greater than all our problems.
Never forget to give thanks when you pray. Gratitude is a key ingredient in a fulfilling prayer-life. God has never ceased to bless you, so never cease in thanking Him.
If you are like me, there are times when it is difficult getting started in prayer. I have found that reciting Scripture or singing a hymn really helps in this area. An old saint once said, “When you don't feel like praying, pray until you feel like it, then pray more.”
Finally, keep a record of answered prayers. This list will encourage you to pray in the future. Whether it was an answer to a big prayer or small one, such a list will increase your gratitude and enlarge your faith.
If you have no one else to pray for, pray for me. The older I get, the more I identify with James D. Vaughan's old song, “I Need The Prayers of Those I Love.”
God still hears and answers prayers. It could be that you are one prayer away from receiving an answer.
So pray!