

Pray without ceasing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Prayer is probably the most underestimated resource available to God's people. We are often guilty of treating prayer as just another line in the church bulletin or an activity reserved for super saints. Just like a spare tire, we want to have prayer available to us should an emergency arise.

Every professing Christian would admit that prayer is important. If pressed, we would state that we pray ourselves. Yet do we pray like we should? How important is prayer to you?

Prayer is simply our conversation with the Lord. We demonstrate our need for Him when we pray. The fabric of our fellowship with God is strengthened when we pray. Prayer keeps our hearts connected to God's power. Prayer deepens our faith and strengthens our courage. Prayer opens the door to special blessings God reserves for those who ask for them.

The late Leonard Ravenhill often said, “No man is greater than his prayer life.” I've come to appreciate the accuracy of this statement. A man's greatness is not determined by the money he possesses, the power he seems to yield or the elite crowd he associates with. In reality, the greatness of a man's life is really gauged by what or who he worships. It is not the man, but God, who is great. It is amazing to know that such a great God would choose to dwell within the heart of a mortal man.

Along with reading the Bible daily, prayer ranks as the most important holy habit that a Christian should practice. While prayer is a spiritual discipline, it is also a blessing and a privilege. To think that a beggar like myself can come to the very throne of God and have His attention is an amazing truth. Through Jesus Christ, we have such a blessing.

Most would consider it an honor to have access to the President on certain occasions. Yet we have a privilege that is far greater than that. At any moment, we are welcome to come into God's presence. Through the blood of Christ, we have been adopted into the family of God. We are the children of God. Children do not need an engraved invitation to speak with their father. Neither do we. As His children, we can approach our heavenly Father any time, any day.

Prayer should be a holy habit for every believer. Let me encourage you to pray daily.

First of all, set a time for prayer each day. It is best to have a time of prayer early in the day. We need God all day, so start the day with Him.

Secondly, if you it is physically possible, get on your knees and pray. I think kneeling is a great posture for prayer. Obviously, you can pray as you walk, drive or sit, but kneeling is special because it is an act of humility. Even better, get on your face before God. Many saints have fallen prostrate before God when they pray. Such a position reminds us how small we are before such a mighty God. We are reminded that we are just dust.

Next, keep a prayer list. Have a list of people to pray for. I can't rely on my memory when it comes to the needs around me. Adrian Rogers was famous for saying, “The weakest ink is better than the strongest memory.”

Also, begin your time of prayer in worship and praise. It is great to remember how great He really is. Worship keeps our vision clear. When we praise God, we recall that He is much greater than all our problems.

Never forget to give thanks when you pray. Gratitude is a key ingredient in a fulfilling prayer-life. God has never ceased to bless you, so never cease in thanking Him.

If you are like me, there are times when it is difficult getting started in prayer. I have found that reciting Scripture or singing a hymn really helps in this area. An old saint once said, “When you don't feel like praying, pray until you feel like it, then pray more.”

Finally, keep a record of answered prayers. This list will encourage you to pray in the future. Whether it was an answer to a big prayer or small one, such a list will increase your gratitude and enlarge your faith.

If you have no one else to pray for, pray for me. The older I get, the more I identify with James D. Vaughan's old song, “I Need The Prayers of Those I Love.”

God still hears and answers prayers. It could be that you are one prayer away from receiving an answer.

So pray!

Read The Word Daily


But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” - Psalm 1:2

I eat at least three meals every day. What about you? Sure, I have missed a meal once in a while, but I rarely miss eating for an entire day. Eating is necessary to survive. But I also love to eat. I enjoy good food, especially home cooked food.

While I make it a point to eat daily, I also make it a point to feed my soul daily. Every morning, I begin my day by reading from the Bible. This is a holy habit I have practiced for several years.

Although I pastor a church, my daily Bible reading is not for sermon preparation. It is for my own edification.

Ray Comfort is noted for asking members of a church audience to raise their hand if they have read their Bible daily for the last seven days. Most of the time, the response is that less than half the congregation would raise their hand. I did this while visiting another church one time and got similar results. After receiving such a dismal response to his question, Ray Comfort was quick to remind his audience that they feed their stomachs daily without fail. How much more important it is to feed the soul! Many are starving spiritually while a Bible collects dust nearby.

While it is good to be spiritually fed at church on Sunday, there are six other days when you need soul food. Don't go hungry!

The reason many people do not practice the holy habit of daily Bible reading is that they “can't find the time for it.” We find time for the things that matter most to us. Time with the Lord in His Word is too important to leave for “spare time.” We must prioritize this habit so it becomes a critical part of our day.

With that being said, here are a few suggestions.


First of all, get yourself a good, easy-to-read Bible. This is very important. The older I get, the more I need a large print Bible. I am using a extra-large print KJV Bible published by Thomas Nelson. I don't think it is being sold right now. It is a text Bible, not a study Bible. Most individuals rush to a store to purchase a study Bible from their favorite TV or internet minister. Personally, I own several study Bibles, but I have found that a plain text Bible is best for me. I have the study Bibles and commentaries to refer to when I need them, but for reading purposes, I don't want to be distracted by the notes that are provided additionally. I want to read just the words of the text. For those who stay with small print Bibles, be warned that the small print will eventually be an excuse not to read it at all.

Also, if you are going to purchase a Bible, make sure it has a lasting binding. Although it costs more than the cheap Bibles readily available in stores, get a genuine leather binding. Bonded leather tends to chip around the edges in just a few years. Most of the time, genuine leather last much longer and still looks good after age.

Last year, I purchased a premium Bible. It had an expensive leather binding. It is a good Bible, but the print was smaller than my old Bible and its overall size was larger. I am staying with my older Thomas Nelson Bible.


Next, get a reading plan. Reading plans are abundant online for free. Find one that fits your situation and use it daily. If you read just one chapter a day, you can read the entire New Testament in less than a year. If you read 3-4 chapters a day, you can finish the entire Bible in a year. Some Bibles actually have a reading plan in the back. It is better than to have some kind of plan rather than just opening the Bible at random and trying to read.


Next, set a time each day to read. I often read from the Bible before I even get out of bed. Take your Bible to the restroom with you, if necessary. Make it a point to have a time set. In addition to the Bible I keep by my bed, I also keep a copy in my car and a copy in my desk at work. I don't want to go anywhere without my Sword nearby.


Make an appointment to meet with God every morning. We tend to keep the appointments we make. There is no greater appointment than meeting with the Lord.


There will be times it will be tempting to give up, especially if you're trying to read the book of Leviticus! Yet press on. Don't quit. It will be worth it.

Spend time in the Word daily, beginning today!

Holy Habits


Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” - Galatians 6:7

We are creatures of habit. Some habits are good, such as washing your hands before meals and brushing your teeth twice a day. But many of our habits are actually unhealthy and counterproductive. If it is your habit to eat two helpings at every meal, this habit will bring about health issues that are bad and dangerous.

I have to admit that there are habits I need to change. For instance, I tend to overeat at times. But when I have homemade biscuits and gravy placed before me, I usually get more than one helping! In hindsight, this isn't very healthy, but it sure tastes good!

Spiritually, there are habits we should apply if we are serious about our spiritual growth. While some would call these, “spiritual disciplines,” I prefer to call them holy habits.

Now that we are in a new year, I suggest that we examine our lives and honestly appraise the habits we've grown accustomed to. Are our habits healthy or not? Do we have any holy habits? What habits do we need in our lives?

I believe there are certain habits we need to integrate into our lives. If you are an older, mature believer, you are probably practicing most of these habits already. For new believers, you should seek to implement them in your life as soon as possible.


One holy habit every Christian should cultivate is the discipline of reading the Bible daily. There are numerous reading plans available online. Whether you intend to read through the entire Bible this year or just the New Testament, make sure you are reading the Word of God daily. Don't skip a day here or there. In fact, read the Word before you greet the day. Eventually, this habit will become second nature to you.


Here is another simple, yet powerful habit that every believer needs to implement. Pray daily. Far too many people only pray when they get into trouble or face a fearful situation. Prayer is vital to enjoying fellowship with God. The habits of Bible reading and prayer should go together. We talk to God in prayer and He talks to us from His Word.


Here's another simple, holy habit. Attend church on a regular basis. Don't just show up when you feel spiritual. Get plugged into a good, Bible-teaching, Bible-preaching church. Experience the loving fellowship of believers. Be a faithful member of a good church.


I know that this holy habit will scare many away, yet it is a powerful habit that can transform your life. Store Scripture in your memory. Whether it is a few verses or actual chapters, meditate on the Word and memorize the verse(s), chapters and Bible books that feed your soul. Far too many people concentrate on the finished product (being able to recite passages or chapters). The key is to be fed during the process of memorization. Memorization requires a deep dive into Biblical meditation. Here's the real reason many struggle with Scripture memorization. The process requires time. You must set aside time to memorize new verses and recite old ones. Yet if you invest time in this habit, it will pay great dividends in the future.


Most churches take up an offering at every service. Giving is a popular sermon topic, especially for pastors who are involved in budgetary concerns. Yet giving goes deeper than the weekly offering at church. As Christians, we should be generous people. While we have an obligation to faithfully give to our local church, there are other ministries that we may prayerfully consider giving to. By the way, be generous when you give a tip at a restaurant. Give without fanfare or a desire to be noticed or repaid. Generosity is more an issue of your heart than it is your wallet.

I have given you just a few holy habits to consider for this new year. Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited for saying: Sow a thought, and you reap an action; sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny.”

I want to be a better Christian in 2025 than I was in 2024, what about you?

Making Memories


The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.” - Proverbs 10:7

One of the great blessings that our Creator has bestowed upon us is the ability to remember. As humans, we have experiences in life that we tend to forget, but thankfully, there are some that we remember.

When our loved ones pass away, it is a blessing to have a mental database of memories to dwell on. Modern technology has permitted us to store memories through the use of photographs, audio recordings and high-definition video. Still there are many memories that we never captured with modern technology. Instead, our minds retail these moments. Whether it is a comical moment, a casual smile or a touching conversation, our minds record these special events for future edification and enjoyment.

The Bible says, “ The memory of the just is blessed.” One day, you and I will be just a memory to the loved ones, friends, co-workers and neighbors that we leave behind. What kind of memories are you leaving? Will people think of you fondly? What will you be remembered for?

Right now, you and I are creating memories to leave behind. Through our words and deeds, we are making memories. Our contribution to humanity, our involvement at church and our dedication to family are among the many memories we are creating.

I believe the greatest memories we leave behind are our small acts of kindness and the tokens of love we gently deposit in the lives of those around us. Often it is the little things that make the biggest difference. I want to be a difference maker, what about you?

You may create memories today. Yet what kind of memories will they be? Some will create bad memories because of their selfishness, anger or greed. Others will impact lives with acts of mercy and grace.

Yet there are others who simply blend in with the culture. Rather than making memories, they simply want to be spectators. Yes, they want to receive blessings and gifts, but they are not contributors. Sadly, when they pass away, they will leave behind few memories. They won't be remembered for any positive endeavor.

The Bible has much to say about remembering. The Israelites were commanded to observe the Passover annually. This event was designed so they would remember how God delivered Israel from Egyptian bondage. Also, they were commanded to remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

In the New Testament, believers are commanded to partake in communion. In doing so, we remember our Lord's suffering until He returns. Paul told Timothy to remember to stir up the gift of God within him. In 2 Peter 1:13, the Apostle wrote that he wanted to “stir you up by putting you in remembrance.” God told the loveless Ephesian church in Revelation 2, “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works.”

Many people have created memories that we still cherish. During this holiday period, we remember the loved ones who brightened our holidays during the past. The Lord has brought us through many experiences that we should continually remember and thank Him for.

As we come to the close of the year, let us create memories for the generations that will follow us. One day, they may look back with fondness and recall how we invested in their lives and contributed to their growth.

Most of all, let us all remember our Lord. He has made great investments in our lives. Remember how He saved you from your sins. Recall how He changed your life. But don't stop there. Also, think back to all the times He has met your needs, helped you through trials and provided grace to help you. Such memories should stir up gratitude in our hearts that we should express verbally to Him.

Yes, there are negative memories that will come to our minds from time to time. Yet we can choose the thoughts we dwell on. For me, I'd rather think about the good times, what about you?

When I was growing up, the older crowd would fondly recall “the good old days.” Typically, these were childhood memories spent with their parents, free of responsibility and problems. I have many fond memories of the past, some from my childhood, many from my adult years. Yet I am convinced that the best day is yet ahead. It will be one endless day in a place called heaven. While it is good to remember the past, we shouldn't live there. Remember the past, live in the present and look forward to the future.

In the meanwhile, let's create memories by living each day to the fullest for the glory of God.

Be Wise


Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.” - Matthew 2:1-2

In our country, there is a great emphasis placed on education. It is a good thing to acquire knowledge. Knowledge can help a person go far in a career or trade. The pursuit of knowledge has led to many discoveries and cures.

Yet there is something even better than knowledge. Knowledge is simply the accumulation of information. On the other hand, wisdom includes making good decisions and practicing discernment. To put it in a different way, wisdom is the proper use of knowledge. Wisdom includes doing the right things at the right time and in the right way. Knowledge deals with information but wisdom involves application. Wisdom enables a person to know what the best choice is and leads him to make that choice.

When Jesus was born, men came seeking Him. The Bible refers to them as being wise men. The Bible gives us little information about these men. Most people refer to them as the three wise men, but the Bible doesn't specifically number these men. They did bring three types of gifts, but this does not necessarily indicate that there were three men.

In spite of the fact that there is little information about these wise men, the Bible does give us some insight about them. As we near the Christmas holiday, may we embrace the same actions that they took.

First of all, the wise men sought the Lord. They came looking for Jesus. If we would be wise today, we must do the same. The Bible says, “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found.” Jesus said, “Seek and ye shall find.” Few people seek the Lord today. Even among the Christian community, many seek something from the Lord rather than seeking the Lord Himself. Be wise yourself and seek the Lord with all your heart. God says, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Be wise and seek Him.

Secondly, the wise men served the Lord. They brought their gifts to Him. Traditionally, we give and receive gifts at Christmas, yet the One who is having a birthday is not on our gift list. Strange, isn't it? The wise person gives to the Lord at Christmas and throughout the year. Whether you give a little extra at the church, make a special financial gift to a favorite ministry or give to a needy family, give it in the Name of the Lord. Also, you can lend your talents and serve your fellow man in the Name of the Lord. Help at a soup kitchen, visit someone in a hospital or nursing home, or call someone who is lonely, like a widow. In Matthew 10:42, Jesus said, “And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.” Be wise and serve in His Name.

Third, the wise men worshiped the Lord. They knelt before the Lord in act of submission. Where are the worshipers today? It isn't difficult to find people who worship a sports team, a movie star or a musician, but it is difficult to find those who regularly worship the Lord. Why did the wise men worship? They recognized Jesus as being One who is worthy of worship. They knew Him to the Messiah, the King of Kings. They didn't worship Herod, but they did worship Jesus. The reason that few people worship the Lord today is that they fail to see Him as He really is.

The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. God is the source of wisdom. He provides wisdom as a gift to those who ask for it (James 1:5). That is the reason that wisdom is rare these days. Few ask for it.

Despite the consumer mindset that drives much of our Christmas traditions, it is important that we remember the true meaning of the day. Christmas is not really about little children receiving gifts. Neither is it about having a big meal with family. These aren't bad things, but they miss the point.

Christmas is all about Jesus. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth. He was born of a virgin. He came to the tiny town of Bethlehem on a mission of love. He came to redeem us from our sins.

As we approach Christmas, let us be wise and focus on Jesus. Like the wise men, let us seek the Lord. Let us serve the Lord. Let us worship the Lord.

Be wise!

Problems In The Pulpit


But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” - Galatians 1:8

I am thankful for the wonderful preachers who faithfully proclaim the truth of God's Word on a regular basis. Some are highly educated and trained to fulfill their calling, while others have little or no formal training, but simply stand and preach with great power. I am thankful for such men of God, who take their calling seriously. They lovingly shepherd their congregation and lead people to Jesus.

While some of these preachers may have regional, national or even international acclaim for their ministries, most are virtually unknown. They simply do God's will in the obscurity of a small church in a community or small town. Many of these obscure preachers are bi-vocational, holding down a regular job while leading a small congregation. Such men deserve our respect.

While I am thankful for such men, I must also confess that there are some in the ministry who give the rest a bad name. They are known for their shady fund-raising schemes, wild extremes of ministry and false doctrine. Some are nothing more than slick snake-oil salesmen, using the pulpit for selfish gain and public notoriety. They bring shame and reproach to the Lord Jesus, misrepresent the Gospel and lead many astray.

When I write about “Problems In the Pulpit,” you're probably thinking about these notorious preachers who make a mockery of the Gospel ministry. While this could be a topic for another message, I wish to dwell on the public pulpits that we tend to overlook.

First of all, there are problems with the classroom pulpit. Over the past century or so, we have transferred the responsibility of teaching children from the parents to the government. Schools and colleges have a strong influence on the worldview your child will have. In spite of the teaching they hear at home and church, most of their views will be formed at a government-funded educational facility.

Yet many young people are enticed to leave the faith after being taught in college. The college lectern has become a pulpit to spread heresy, blasphemy and lies. There is a problem in this pulpit. Rather than teaching young people and preparing them for a professional career, instead they are being molded into thinking like the ungodly world around them. Information has been replaced with indoctrination. Rather than encouraging young people to think, they are training them to be robots of new age ideas. There is a problem in this pulpit. Godly parents need to pray carefully before sending their kids to a secular college. The young person they send off may not resemble the one who returns.

Secondly, there is the political pulpit. A politician will stand behind his or her “pulpit,” and preach a doctrine that is often contrary to the teaching of Scripture. Sometimes these politicians will quote Scripture, then twist the verse to mean something that is absurd or even blasphemous. They are responsible for what they believe, how they live and the doctrine they publicize. They are also accountable for the people who were led astray by their teaching. There is a problem in the political pulpit.

Finally, there is a problem with the newsroom pulpit. When I was growing up, newscasters simply reported the news. Now they gave “analysis,” which is a fancy way of saying that they are going to give you their opinion on the subject. Americans should be fed up with this kind of “reporting.” Newscasters seem to think that the average American is too ignorant to know what a news headline means. They think we can't understand the news of the day without their commentary. In many cases, the news desk has become a pulpit. I am not opposed to newscasters who will honestly “fact check” a politician. However, it is time for people to “fact check,” the newscasters, too. They often have a hidden agenda. They wish to persuade their viewers to share their views and biases. There is a problem in the newscaster's pulpit.

Let me close by reminding you to “fact check,” everything you hear. We need to listen carefully to everything that is said and examine the merits by searching the Scriptures. The Bereans were called “noble,” for “fact checking” the Apostle Paul. Paul actually encouraged people to fact check him. In Galatians 1:9, Paul wrote, “As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”

By the way, it is important for us to “fact check,” ourselves. The Word of God probes our minds and hearts and discerns our motives. Open your Bible and read it daily. Let the Word reveal the truth to you.

One day, each one of us will stand before God. On that day, we will be judged by the truth. If you are unsaved, be aware that your issue is not a problem in the pulpit, but a problem in your heart. The new birth is the only solution. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.

Bad Love


...I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house ...because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not.” - 1 Samuel 3:12-13

Last week, I wrote about “Good Fear.” Those two words typically don't go together. Yet the fear of the Lord is a good fear. It is a fear that all of us should have. As the Scripture teaches, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Today, I am writing about “Bad Love.” Again, these two words don't seem to go together. We think of “love” as a positive word. Certainly, you'd think that love is always a positive emotion, producing positive results. But that simply isn't so.

Eli and his sons served as priests over the people. Yet Eli's sons were evil men. They abused the priesthood with their selfishness and wickedness. Those in authority can be very wicked indeed. Even those in spiritual leadership can be evil. Yet like Eli's sons, the wicked will meet their doom. Judgment lies ahead for such men. Sinful men will reap what they have sown.

Eli also faced God's judgment along with his sons, because “he restrained them not.” Eli was not wicked like his sons, but he refused to restrain them. There's an old staying, “Blood is thicker than water.” That was true in this situation. Eli knew his sons were out of hand, but he permitted them to get that way.

Eli knew better. It is true that he verbally rebuked his sons for their wickedness, but it was too little, too late. Eli probably wouldn't have tolerated such behavior from others, but his sons were a different story. He refused to restrain them. This is “bad love.”

Bad love,” exists when a parent refuses to correct, discipline and train a child because of sentimental “love.” When a parent says, “I love my child too much to discipline him,” this parent is practicing, “bad love.” Both the child and the parent will pay the price for such “love.” Eventually, the uncontrolled child may end up behind bars, dying from an overdose of drugs or endure a life of alcoholism.

Let's consider Eli and his sons. In our text, the problem was that Eli's sons were now adults. It is obvious that they lacked the proper discipline and direction they needed when they were growing up. “Bad love,” produced unruly children that eventually became wicked adults.

Tough love,” is the antithesis of “bad love.” We consider “tough love,” to be the stern response of a parent toward a son or daughter that is doing wrong. When parents discipline their children, it is an act of “tough love.” I admit that “tough love,” is unpopular and politically incorrect these days, but it is Biblically correct --- which is all that matters.

Nearly twenty-five years ago, then-Governor Bob Wise signed legislation that made corporal punishment illegal in public schools here in my home state of West Virginia. There are still strong opinions about both sides of this issue. Many, including some teachers, think that the paddle should be brought back to the classroom. Others think that such punishment is barbaric, harmful and unnecessary.

Proverbs 13:24 states, “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.” This is tough love. “Bad love,” spares the child the discipline he or she desperately needs. It isn't the lack of discipline in the classroom that is ruining the lives of young people, it is the lack of discipline at home that is the cause.

Look at the end result. Eli and his sons died tragically because Eli refused to restrain his sons. His “bad love,” cost them their lives. Today, we wonder why there are riots and increased crime. Children backtalk their parents and show disrespect to elders. Parents allow their little children to decide what gender they are. In America, we are reaping what we have sown. We have sown to the wind, now we are reaping the whirlwind.

Be assured, God uses “tough love.” He takes His children out to the woodshed when they need it. He does not tolerate unruly behavior and rebellion. He can be stern at times. He wants to save His children from future pain and heartache. Because of this, He provides “tough love,” when needed. He disciplines His children because He loves them. We should do the same with our children.

I strongly condemn child abuse. Yet I also object to parents allowing their children to act disrespectful and unruly. The pain of discipline is far less severe than the ultimate heartache that comes from an undisciplined life. When required, love can be tough.

Bad love,” is not really love at all.


  PRAY “ Pray without ceasing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Prayer is probably the most underestimated resource available to God's people. ...