Intentional Living

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” - Galatians 6:9

As we close out an old year and face a new year, people often make resolutions. Most of these resolutions last for just a few days, sometimes a few weeks. Rarely do we find these resolutions kept for an entire year.

New Year's resolutions tend to be a waste of time. Instead of making resolutions, I set goals for the upcoming year. I've been doing this for many years. Some years I do better at my goals than other years, but even in the lean years, I tend to keep some, if not most, of my goals.

As we face a new year, let me challenge you to live intentionally. Far too many people live aimless lives. Without goals a person lets the winds of life dictate their direction. I believe it is important to determine the right direction to go and then pursue it. Sometimes you have to sail into the wind to get to your destination. If you allow the wind to chart your course, you may end up in any number of wrong locations.

Most of the changes that are needed most will not occur automatically. It will require planning and hard work to see the results most of us desire. Whether it is losing weight, growing spiritually or improving relationships, these things will not occur without effort. You have to be intentional about good health. You must be intentional to have great relationships. You must be intentional to grow in your faith. I have found that there are some things that never get done unless I am intentional about doing them. The most important things in life require intentional effort, but they also produce the best results.

As you approach a new year, let me give encourage you live intentionally. Here are a few suggestions:


First of all, pray. Seek God's help for the upcoming year. Learn what destination you need to aim for, the direction you need to chart and the steps you need to take. God knows what is best for you. Look to Him for the guidance and help you need.  


Secondly, plan. It is been said, “The man who fails to plan has planned to fail.” If your goal is challenging, you may wish to break the goal down into smaller steps. People who plan tend to get more done than those who don't. Put your goals and plans on paper. Be specific. Jesus said, “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?” Proper planning may prevent unnecessary pain and problems. Let me give you an example. Most college students have a plan in place when they go to school. They know what degree they are pursuing and the track to get there. If a person goes to college without any direction, he or she will spend a lot of time and money on classes that may never lead to a degree. Planning is important.


Next, put the plan into action. It is easier to plan than it is to work. At some point, however, the plan needs to be implemented. In large tasks, it is better to break down the project into smaller tasks that are easily accomplished. In any case, any worthwhile goal will require hard work. Most of this work cannot be done from your recliner.


Next, be patient. The most worthwhile goals will take time to accomplish. I think it is important to regularly review your list of goals. Whether you revisit your goals weekly or daily, be encouraged to keep on going. Don't stop. As Paul wrote, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” It is easy to get discouraged when you fail to see immediate results. Don't let that stop you. Keep your eyes on the goal. Sometimes goals need to be tweaked or changed, but most of the time we simply need to be patient.

In archery, a participant usually concentrates on the “bulls eye” as he practices. Continue practice makes him more successful. The key is continual effort and concentrating on the target. The same is true in life. Find the right target and work on hitting that target consistently over a long period of time.

It goes without saying that we will need God's help every step of the way. Continually seek God and trust Him for the help you will need. His grace is the most important aspect of intentional living.

I don't know what the new year will bring. I just know that those who live intentionally will accomplish more than those who don't. Don't let your life pass you by without fulfilling your God-given calling. Don't waste your life. Live intentionally, beginning today!

The Greatest Gift Of All

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16

This coming Friday will mark the annual observance of Christmas. December 25th has been set aside for us to remember the birth of Jesus. It is a shame that this holiday has been marred by consumerism. It seems strange that we celebrate a birthday and everyone receives a gift but Him. In fact, it is even more strange that everyone is invited to celebrate His birth --- except Him. For most Americans, they are glad to celebrate Christmas … just leave out the part about Jesus' birth.

Believe it or not, Christmas is really about a gift that was given for you and me. It is not a gift that is wrapped and placed under your Christmas tree. Instead, this gift was wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a manager in a little town called Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago.

Jesus spoke about this gift in the most famous verse of the Bible, John 3:16. Jesus said, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Notice three things about this gift:


First of all, it is a gift of love. Jesus said, “For God so loved the world...” The reason that this gift was given was because of love. God loved you so much that He gave a special gift just for you. Usually, when a person loves you, that love is sometimes expressed through a gift. That is certainly the case with the gift that Jesus refers to in this verse.


Secondly, it is gift from the Lord. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave...” A gift is meaningful to us if it comes from a special source. It is awesome to realize that God Himself gave a gift for you.

Furthermore, God's gift was an extravagant gift. God did not provide you with a cheap gift. He provided you with the most expensive gift that's ever been provided. He gave His own Son, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.” His gift is an amazing gift, the value of which cannot be estimated. You will never receive a more expensive gift than this one.


Finally, we realize the purpose behind this gift. God loves you so much that He gave His Son, “... that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” What better gift can be given than life itself? This is not only the most expensive gift you can receive, it is the most needed gift. Apart from this gift, you and I would be doomed for eternity because of sin. We would perish in our sins and receive the penalty we richly deserve. But God did for us what we could not do for ourselves. He intervened in our situation and paid the debt we could not pay. He gave His Son, Jesus, to pay for our sins. Through repentance and faith, we receive eternal life through Jesus Christ. What a gift!!

Yet a gift is only beneficial if you receive it. You must receive, by faith, the gift of eternal life by receiving Jesus Himself. The Bible says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” Too many people treat salvation as a “get-out-of-hell free” pass. That is wrong. When we repent and believe the Gospel, we actually receive Jesus Himself.

You see, Jesus is not just the way to eternal life, He IS eternal life. Jesus Himself said, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”

Have you received this gift? If not, make this moment you do so. Take the time to get alone with God. Repent of your sins. Trust Jesus alone to save you. Surrender your life to Him right now. Christmas has a completely different meaning to you once your receive the gift of eternal life.

If you have received this gift, let me encourage you to share the Gospel message with others. There are family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors and even strangers who need the Lord. Share the greatest gift with those who need Him most.

Jesus Christ is the greatest gift of all!!!

Minor Music

But none saith, Where is God my maker, who giveth songs in the night.” - Job 35:10

I have a confession to make. For a long time, I was not a huge fan of songs written in minor music. These songs have a very sad tune that is usually married to very gloomy or tragic lyrics. Songs in minor music are more difficult to sing and are often appropriate only in certain occasions.

I have changed my tune somewhat about minor music (pun intended). While I still prefer songs in major music, I realize that there are songs that have a poignant message that can only be properly interpreted through minor music.

For me, the change began in 1982. As a fan of four-part harmony, I always loved the sound of Southern Gospel quartets. In 1982, the top quartet in Southern Gospel Music was the Cathedrals. By and large, they remained the top quartet until the group disbanded in 1999. In 1982, they recorded a classic album entitled, LIVE IN ATLANTA. In spite of the fact the song was never a radio single, the best song on the album was a Dianne Wilkinson song, “We Shall See Jesus.” If you've never heard the song, do yourself a favor and research this song and listen to it on Youtube.

The song is in major music except for the second verse. This verse was recorded in minor music. The second verse depicts the solemn event of the crucifixion. The song then transitions back to major music for the third verse, which is the resurrection verse.

I don't think the second verse of that song would have had nearly the impact it did without minor music. In her book, Dianne Wilkinson would later reveal that she did not write the song with minor music for the second verse. This was added by the Cathedrals. However she felt that the change was a great modification to her original song. I agree.

Life is much like music. It would be great if every day was like music written in major music, upbeat and positive. It just isn't that way, is it? Some may argue that the entire year of 2020 has been in minor music. The sadness and heartbreak of the year have many of us singing the blues. We long for 2021 to be in major music again.

What would music be without minor chords or minor music? It would severely limit our musical options. Minor music is important, sometimes even vital.

We need days of minor music. Bittersweet days will come our way. Sadness and regrets force us to dig deep in life for vitality and hope. Without days of minor music, we would not appreciate major music nearly as much. The days of minor music force us to be more contemplative and prayerful. We seek God more through the notes of minor music. When life transitions back to major music, it should sharpen our gratitude. We find our praise is more refined.

Perhaps you are down right now. Maybe you've lost a job or had to say goodbye to a loved one. These are days of minor music for you. During these night seasons, we struggle to find our song. Expressing a song during the dark days of life requires spiritual maturity. Yet the One who gives songs in the night is worthy to receive such songs from our lips.

God is praised through the minor music as well as the major. He is worthy of our praise whether our heart is overflowing with a long list of major-key songs or whether we simply sing a simple tune in minor music from the ashes of our despair.

The temptation is to quit singing when the days are difficult or heartbreaking. Minor music is difficult to sing or perform. During these days it requires diligence and determination to sing once again.

May we never lose sight of the fact that God has given us music for our days. We don't sing and perform only when circumstances are good. God gives us songs in the night so we may sing them for His glory.

We express our praise to an audience of One. He is good whether our circumstances are good or not. 

Is Church Essential?

 “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” - Hebrews 10:24-25

During this ongoing pandemic, some local and state governments have mandated the closure of all businesses and inside gatherings, with the exception of essential businesses. As I write this, only a few areas are facing such mandates, but the list is growing. A major question has been raised during this pandemic. Are church services essential?

During this pandemic, many churches have resorted to outside meetings, online services and creative ways to minister to believers. Some, however, refuse to eliminate indoor services. This has brought about a clash between these local congregations and their government. It brings us back to the original question: Is church essential?

To most unbelievers, the answer to that question is no. I've noticed how many unbelievers have lashed out at churches and pastors for maintaining indoor services, calling them “uncaring” and “hypocritical.”

Even among professing believers, there is great disagreement over this issue. Some strictly state that the Constitution forbids the government from interfering with worship. Others say that the health of the people is critical and that other methods of ministry is better than indoor gatherings.

My intention is not to take sides on the issue of indoor gathers during this pandemic. Churches should exercise common sense about social distancing and caring for the health of its members. Whether a local church has indoor services or not is not the main issue here. The issue is whether professing believers have a passion for the church like Jesus has.

I heard a statistic recently that revealed that 30% of the people who quit coming to church during the pandemic will not return when the virus is behind us. Obviously, if this statistic is accurate, church is not essential to these people.

The problem is that church has not been essential for many professing believers long before this pandemic. If they were honest, most churches would report that they have members of their church who rarely, if ever, attend.

Here's the vital question: is church essential to you? Prior to this pandemic, did you attend church regularly? Could the church count on you to be present and actively participate in church services? Was church a vital part of your week or did you just attend sporadically? The answer to these questions reveal how essential church really is to you.

You see, it is possible to declare church to be essential, but your attendance, or lack thereof, testifies greatly whether your claim is valid or not.

For many people, church is not essential, just an option. For others, church is important, but not vital. For a small remnant, church is essential.

An increasing number of professing believers have not only left the church but are openly encouraging others to do the same. Jesus loved the Church and gave His life for the Church, but suddenly the Church is neglected, demeaned and even abused by those who claim Christ as Lord.

Some would argue that there is a difference between THE CHURCH and a local congregation. However, when you read the book of Acts and the epistles, it is plain to see that the Christian life was expected to be lived and expressed through a local body of believers.

Local churches provide an opportunity for public worship, Biblical instruction and fellowship. Local churches give believers opportunity to grow and develop for service. Missionaries are sent and supported by local churches. Evangelism is actively promoted through local churches. Local churches often play a key role in meeting humanitarian needs.

Is the church essential to you? Perhaps one reason that the unbelieving world refuses to see the church as essential is because too many in the church act the same way.

It is time for us to seriously ask ourselves if we are really following Christ or simply following our culture.

Holy Habits

HOLY HABITS “ Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” - Galatians 6:7 We are creatures ...