And there came a man of God, and spake unto the king of Israel, and said, Thus saith the LORD, Because the Syrians have said, The LORD is God of the hills, but he is not God of the valleys, therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand, and ye shall know that I am the LORD.”
- 1 Kings 20:28
Life is filled with mountain-top experiences and low valleys. We are tempted to think that we are close to God on the mountains but far from Him in the valleys. Furthermore, we tend to think we are in the will of God when we celebrate on the mountains but we must be out of God's will if we roam the valleys. Such thinking rivals the thoughts of the Syrians. They believed that the God of Israel was only God of the hills, but not God of the valleys.

The fact is that God is the God of the mountains AND the God of the valleys. He is just as much God when we struggle through the valleys as when we shout from the mountain tops. We may not like it, but we need the valleys. If we only stayed on the mountains, we'd get soon take it for granted and get further from God. Our fleshly nature tends to be independent and self-serving. As we dwell in sinful flesh, too much time on the mountain can be bad for us.

Here are three reasons why we need to walk with God through the valleys:

First of all, valleys tend to strengthen our faith. It has been said that a faith that has not be tested cannot be trusted. Just as a muscle grows when it is stretched, our faith must be stretched before it can grow. Do you know a person of faith that you look up to? More than likely you'll find that their faith is strong because they have been in valleys. Valleys keep us close to God. We pray more effectively in the valleys. We draw strength from God's Word while we are in the valleys. The valleys keep us depending on the promises of God. Yes, valleys strengthen our faith.

Secondly, when we walk in the valleys, we find out who our real friends are. When we walk through valleys, we depend upon our Christian friends for support, help, encouragement and prayer. We find that God uses people around us to minister to us. Fellowship with God's people becomes a powerful resource when we need it most.

God wants us to be fruitful Christians. Fruit tends to grow more in the valleys than on the mountains. Mountains tend to be more rocky and barren. When it rains, the water tends to flow from the hills into the valleys. Water is needed if fruit is to grow. We'd like to see sunshine every day, but rain is needed if we wish to see precious fruit. Valleys tend to be fruitful areas. More than likely, your spiritual fruit has come because of your valley experiences, not the time on the mountains.

Valleys are special because our God is the God of the valleys. We need to learn two facts about valleys. The first fact we learn is that valleys are temporary. God does not simply take us to a valley. Neither does He bring us into a valley. Instead, He leads us THROUGH the valley. The second lesson we learn is that we never go through valleys alone. God is always there with us. The final valley we will cross will be the valley of death. David wrote about this valley: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.” Notice we will walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death. We may walk through this valley with confidence, “... for thou art with me.” God walks with us through the valleys. He leads us through the valleys to the other side.

The God of the mountains is also God of the valleys. When we cross the final valley, we will reach our home in heaven. Here's the best news of all: in heaven, there will be no valleys.


As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” - Revelation 3:19

There is a price to pray for revival. Last week, we saw that we must pay the price on our knees in prayer. In this message, we are looking at the fact that we must pay the price for revival by repenting.

Repentance is a subject that we think is about “someone else.” We think that we aren't the ones who need to repent, but “others” certainly do. Some people think that repentance is a subject that needs to be preached to sinners. Certainly that is so. However, God's people need to regularly practice repentance. Conversion is just the beginning of a life of repentance.

If you read the New Testament, you'll find that John the Baptist, Jesus, the Apostle Peter and the Apostle Paul were among those who preached about repentance.  Repentance is very much a New Testament word.

If we yearn to see revival in this generation, we must face the reality that repentance is needed. Let's not fool ourselves. There is much to repent about these days, especially in the church. Many professing Christians are merely lukewarm at best. While we have nearly perfected the art of conducting church, we have done so with the noticeable absence of the Holy Spirit. Many are playing church while the world goes to hell. It is wrong, and even hypocritical of us, to expect sinners to repent if we refuse to repent ourselves.

When it comes to the subject of repentance, it is easy to pick on sinners and even the lukewarm church members, but the real issue is about the person you see in the mirror. Do you need to repent?

The psalmist prayed, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” That is a dangerous prayer to pray … unless you mean business with God. Have you ever asked God to search you and reveal the results?

I offer you the same challenge that the missionary Bertha Smith used to give. Get on your knees and ask God to reveal the sins in your life. Write them down, confess them and repent of them fully. You'll find that the experience is like taking a warm shower.

Repentance is the key to personal revival. You may experience revival yourself this very day by repenting of your sins and getting close to God. James wrote, “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.” We like to quote the first part of that verse, but we neglect the last half. The Lord only allows clean people to enter His presence.

Repentance will require humility and honesty --- two virtues that are rare these days, even in the church. There is a price to pray for revival. We must repent and come clean with God. Those who practice repentance enjoy the sweetest fellowship with Jesus.

Repentance is a price worth paying.

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...