Medicine For The Soul

Because thine heart was tender, and thou hast humbled thyself before the Lord, when thou heardest what I spake against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, that they should become a desolation and a curse, and hast rent thy clothes, and wept before me; I also have heard thee, saith the Lord.” - 2 Kings 22:19

I don't like to take medicine, especially cough medicine. Cough medicine tends to have such an awful taste. Cough medicine that has really helped me always had a really bad taste.

Life is much like that. There are certain things that are good for us that we don't enjoy. Exercise is good for you, but most of us avoid it. Healthy food is valuable, but we gravitate towards more tasty, unhealthy food.

When it comes to our walk with God, we tend to resist the best things because they aren't enjoyable. Like cough medicine, there are certain aspects of Christian living that seems to have a bad taste, yet accomplishes so much good. Probably the best medicine for the soul is repentance.

Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of life. Repentance is turning from wrong things so you may enjoy good things. Repentance is saying “no,” to sin so you may say, “yes” to the Lord. Repentance is the u-turn that you make in life that takes you from going the wrong direction to moving the right direction

Most of us offer resistance at the very mention of the word, “repentance.” The very concept of repentance is repugnant to us. Repentance goes against the grain of our human temperament. But like medicine, the right dose at the right time produces glorious results.

The fact is that most of us want spiritual health but we don't like the repentance required to bring us that health. We'd rather remain weak and sick than to take the medicine of repentance. Yet the few who repent are the people who reach great spiritual heights and experience greater intimacy with God.

In the days of Josiah, the discovery of God's law in the temple led to a time of genuine repentance. In response to the convicting words that he heard, Josiah rent his clothes, wept and prayed. He repented. His repentance led to wide scale repentance in his kingdom. It is no wonder that the days of Josiah were considered the last glory days in Judah.

We want glory days, but not the repentance that must precede them. We want the product of revival without the process of revival.

Repentance is a subject that we often think is for “someone else.” Yet medicine is never administered by proxy. You must take your own medicine if you wish to be healthy.

Realizing that repentance is medicine for the soul, let me give you three good reasons why we need to take this medicine on a daily basis.


This medicine has been prescribed for us personally by the Great Physician. You see, the Lord knows our pain and problems better than we do. His diagnosis is always accurate. His treatment always works. For our apathetic, cold hearts, He has given us a prescription: daily repentance.


Secondly, this medicine is powerful. It is true that this medicine is not pleasing to take. Yet when it is a properly administered at the proper time, the results can be amazing. Lives are literally changed by taking this medicine. You will never soar very high without a regular dose of this medicine.


Finally, this medicine is proven. Throughout the Scriptures we find men and women who've practiced repentance. Their lives have been a testimony of God's grace. In Church history, great revivals have often begun with the personal repentance of people. For instance, on February 3, 1970, revival broke out on the campus of Asbury College. A simple 1-hour chapel service turned into an unexpected week-long revival. Testimonies of the event reveal that much of what occurred was Spirit-led conviction that led to genuine repentance among the students, staff and visitors. Lives were genuinely changed.

Repentance is the best medicine for an ailing soul. Some souls are not showing much outward signs of trouble, yet the Great Physician probes deeper than the surface. He is the One that is calling believers to a fresh walk with Him, beginning with personal repentance.

The best medicine in the world is useless as long as it stays in the bottle. If repentance is great medicine for the soul, why not take a good dose of it right now?

Back To The Bible

And Hilkiah the high priest said unto Shaphan the scribe, I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord.” 
- 2 Kings 22:8

The word, “revival,” is used frequently in some Christian circles. Yet if revival really came, I am not convinced that most people would appreciate it. Real revival brings massive changes that unsettles the status quo. Most people really don't want the flow of life to be radically altered. When Christians say they want to see revival, what they actually mean is that they want to see the church grow. They want to see conversions. They want others to change. But they don't want to change themselves.

When revival came during the reign of Josiah, the whole fabric of society changed. It began with the removal of all idols. It continued with the massive effort to restore God's house. During this restoration process, our text says that something unexpected was discovered: “And Hilkiah the high priest said unto Shaphan the scribe, I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord.”

This discovery reached the ears of the king, who had God's Word read to him. Rather than rejoicing at its message, the king rent his clothes. From the message he heard, Josiah knew that his nation had sinned greatly against God and was facing judgment.

The discovery of God's Word had led the king to understand the nature of God's holiness. It became obvious to him that Judah had failed to keep God's law. At this critical moment, the king sought spiritual help.

In our country, the Bible remains the best selling book of all time. Nearly every home has at least one copy of God's Word. Many believers have several copies of the Bible. Additionally, we have Bible software and internet resources available to help us read and study the Bible. Yet few people actually spend time on a regular basis reading the Bible.

We need get back to the Bible. Get it out of your bookshelf. Dig it out of storage. Dust it off. Open it up. Begin to read the Bible like its important --- because it is.

If there has ever been a time we need the Bible, it is right now. There can never be a real revival unless it is a Bible revival. A genuine revival causes a believer to keep a Bible in his hand and a prayer in his heart. The prayer closet and the study are visited daily.

Let me challenge you to get your Bible out and do three things daily:


First of all, spend time reading the Bible each day. If you read just one chapter of the New Testament every day, you can read the entire New Testament in less than a year. If you read about 3 chapters of the Bible daily, you can read the entire Bible in about a year. While the New Testament seems more valuable at first, don't neglect the Old Testament. The Bible is God's love letter to you. Read it as such.


Secondly, feed on God's Word. Slowly digest what you are reading. Meditate on the Word. Feast on the Word daily. You feed your body daily, don't you? It makes good sense to feed your soul daily. A good sermon on Sunday can be a wonderful blessing, but it is also a great blessing to meet with God in His Word every day.


Finally, heed God's Word. We need to obey the Word of God. God's Word was not given solely for your information, for your transformation. Slowly over time God's Word molds the life of a believer. Our application of God's Word makes all the difference. God wants you to do more than merely hear His commands, He expects you to heed His commands.

These days so many people argue about the accuracy of news stories, social media posts and TV commentaries. Push all of that aside. Get into the Word. The Bible is 100% true and reliable. It is a message from God to you. What can be bigger or better than that?

If you really want to see revival, if you really want to see your life change, get back to the Bible. Get into God's Word and let God's Word get into you.

Real Revival

 Now in the eighteenth year of his reign, when he had purged the land, and the house, he sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah, and Maaseiah the governor of the city, and Joah the son of Joahaz the recorder, to repair the house of the Lord his God.” - 2 Chronicles 34:8

Last week, I wrote about the early years of Josiah's reign. God used Josiah to bring about a real revival in the land of Judah. Previous kings had been evil and reckless. Josiah was a godly leader who sought to bring Judah back to God.

Last week, we learned that Josiah began with the removal of idols. Idolatry has always been a problem with mankind. While it is true that Americans may not be kneeling before statues or handcrafted idols, we must admit that our land is consumed with the worship of money, power, prestige, sports, politics and materialism. We need a good cleansing of such idols today. It begins on a personal level as we repent by removing such idols.

Our text today describes the second phase of Josiah's work. After personal repentance comes the work of restoring the house of God. During times of spiritual apathy and apostasy, the house of God always deteriorates. In our day, church buildings may seem to be impressive from the outside, but spiritual neglect is currently going on. Most Americans are like the people of Judah prior to Josiah. They think that the house of God is unimportant.

The current pandemic is giving many an excuse to dismiss church from their lives. Far too many people consider consider church to be an unnecessary institution. While using Covid-19 as an excuse to stay away from church, many of these same people have no problem shopping for long periods of time at Wal-Mart or sitting for a while in a doctor's office waiting room. Other aspects of life continue to go on, like work, recreation and travel. The neglect of God's house is not a sign of a pandemic, but a result of a greater disease … spiritual apathy.

It is time for God's house to be the highlight of each week. Church is necessary for our lives. If you claim to be a Christian, you owe much to the local church. Perhaps you were converted at a church. You were probably baptized at a local church. You may have been married at a church. You probably witnessed the conversion of family members at a church. The church has played a pivotal role in your spiritual growth and maturity. To treat the church with neglect at this time is a form of spiritual abandonment.

Let me recommend that every believer renew his or her commitment to the local church. Here are a few suggestions.


First of all give your physical support by attending every service. Don't be an unreliable church member. Show up every time the doors are open. Don't just declare your support for the church with your lips, demonstrate your support with your presence.


Secondly, show spiritual support for your church. You may do this, first of all, by praying for your church, its pastor, leaders and ministries. Secondly, come to church with a spiritual hunger for the Word. Desire the spiritual fellowship. Don't be emotionally detached. Instead, be spiritually involved in your church. If you are born again believer, but you aren't a church member, find a good Bible-believing church and become a faithful member.


Also, give financial support to your church. Put your money where your mouth is. I believe the local church should be supported by the generous giving of its members. If you are a member of a local church, you have an obligation to support your church. Don't be stingy. Let your love and appreciation be demonstrated through generous support.


Finally, give promotional support to your church. Talk about your church with others. Invite neighbors and family members to church. Offer to bring people with you as you attend. Make the Gospel known to those around you. Be an ambassador for Christ throughout the week. It may be that the Lord will use you to bring people to saving faith in Christ. Maybe before 2021 is over, you may have friends, family members and neighbors sitting beside you each week at church.

You need the local church and the local church needs you. In 2021, make it a priority to be in church at each service. Be a faithful, generous, active member of your church. God will bless you and your church in the process.

Revival is needed at nearly every church in America. It is time for God's people to stand up and be counted.  That would be real revival.

You may be the key to revival right where you are!

Take Out The Trash

... in the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet young, he (Josiah) began to seek after the God of David his father: and in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, and the groves, and the carved images, and the molten images.” - 2 Chronicles 34:3

Is it possible for a nation to experience a great awakening? Can a nation really experience a spiritual turnaround, even after years of spiritual neglect and apostasy? It is not only possible for such a reversal to occur, it has actually happened before. When Josiah began to reign in Jerusalem, everything was a mess. Evil kings had preceded Josiah. Their decisions and evil works had led Judah astray.

As I wrote in an earlier blog this week, our nation is in a mess. A lot of accusations, excuses and finger-pointing has been going on in the aftermath of the breach at the US Capitol. It is embarrassing and shameful for our nation to be a such a low ebb. Vance Havner once said that the lowest ebb is the coming of the tide. We need the tide of revival to sweep our land. I am reminded of the old song,

Sweeping this way, yes, sweeping this way,
A mighty revival is sweeping this way.
Keep on believing, trust and obey;
A mighty revival is sweeping this way.

O, may this song be true of America in 2021! Such a revival occurred during the reign of Josiah. He began to reign at the very young age of eight years old. Our text teaches us that, “... in the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet young, he began to seek after the God of David his father: and in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, and the groves, and the carved images, and the molten images.” When he was just sixteen years of age, a mighty change began in their country. Notice two things that occurred:


First of all, our text teaches us that Josiah sought the God of David his father. Josiah sought the Lord. What is wrong with American Christians? Many have sought after a Trump revival and others have sought a Trump removal. Why have we placed so much confidence in people or politics? The Bible says, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in men.”

The Bible says, “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found.” Additionally, Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” We need to seek the Lord today. It is time we quit playing games and seriously seek God.

It is true that Josiah was a king and we're not. He had position and power than enabled him to make changes in his country. We don't have that luxury. I learned long ago that I don't have the power to change America, but with God's grace and help, I can be changed. America can only be changed one person at at a time.

We shouldn't expect politicians, actors or athletes to seek the Lord, if we aren't seeking Him. We claim to be followers of Jesus, but are we really following Him?

Let me also clarify something. It is one thing to seek the hand of God, it is another to seek His face. Most of the time, we seek blessings from His hand, but never seek the face of the Lord Himself.


Secondly, at age 20, Josiah began to cleanse the land. He began removing idols. Most of us could boast that we don't have images, carvings or statues in our homes that we worship. Yet we can have idols in our hearts. Johnny Hunt once defined an idol as a God-substitute. We are only kidding ourselves if we think that idols don't exist. Social media can be an idol. Politics can be an idol. Sports can be an idol. We can make idols of our hobbies, money, career or even family. Anything that takes the rightful place of God in your life is an idol.

Josiah began the long process of cleaning up the land. On a regular basis, you probably take out the trash where you live and work. Taking out trash is not a fun job. It can be messy. Yet it is needful. We need to get rid of junk, waste and garbage. The same thing is true of our lives.

It is not my job to clean up America, but I can clean up my part of America. I can't rid this nation of its numerous idols, but with God's help, I can get rid of the idols from my own life. I can't force Biden or Trump to seek God, but I can seek Him myself. I can't cause this nation to experience a spiritual revival, but I can submit myself to God and ask Him to bring such a revival in me.

I need to seek God and take out the trash in my own life. I need to get rid of idols, selfishness and pride. I need to take out the trash of arrogance, self-righteousness and wrong priorities. Garbage can easily take over a person's life. The only way to keep your life clean is to regularly take out the trash.

Today is a good day to start!

Heal Our Land

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:14

Wednesday was a dark day for our country. We witnessed the unthinkable --- Americans storming the US Capitol.

What has happened to our country? What has happened to civility? What has happened to common sense?

Things are out of control in our country --- and that didn't just start on Wednesday. This has been building up for some time. There is plenty of blame to go around, including BOTH sides of the political isle.

Do you want to know who I blame most for the mess this country is in? Christians. Yes, we have become tasteless salt. The light of our witness is about as dark as the world we live in. Rather than making a positive difference, we are part of the problem. We are known more by what we stand against instead of the One we stand for. Many Christians, even preachers, are more known for their political views than their spiritual beliefs. It is sad, but true, that many church members are far more passionate about their politics than they have ever been about Jesus.

2 Chronicles 7:14 was quoted by many at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. Yet this verse was not written to America. Instead, God gave this word to Israel. God said to Israel, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Our country needs healing right now. Even though 2 Chronicles 7:14 was not written to American Christians, there are some things we need to face. Rather than rising to our feet in boldness, we need to fall on our faces in humility. Instead of calling Congressmen, we need to call on the Lord. It is easy to condemn others, but the answer is to repent ourselves.

Some believe that a new President will bring healing to our land. Let me be very clear: only God can heal our land. Isn't it time that we repent of our worldliness? There are church members who act more like pagans than Christians. It is time for us to repent.

For a long time, I've stated that the answer to America's woes won't be found in the voting booth but in the prayer closet. I believe this more than ever. It is time to get back in the prayer closet!

Some say that there is great corruption in our government. Do you know what bothers me so much? The corruption I see within my own heart. The truth be known, the swamp needs to be cleaned in our own lives. Beginning now.

It is time for Christians to get excited about Jesus once again. We need a spiritual awakening that turns this nation around. God has the power to heal our land, but it can only occur as hearts are changed.

It begins with your heart and mine.


Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” 
- Luke 5:4

Have you ever felt that your life has been spent in the shallow waters? Do you have a longing to go deeper with God, but fear and apprehension has held you back?

It is safer to wade the shallow waters. You can splash the water around with your feet and have fun. You can tell your friends, and even convince yourself that you are wading in the deep. But you know if you are wading ankle-deep in the water with an entire ocean at your back.

Most of American Christianity is spent in the shallow waters. We tend to focus on superficial matters to the neglect of the supernatural. We are content to have Sunday morning religion but we dare not go deeper and be labeled a fanatic.

I don't know about you, but I admire those who have a passion for God and a zeal to share Him with others. Shouldn't that be the same for all Christians? Instead, we have allowed our culture and burnt-out church members to lead us into the spiritual quicksand of mediocrity.

Sometimes fish can be caught in the shallow waters, but if you are interested in a mighty catch, you need to go into the deeper waters. That is what Peter did. Despite the fact he had an unsuccessful season of fishing, Peter heeded the words of Jesus when the Lord said, “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” Obeying Jesus resulted in the catch of a lifetime.

I don't know about you, but I am tired of seeing so many churches fish the shallow waters. Once in a while, a fish is caught, but most of the fish remain uncaught because we fail to launch out in the deep where most of the fish are.

In these days of Covid-19, many are telling churches to quit fishing. We are told to head for shore and cease operations until things improve. I am not suggesting that Christians should act carelessly about Covid-19, but I also don't believe we should let our nets dry-rot while waiting for a better season.

While it is possible for a tide of revival to overwhelm you occasionally as you trod in shallow waters, the blessings of deep water fishing may be enjoyed all the time. If you've ever noticed, most of the crowd stays on the beach or in the shallow waters. Few launch into the deep.

Simon Peter's life was changed after he launched into the deep. He became a fisher of men. After Jesus' ascension, Peter launched into the deep with a challenging message on the Day of Pentecost. Peter once again experienced the blessing of seeing a mighty catch.

Are you tired of shallow living? Are you tired of empty nets? Do you envy believers who sail the deep waters and return with an awesome catch? Then it is time for you to leave the shallow waters.

The key to deep water fishing is found in Luke 5:2-3. Jesus was in the boat when He told Peter to go deeper. Jesus was on board with Peter. Without Jesus, our fishing is in vain. However, you can be sure that when God guides, He provides. He desires for His children to trust and obey Him. It didn't make sense for Peter to go back into the deep waters, but when Jesus beckons you to go, the deep waters should be your destination.

2020 was a year when many boats remained empty, tied to the docks. Some have ventured into the shallow waters. Very few have gone deeper.

Don't waste your life any longer in the shallows. In 2021, let's go deeper with the Lord and trust Him for a mighty catch!

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...