Text:  "I am the way, the truth, and the life..." (John 14:6)

When I was growing up, I remember a game show called, "Truth or Consequences."  At the time, Bob Barker hosted the show.  A contestant would be asked a silly question, and if he or she could get the right answer in about 2 seconds, they would have to face the consequences --- typically something comical that the audience enjoyed watching.  Although many people will never appear on a game show, ultimately life itself comes down to an issue of truth or consequences. 

These days, our post-modern society promotes situational ethics and relative truth.  Basically, many people do not believe in absolute truth.  Absolute truth is the concept that there is definite truth and certain things are definitely right or definitely wrong, regardless of a person's beliefs, background or education. Most people reject this concept.  Instead, they believe in relative truth.  Relative truth is a belief that what is true for one person is not necessary true for another.  Those who embrace relative truth believe that truth is a personal matter and may vary in nature from person to person.  Such people strongly oppose the concept of absolute truth.

Despite the popular belief in relative truth, absolute truth is expected and demanded in our courts of law.  Absolute truth, not relative truth, is expected in the business world.  Absolute truth, not relative truth, is the foundation of strong relationships, including marriage.

Even though many believe in relative truth, they can't claim that their view is absolutely true --- if they did, they would be contradicting themselves 

Why is there such a push to get Americans to embrace relative truth?  Why are school children indoctrinated with this view?  The answer to these questions is simple.  Truth is more than an ideal.  Truth is a person.  The person of truth is Jesus Christ.  Opposition to Jesus Christ is a basic reason that relative truth is so popular.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."  Jesus didn't just say that He told the truth --- He IS the truth! 

Our concept of truth emanates from God.  God is not only the source of truth; He is truth.  No one can honestly pinpoint an area of deception or dishonesty about God.  Truth permeates His being and actions.

Jesus said, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  Freedom is not the absence of bondage or oppression; freedom is the experience of knowing the truth.  When a man repents of his sin and places his faith Christ, he has a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, the Truth.  This encounter makes him free.  He is no longer a slave to Satan and his ways.

Many are afraid of the truth.  Truth is like light; it exposes ugly areas that we'd rather keep hid.  Some are fearful of truth because of the fact that truth will reveal the foolishness of their own mindset.  Obviously, numerous individuals fear truth because they want to avoid the unpleasant reality of sin's nature and the consequences of sin.  Most people would rather not be held accountable for their actions.

Since God is truth, all that He says and does is consistent with truth.  In fact, Jesus said that His Word is truth (John 17:17).  What God has to say about a subject may be unpopular or unpleasant, but it is true.

We can trust God because He is truth.  We are sure that the promises of God will be fulfilled because the One who made the promises is true.  Human relationships may crumble.  People may fail us.  Some will be dishonest to us.  In spite of all this, God remains true. 

Because He is truth, God does not tolerate lies.  When I was growing up, the harshest discipline I received from my parents came when I lied.  My parents rightfully demanded that I tell the truth all the time.  When I failed to be honest, I suffered severe consequences.  God is a faithful Father.  He expects and demands honesty from His children. 

Ultimately, every person will stand before God.  God's verdict will be based upon truth.  He will not be swayed by deceit or bribes.  Truth will prevail on that day, because the Judge is truth.

Most people reject the truth because they reject Jesus.  Sadly, many will not realize that they've fallen for the devil's lies until it is eternally too late.  That is why Christians should be zealous to proclaim the Gospel --- and share the truth with those who need it most.

Truth can be found, but only in the person of Jesus Christ.  He is the One who said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."   Believe and receive the truth & you'll live.  Reject the truth and you will perish.

It's all a matter of truth or consequences. 


TEXT:  "The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy." - Psalm 103:8

Most believers think that mercy and grace are synonyms.  Actually, God's mercy and grace often go together, but they are not the same thing.  Mercy is when we do not receive what we deserve.  Grace is when we receive something (good) that we do not deserve.  Our Lord has granted mercy AND grace to His children.  He is merciful because we are not receiving the just penalty for our sins.  He grants us grace because we receive forgiveness, adoption and relationship that we do not deserve.

In this message, we are focusing on the subject of God's mercy.  God is merciful.  Our text states that "The Lord is merciful ... and plenteous in mercy."  This tribute is high praise to the One we serve.

Americans are often guilty of having the attitude of entitlement.  We feel that we "deserve" certain things.  This mind-set is the product of human pride.  When we feel entitled, we are deceiving ourselves.  The attitude of entitlement rejects the notion that we need God's mercy.  Instead, men often think that God owes them His favor.  When we see ourselves as we really are, we begin to understand that we desperately need God's mercy.  Our sins are far worse that our sinful flesh wishes to acknowledge.  Through the pages of God's Word, we see ourselves as God sees us.  As we read the Bible, we learn that we are sinful, wicked people and what we really deserve is God's wrath.  When we learn this, our mind-set changes.  Instead of forcefully demanding that God give us what we feel entitled to, we humbly plead for mercy instead of justice.

To a certain extent, believers and unbelievers alike experience God's mercy every day.  The fact that a man is permitted to awaken to a new day is testimony of God's mercy to him.  Each moment that a man lives without facing the penalty for his sins is an act of God's mercy.  I think it is important to note that God's mercy is experienced in a greater dimension when a sinner repents and places his faith in Jesus alone for salvation.  When a sinner repents and believes, the price for his sin is fully paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ.  God mercifully removes the guilt and the associated penalty of the guilt from the sinner's account.

Furthermore, believers experience mercy daily.  Our on-going fellowship with God requires much mercy from Him.  Although we are forgiven and regenerated, we are not perfect people.  We fail our Lord often.  God is patient with His children and demonstrates great mercy on a regular basis.
As believers in Christ, our depth of love for Him is often expressed through gratitude.  When we meditate on God's mercy to us, our hearts experience overflowing gratitude and appreciation.  We thank Him for His continual mercy and walk humbly with the knowledge that we need His mercy more and more.

There is a word of warning that needs to be expressed, especially to unbelievers.  It is wrong to think that God's mercy negates His judgment.  God is still just.  Our text does not state that God never gets angry.  Instead, our text states that He is, "... slow to anger."  God does get angry.  Even though He is merciful, even "... plenteous in mercy," we know that there is a limit to His patience.  There will come a day when God's mercy will be withdrawn from sinners.  It is wrong to assume that God's mercy will keep a sinner from judgment.  If a sinner refuses to repent of his sins, he will ultimately face the penalty he deserves.  If you have never really repented of your sins and placed your faith in Christ alone for salvation, don't take God's mercy for granted.  Instead, throw yourself at the mercy of God right now, while His mercy is available.  Repent of your sins and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation.

God is merciful.  Our text is certainly true:  "The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy." 

TEXT:  "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."
- John 1:14

Grace.  What a beautiful word!  Our text teaches us that Jesus, the Word, is "... full of grace and truth."  Grace is the precious jewel of Christian theology.  The more you examine the subject of grace, the sweeter it becomes.  The topic of grace can never be fully explored by human minds, yet each of us can enjoy the benefits of grace.

John Newton, the former slave-trader turned minister, penned the words of the most famous hymn of all-time.  The lyrics of this hymn still remain among the greatest words apart from Scripture:

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me;
I once was lost but now I'm found,
'Twas blind but now I see.

God's grace is truly amazing.  Grace is so amazing because the source of grace is so amazing.  God, Himself, is the God of grace.

But what is grace?  Grace is God's unmerited favor.  In other words, grace is God's mercy and blessings that we do not deserve.  When God blesses a person that is totally unworthy, that is grace.  

Grace is a gift from God, motivated by the love of God.  Grace is tangible evidence of God's kindness.

There's so much that could be written about this subject.  I want to concentrate this message on God & His grace. 

We tend to only focus on the blessings of grace.  We give thanks for the good things that God does for us.  We praise Him for His kindness and tender mercies.  We should do all these things.  However, most of the time we fall short of meditating on the One who provided the grace --- God Himself.

As I've written in past weeks, God is holy, just and great.  He does not owe mankind anything other than justice.  Of our own choice, we have willfully rebelled and sinned against God.  Our sins are acts of treason before the righteous God of the universe.  Yet it should amaze us to consider that this mighty God could respond against His enemies with acts of tender grace and love.

Far too many Christians get used to grace.  Grace is no longer a wonder to us.  We're no longer moved by the precious grace that transformed us.  We need to return again to the prayer closet and revisit the One who continues to show grace to us.

Grace is part of God's nature.  When mankind was at his worst, God was still at His best.  When men sinned so greatly, God provided an even greater measure of grace.

These days, there is a man-centered gospel that is popular.  This heresy has bits and pieces of humanism, secularism and pop-psychology thrown together.  Basically, the message of the man-centered gospel is that each one of us is good --- but we do have some brokenness that God yearns to help us resolve.  We do what we can to improve and Jesus will make up the difference.  Here's the problem with such teaching ---- it is NOT what the Bible teaches.

The Bible teaches us that we are all sinners.  The Scriptures tell us that the wages of sin is death.  Furthermore, we are completely unable to redeem ourselves.  We are spiritual bankrupt and utterly lost.  We cannot save ourselves.  Jesus Christ came and died on a cross, dying for those who will repent and believe.  His sacrificial blood is sufficient to cover even the worst of sinners.  As sinners, we are spiritually dead.  We don't need reformation; we need regeneration.  Only God has the power to make a dead man alive.  When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, it was Jesus, not Lazarus, which performed the miracle.  Lazarus' resurrection was act of God's grace.  When a sinner repents and believes in Jesus, God saves him --- and the work is accomplished by grace. 

Every aspect of our salvation is because of grace.  Think about it.  God's calling, the Spirit's conviction, regeneration, transformation, justification, sanctification, and ultimately, glorification are all acts of God's grace.

Grace is truly amazing.  More importantly, the One who shows that grace is amazing.  It is astonishing to consider that Someone so great can also be so tender, loving and kind --- even to those who have rebelled against Him.

Have you experienced the life-changing grace of God?  Julia Johnston summarized it best when she wrote:

Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace,
Freely bestowed on all who believe!
You that are longing to see His face,
Will you this moment His grace receive?

Grace, grace, God's grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God's grace,
Grace that is greater than all our sin.


TEXT:  "God is love." - 1 John 4:8

Through the years, many songs have been written about love.  Novels and poems have been penned about the subject of love.  These days, the word, "love," is misunderstood, misrepresented and misapplied.

Despite all the writings about the topic of love, few have been able to truly express the meaning of the word.  The best description of love is found in the Bible.  The Apostle Paul dedicated an entire chapter, 1 Corinthians 13, to the subject of love.  As we examine 1 Corinthians 13, we come away knowing that John was right when he wrote, "God is love."

Love is perhaps the most notable attribute of God.  John did not write that God simply loves people, instead John wrote that God IS love.  God possesses love, but more importantly, love is who He is.

All that we know about genuine love in this life constitutes just a shadow of the fullness of God's loving character.  His love is measureless because God Himself is infinite. 

God has demonstrated His love to us in a powerful way.  John 3:16 states, "For God so LOVED the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (Emphasis mine).  Furthermore, Jesus said, "Greater LOVE hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13, emphasis added).  God's love was vividly displayed for us when Jesus died for our sins.  The cross of Jesus remains the greatest emblem of genuine love.  Paul echoes this truth in Romans 5:8: "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

We would not know anything about love if God did not demonstrate genuine love to us.  He has granted mankind (yes, even unbelievers) the experience of enjoying and expressing human love. 

When we come to know God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, we are blessed to drink deeply from the fountain of God's love.  God graciously allows us the opportunity to have fellowship with Him.  We are permitted to bask in His love. 

Because we are touched by such divine love, we become agents of His love.  After conversion, a man begins to have a stronger love for his family, friends and his new spiritual family.  Love overflows his heart and splashes on those he meets.

Since God resides within the heart of a believer, the expression of love becomes a natural product of God's presence.

We love God because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).  Yet our love for Him pales in comparison to the amazing love He has shown to us.

It amazes me that God would want to have anything to do with us at all, yet He has shown sacrificial love to us.  God gave His very best for us --- all because of love.

To know Him is to love Him...because God is love.

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...