"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." - Revelation 3:19

There is a Biblical word that is shunned and disliked by Christians and non-Christians alike.  This word evokes a harsh response when this word is used.  Most consider this word offensive.  If you didn't know better, you'd think this word is profane, but God Himself used it multiple times in the Bible.  This "insulting" word is the "R" word --- repentance.

The irony about this word is that the proper practice of it can produce such awesome results.  When Biblical repentance is practiced, a sinner gets saved, a marriage is restored, the prodigal returns home, and misunderstandings are forgiven.  Without genuine repentance, there will never be revival.  We will never see racial tensions eased or social barriers removed until real repentance is practiced.

Often unbelievers are told to repent.  They are told to "turn or burn."  In all fairness, the Bible does tell sinners to repent.  The real problem I see in America is the lack of repentance being practiced in the church.  In Revelation chapter 3, John was told to write to the Laodicean church.  The Lord's message to that church is convicting.  I see much of the Laodicean's sins in the American church today (read about it yourself in Revelation 3:14-22). 

While we're busy telling America to get her house in order, our own house (the church) is in a mess.  It is hypocrisy to preach repentance to sinners if you refuse to practice repentance yourself.  Believers should be practicing repentance on a daily basis because we sin daily.  

The Lord told the Laodicean believers, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."  Notice a few things about the Lord's harsh words:

First of all, the Lord states, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten," (emphasis added).  Although a Christian may stray, he has not forfeited God's love.  It is possible for a Christian to lose his fellowship with God, but not his relationship with God.  The Lord loves His erring children, but He does not love their sin.

God disciplines His children when they sin.  The Lord said, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten," (emphasis added).  I believe that a loving Father is disciplining the American Church.  Here in America, Christians tolerate heresy, apostasy, immorality, and compromise.  We ought to be embarrassed and angry to see the Name of Christ used to manipulate people into sending large sums of money to television "ministers."  What a sad testimony of the American Church that we condone unbiblical behavior and false doctrine.  We are far from God's standards of holiness. 

Finally, the Lord states, "... be zealous therefore, and repent."  The Christians at Laodicea were not only challenged to repent, they were told to be zealous in their repentance.  God was serious about their situation.  He expected swift and complete repentance.  I'm sure this message was as unpopular then as it is now. 

The word "repentance," is often misunderstood and misapplied.  Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of behavior.  Sometimes a politician or preacher gets caught in a sinful lifestyle.  When the noted sinner addresses his obvious guilt, he talks about repentance.  But does he really repent?  The reason repentance is so offensive to people is because it requires them to get honest about their sins and take drastic action so they won't repeat the sins.

There are two important things required to practice Biblical repentance.  First of all, we must repent with the right motive.  There is a difference between worldly sorrow and Biblical repentance.  When you are sorry solely because of the consequences of your actions, then that is worldly sorrow.  For instance, if you are sorry because you were "caught," doing something wrong, the sorrow you feel is probably the product of shame and embarrassment.   When a person repents Biblically, his sorrow is primarily based upon the fact that he has personally offended, dishonored and brought shame to his Lord.  Such repentance yields a positive change that is rare these days.

Secondly, we must repent in the right manner.  We must be honest with God about our actions.  We must be humble before our Holy Father and seek His mercy.  When we think about the holiness of God, it should produce a holy fear that drives us to our knees.  When we consider the cross and recognize that it was our sins that required such a sacrifice, it should cause us to be sickened by our sins.  When we sin, we truly hurt the One who loves us most.  Let that fact sink in your mind. 

The command to repent is shunned by many and practiced by few.  There is nothing that will get your life turned around faster than Biblical repentance. 

I believe that we'd see multitudes of sinners come to repentance if we, as Christians, truly practiced repentance ourselves.  Revival is the normal outcome of widespread repentance. 

It is time that we practice what we preach.  "Be zealous therefore, and repent."  

"Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." - Revelation 2:4

At first glance, the church at Ephesus was a great church.  When you read the opening verses of Revelation chapter 2, you find that this church was known for its works, patience, and discernment.  Most churches in America are not faithful in these areas.  At first glance, this church appears to be head and shoulders above the average church here in our country.  Yet the Lord finds fault with the church.  Jesus said, "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou has left thy first love."

Could the same accusation be made of you?  I'm convinced that the reason we need revival in America is because too many Christians have left their first love.  Revival is all about returning to your first love, Jesus Christ.

In Matthew chapter 22, Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was.  In response, Jesus said, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment," (verses 37-38).  Notice that Jesus said that we should love God, in three ways:  heart, soul and mind.  We should love Him passionately (with heart), emotionally (with soul) and intellectually (with mind).  Furthermore, our love is to be supreme.  Jesus said to love God, "with ALL thy heart, and with ALL thy soul, and with ALL thy mind," (emphasis added).  I think if we're honest, such love for God is rare these days.

The Bible teaches us that the church at Ephesus had left their first love.  No, they didn't lose Him --- instead they left Him.  If you are not as close to God as you once was, know this:  God is not the One who moved. 

Do you love Jesus, right now, more than ever?  Can you honestly state that you love Him more than anything or anyone?  Does your actions reflect that you love Jesus?

It is possible to be active in church, busy in religious matters, and still be far from God.  In fact, many love ministry more than they love the Master.  It is possible to love your church more than Christ. 

The church at Ephesus had all the signs of spiritual vitality, yet they had left their first love.  If God sent you a letter, just like He did the church at Ephesus, what would He write?  Would He rebuke you for leaving your first love?

If you have left your first love, is it possible to return?  Obviously, the Lord knew it was possible for the church at Ephesus to return.  In fact, the Lord gave the church a three-step challenge.  It would be wise for many to take these same steps today.

The church at Ephesus was told, "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen."  Do you remember how you used to love Jesus?  Do you recall the sweetness that once existed in your walk with the Lord?  Remember these things.  As you think about the bliss you once enjoyed, also look at how far you are away from the Lord right now.  There are many things we should never forget.  Never forget how the Lord saved you. 

Secondly, the church at Ephesus was told to repent.  Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change in behavior.  Repentance is more than just confessing sin --- it also includes forsaking sin.  Perhaps you've not fallen into some public sin, but your distance from God is a reflection of sin in your life.  Repent.  Repentance is the quickest way for a person to get his or her life turned around. 

Finally, the church at Ephesus was instructed to, "... do the first works."  In other words, get back to things you used to do.  Get back to prayer.  Get back to reading your Bible.  Get back to having a quiet time daily with the Lord.  Get back in church.  Get back to sharing your faith.  Do the first works.  Return today.

Revival is a personal matter because returning to your first love is a personal matter.  No one else can do it for you.  Perhaps you think you've let too much time slip by or it may be you think you've drifted too far.  It could be that God has divinely led you to read these words so He may beckon you to return.

Many believers have left their first love.  Are you one of them?  Are you content to stay that way?    

"These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication." - Acts 1:14

I love great preaching.  Biblical exposition is glorious.  It is wonderful to be spiritually fed as a man of God preaches the Word of God.  It is interesting to note that the greatest revival in history did not begin with a sermon, but a prayer meeting.  In fact, every revival I've read about in the Bible or church history began with prayer.

The Church in America has overvalued personality and performance & has undervalued prayer.  Early in my Christian experience, I learned that most church members are interested in sermons & songs, but not prayer.  As long as a church member can take a seat and have someone publicly stand & make him or her feel good, they are happy to attend.  If they are expected to participate in any form, they are not interested.

To say the least, prayer is not an activity designed to entertain.  A prayer meeting is not an event for spectators, but participators. 

There is a cost for revival and most aren't interested in paying that cost.  Many are interested in the product of revival, but they will not participate in the process of revival. 

The first century church experienced revival.  Those who met in the upper room gathered to pray.  The ultimate result of their prayer meeting was the greatest recorded revival in history. 

For those of us who yearn for revival, we need to learn about prayer from the first century believers.  Please note several things about the prayer meeting in the upper room.

The Bible says that they "continued ... in prayer."  It can be easy to get discouraged when you pray.  The key to prayer is perseverance.   Keep at it.  Don't quit.  Jesus said, "Ask and ye shall receive."  Notice that He didn't say that you would receive immediately ... but you WILL receive.  How long should you continue to pray about a matter?  The answer to that question is simple:  keep praying till the answer comes.

The Bible says that they were in "one accord."  The believers in the upper room were persuaded to pray.  They were united in prayer.  There is something special about corporate prayer.  In John 17, Jesus prayed that His followers would be united.  Revival often comes as believers unite in prayer.
The Bible says that the believers in the upper room continued with one accord, "... in prayer and supplication."  It is one thing to plan to pray, but it is another to actually pray.  May I be candid with you?  I have read many books about prayer but they did not take the place of prayer.  The enemy doesn't mind if you read books about prayer, sing songs about prayer and talk about prayer.  What the enemy fights against is the actual act of praying.   

Revival prayer is united, continual and effective.  The prayer meeting in Acts chapter 1 resulted in the revival of Acts chapter 2.  Soon Jerusalem and the rest of the world would be impacted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Do you long to see revival in every church in America?  Do you yearn to see a great spiritual awakening in our nation?  If so, believers must repent of petty differences and personal sin.  We need to unite in prayer, seeking for a mighty move of God in our land.

It could be that we are one prayer away from seeing revival in our land!


"Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?" - Psalm 85:6

This past Wednesday marked the 46th anniversary of the great Asbury Revival.  On February 3, 1970, Asbury College was conducting its usual chapel service.  Chapel services usually ran for one hour ... but this one ran for a whole week without interruption.  Revival had come.

Many think that revival is a week of planned meetings, led by a guest evangelist.  The Asbury revival disproves such a belief.  The Asbury revival was not planned and preaching did not even occur.  Much of the uninterrupted service included students repenting of sin and getting right with God.

I am convinced that the only hope for America is revival.  Revival is not evangelism, although it produces evangelism.  Revival is all about God's people getting right with Him.  Revival in the church is often required before there will be an awakening among the lost.

We tend to think that revival is all about drawing larger crowds at church and a great deal of emotionalism.  I can't imagine revival coming without a certain degree of emotion, but that emotion is usually spawned by repentance and restoration of relationships.

I am convinced that most Christians are not enthusiastic about revival.  Some are apathetic because they have a false concept of what revival is really all about.  Others are very resistant to revival because of the high price that must be paid for revival to come.  In all fairness, revival does come with a steep price.  Most church members are not willing to humble themselves, destroy personal idols and seek the face of God.  Revival is uncomfortable to our sinful flesh and brings chaos to our routine.

I think it is obvious that revival is needed.  Televangelists often portray Christianity in an unfavorable light, causing many to think that churches only want their money.  Unbiblical teaching and superficial "experiences" shown by some TV ministries have many unbelievers convinced that Christianity is a fake religion.  Local churches aren't much better.  Many local churches are either spiritually dead or on life support.  Other churches seem to be like the theater, putting on a choreographed performance each week.  Missing from most evangelical churches is the power of the Holy Spirit, changing lives through the ministry of God's Word.  This life-changing ministry cannot be produced through entertainment, impressive programs or stirring music.  Only God can bring such a change. 

While some plan for revival, God cannot be programmed to respond at our beckoning.  He acts according to His own plan & at His own timing.  There are many who foolishly think that God may be manipulated into bringing revival.  We can't control God by our emotions or actions.  However, I do think there are two things we should do if we yearn for a mighty move of God.

1.  PRAY
First of all, pray for revival.  One prominent pastor seemed to condemn the very concept of revival.  He felt that pastors & churches simply need to "do what they know they ought to be doing," rather than pray for revival.  I fear that this pastor overemphasizes the human effort in spiritual matters and de-emphasizes the need for the supernatural.  Whether this is the case or not for him, I know that revival will never come without the Lord.  Jesus said, "Ask and ye shall receive."  It is time for God's people to get on their knees and get serious with God about their attitudes, affections and actions.  It is time for churches to seek God in prayer.  Without Him, there is no hope for America.

We cannot produce revival, but we can prepare for revival.  We cannot manipulate God into bringing revival, but we can make ourselves willing candidates for revival.  While we need to pray for revival, we must understand that prayer is not a substitute for obedience.  When we are led to repent of a specific sin, we should immediately respond with humility, submission and determination. 

We need revival.  It is wrong to expect unbelievers to repent if we are not willing to repent ourselves.  It is wrong to expect your neighbor to get right with God if you are not right with God yourself.  Revival begins on an individual basis.  We must get serious with God ourselves. 

Change must occur at the house of God, but it must start with you and me.  These are desperate times.  It is time for us to seek God in desperation. 

Join with me in praying the words of the old hymn,

Revive us again; fill each heart with Thy love;
May each soul be rekindled with fire from above.
Hallelujah, Thine the glory,
Hallelujah, Amen,
Hallelujah, Thine the glory,
Revive us again!

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...