The Importance of One


How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?” - Matthew 18:12

We are taught that there is strength in numbers. Whether it is the number of players on a football team or the number of soldiers in an army, we tend to think that large numbers of people are important. We even think this way at church. We feel like the larger the crowd, the better. We celebrate “numerical success.” We shop at Sam's Club, buying items in bulk because there is a price discount if we purchase an item in large quantities.

Let's think about the number, “one.” While large numbers tend to be notable, we tend to think that there is nothing special about just one. One is too small a number for most of us. We may reluctantly settle for one car, but we'd prefer to have two. We may have just one bank account, but we'd prefer to be rich enough to have accounts in numerous banks. We prefer quantities much higher than one.

Yet there is importance in one. I was born in the small town of Mullens, WV. Just a few years ago, Mullens had a mayoral election in which the victorious candidate won by just one vote. Yes, one vote does matter, doesn't it?

One person is insignificant for most politicians and leaders. Yet God cares about each of us, as individuals. One is a significant number to Him.

God called one man, Abraham, to be the father of many nations. He took one son, Joseph, and uniquely used him to save the Israelite tribe. He called one man, Moses, to lead the Israelite exodus from Egypt. He used one king, David, to make Israel a strong nation. He used one queen, Esther, to save the Jews from the evil hand of Haman.

He took one tiny town, Bethlehem, and chose it to be the site of the coming Messiah. He took one twelve-year old child, Jesus, to confound the elite religious rulers.

He used one man, John the Baptist, to bring a prophetic message that would introduce the ministry of Jesus to the world. This one man, John, would be the one that what have the honor of baptizing Jesus.

Yes, one person can be important. When Jesus cleansed ten lepers, only one came back to give the Lord thanks. Jesus took the lunch of one boy and fed five thousand. Only one lady would wash the feet of Jesus with her tears and would be remembered in the canon of Scripture for this act of devotion and love.

God provided one Messiah. He sent us His one and only Son. Jesus came to earth, God in the flesh, to ransom lost souls. God provided one Savior. There is just one mediator between God and man and His name is Jesus.

This Savior lived one solitary life here on earth. By His own testimony, we know that He is the one and only way to the Father. Through His shed blood, sinners become saints. The lost are found. His enemies become His friends. Only one man could do that.

God sent His one and only Son so that we may be saved. One soul matters to Him. If a famous evangelist conducts an evangelistic service to a packed stadium, the crusade would be considered a massive failure if only one person responded to the Gospel invitation. Yet if that one person truly got saved, it mattered to God. The Bible says that there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels over one who repents. One person matters.

The Good Shepherd leaves the ninety-nine sheep in search of one sheep that went astray. The woman cleans her house in search of one lost coin. A father looks for the return of one prodigal son. Yes, one person matters to God.

I write this to encourage you, my Christian friend. Your efforts are not in vain. God can take one person like you and use you in ways that will astonish you. Only in heaven will you know the full impact God has made through your life. You may be limited on resources, but your Father is not. You may have limited talents, but God can still use you. Perhaps you have a limited education, but God has placed His wisdom at your disposal. Don't underestimate what God can do with a surrendered life. Be that surrendered person today. God and one person makes a majority.

Perhaps you are not a follower of Jesus. My final words are for you. You matter to God. Although millions may come to Jesus in a single day, each one is saved on an individual basis. You may feel like an outsider --- one who beholds the good things of God, but never feasts at His table. God invites you to come and dine. Consider this to be your personalized invitation to dine with the Master. Call on the Lord right now in repentance and faith. He will not turn any way who approach Him by faith.

No, not one.

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