To Tell The Truth

 "Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.” - Psalm 51:6

When I was growing up, our family would occasionally watch an old game show on television entitled, “To Tell The Truth.” I understand that a modern version is running these days on network television. The premise of the show is simple, three people are brought before a team of celebrities, each claiming to be a person with an unusual job or a remarkable life experience. The team of celebrities then question the three people, trying to determine which one is telling the truth. The other two contestants are just pretending.

While it may be entertaining to watch a team of celebrities guess who is telling the truth, in real life it is much more difficult to discern the honesty of others. It is not entertaining to have someone lie or deceive you. We expect others to tell us the truth.

Dishonesty is a major problem in our society. Politicians, news reporters and even ministers have been caught lying or deceiving people. This has occurred so often that we are no longer shocked by the overt dishonesty of people.

While lying is a horrible sin, it has a deeper root. The reason people lie is because they have a sinfully depraved nature. Like candidates on “To Tell The Truth,” we are guilty of pretending to be something we are not. Rather than being people of character and integrity, we seek to have a polished image. While you may impress others with a good image, the reality beneath the veneer can only be hidden for a short period of time. Sooner or later, the truth comes out.

A life of duplicity is often called hypocrisy. While it is easy to spot hypocrisy in others, it is more difficult to recognize it in ourselves. While we easily condemn the pretense of others, we are quick to guard or excuse our own pretense. Why should we pretend? Just to impress those we hardly know?

Even in church, it is possible to live in falsehood. Some pretend to be spiritual when they're not. Others pretend to be strong Christians, even though they are struggling daily. A few even pretend to be Christians while living in rebellious sin for years.

Like an actor, it is possible to create a public role that is separate from reality. While others may see the public role, God sees the reality. Often the public role is more impressive than reality. Instead of improving reality, it is easier to hide reality behind the mask of public image.

Of course the danger is that we begin believing the fiction rather than the reality. We end up lying to more than the general public. We eventually believe the lie ourselves. It takes a work of God to upset this routine and bluntly show us reality.

Look at the life of King David for a moment. He committed the horrible sin of adultery. As if that wasn't bad enough, he tried to hide his sin. His elaborate attempts to avoid responsibility eventually led to the dark sin of murder. Through it all, David went about his daily routine as if nothing was wrong. On the surface, David seemed to do an admirable deed in marrying the widow, Bathsheba. To most citizens, David was an impressive man. God knew different. David spent an entire year deceiving others. When God sent the prophet, Nathan, to challenge David, the mask of deceit came off. David's sin was exposed. In his repentance, David penned Psalm 51. In verse 6 of this psalm, David wrote, Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.” If David had come clean long before, so much heartache and pain could have been avoided. Instead, his deceit cost him dearly. Sincere truth is always better than polished deceit.

Although we like to think of ourselves as being honest, a more careful examination may proof otherwise. Rather than focusing on our image, let us seek to have Godly character. Instead of trying to impress others, let us seek personal integrity. Rather than desiring the applause of others, let us live to please God. Inner truth is often hidden by layers of scars and shame. The removal of these layers may be painful, but getting to the truth is always worth it.

After a painful time of honesty, David wrote that God desires inner truth. Shouldn't we?

The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” - Proverbs 18:13

This past week has been an eye-opening experience for me. This week, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) held its annual meeting. I am not a Southern Baptist. My church is not part of the SBC. However, I have friends in the SBC. There are good churches, gifted preachers and great people in the SBC. However, this year's SBC had a lot of tension leading up to the convention. In the aftermath of the convention, some are still troubled.

Like many denominations, the SBC has some inner conflicts. Certainly their problems are none of my business, since I am not affiliated with them. Obviously, I have not been hired as a consultant, so I'm not trying to give them advise or help them solve their problems. Instead, I want to focus on a major issue that seems to have deepened their conflict: social media. You see, social media has served as a means to propagate misinformation, rumors and character assassination leading up to and even after their convention. This is not just a SBC problem. It really exists beyond denominational walls.

Many use social media to express their opinions. Rather than using wisdom and common sense, some overtly share all their opinions, even at the expense of others. When these opinions are shared by others, the opinions go viral. Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms have become a gossip community, a sinful cesspool for the saints.

Nearly everyone on social media must confess that we are affected, to some degree, by what we read on Facebook or Twitter. If someone expresses a negative statement about someone, we are prone to believe it is true. Furthermore, we share or retweet statements without validating whether the statement is factual or not. We can find ourselves biased about a subject simply based upon hearsay.

In a court of law, a witness is sworn to “tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” Hearsay evidence is inadmissible in court. However, a lot of critical statements on social media is based upon hearsay and biased opinions.

The Bible says, “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” Disagreements seem to escalate into arguments on social media. Criticism is often shared without an actual first-hand knowledge of a situation or an investigation into the authenticity of the claims. Like it or not, we can be guilty of sinful gossip by our participation in such shenanigans.

To my brothers and sisters, regards of denomination, let me make some suggestions about our activity on social media.


First, before posting a criticism, sharing or retweeting a quote of or about someone, do your research. Did the person really make the statement you are quoting? If so, under what context? Are you sharing a honest statement?


Second, before posting a criticism, think. Is it God's will for you to post such a critical remark? Would you like to be quoted or criticized this way?


Third, pray for the person you're about to criticize. Don't pray a Pharisaical prayer. Instead, earnestly intercede for the person.

More than likely, if you do these three things, it is highly unlikely you'll proceed with your criticism or share another person's criticism.

You see, what you post on the internet is a reflection of your own integrity. You should desire to post things that are honest and true. Posting gossip, hearsay or accusations is sinful and wrong. Don't be guilty of slandering a brother in Christ! Consider how much falsehood you may have posted already. Like it or not, you are accountable to God for what you write on social media. Do you feel comfortable with that?

Speaking for myself, I'd rather share something positive, helpful or uplifting on social media. When someone stumbles onto my Facebook or Twitter page, I hope they find things that are honest and right. Most of all, I want God to be pleased with the things I share.

Brethren, let us use social media for the glory of God rather spreading rumors and gossip. When God and others see what we write, may they see the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

What Is Truth?

Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?” - John 8:38

The Free Dictionary defines truth as, “the quality of being true, genuine, actual or factual.” I think we could further improve this definition as something true, genuine, actual or factual with nothing held back and nothing added to it. No doubt you've heard the statement, “the facts are your friends.” While that is true, it is equally true that falsehood is your enemy.

Social media has become a cesspool of false information. To make things worse, Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies have made it their business to police information on their platforms. Their efforts are often criticized as being inconsistent and biased. At times they have even removed truthful information in their zeal to quash falsehood.

Among the dangers we face today, there is a temptation to dilute the truth, due to personal bias or preference. While this has become common place in our society, it robs truth of its meaning and power. Some news media outlets are criticized for biased interviews and reporting.

These days, it is difficult to trust anyone. The truth has nearly become extinct in our society. We can't believe politicians, the news media and even those in the church.

Truth is more than just an abstract theory, it is a major component to a properly functioning society. We need a revival of truth.

Pilate must have thought that truth was just a philosophical subject. He asked the question, “What is truth?” Pilate was clueless. Most Americans are, too.

The answer to Pilate's question was right in front of him. In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am … the truth.” Like Pilate, our society can't see the forest for the trees. Truth is more than an abstract concept, it involves the unadulterated facts that constitute reality. At the core of the truth is the Person of Truth, Jesus Christ. Thus the battle over truth is not a political, social or philosophical battle, it is a spiritual battle that costs people their souls.

Some feel that the battle over truth is not worth the cost. I declare that apathy will cost far more than any battle for truth.

Rejecting the truth does not destroy the truth, it merely reveals the nature of the person who rejects it. The truth may sometimes hurt, but it is always better than falsehood.

Don't be content to believe just anything, regardless of its popularity. Examine everything according to the standard of truth, including your own life.

There is an old saying that goes, “The truth will stand when the world is on fire.” Though this is not technically a Biblical quote, the substance of the quote is true. Ultimately, every person on earth will face judgment before a holy God. Each person will be judged based upon the truth.

What is truth? It is the unadulterated, genuine fact that Jesus is Lord and His Word is absolutely trustworthy.

Know the truth. Speak the truth. Live the truth.

Don't settle for anything less.

Truth Or Consequences

 “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” - Psalm 11:3

Bob Barker will always be known for the decades he hosted the TV game show, “The Price Is Right.” Older folks (like myself) may also remember him hosting another game show called, “Truth Or Consequences.” Personally, I saw it only in syndication. To the best of recollection, contestants were brought on stage and asked a trivia question. They had just 2 seconds to respond. Usually, the question was nearly impossible to answer … or a punch line to a really bad joke. Failing to provide the “truth” in response to the trivia question, they now must face the consequences, which was typically some kind of hilarious stunt.

It would be nice if life were so simple, but it isn't. The “truth” is not a matter of answering a trivia question or giving a correct answer to some riddle. To make things worse, failing to embrace the truth has dire consequences.

Despite everything you see on the news or read on the internet, the real battle going on in our country is not political or philosophical. It is a spiritual warfare. The main issue under attack is the subject of truth.

Our nation was built upon the foundation of truth. The preamble of the Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (emphasis added). Even though truth is a foundation of our nation's freedom, this foundation is being systematically destroyed by those in the highest offices of government, supported by many Americans.

Sadly, truth is only important at select times these days. People complain when politicians lie. They are hurt when people lie to them. But they are not hesitant to fudge an expense report or tell a convenient lie.

When politicians debate or make speeches, there are reporters who claim to “fact-check” their claims. Of course, the same reporters don't appreciate it when others do a fact-check of their reporting.

Isaiah 5:20-21 says, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” These condemning words are certainly applicable for America right now. Many in our nation call the truth a lie and a lie the truth.

Furthermore, manipulation is being used as part of the evil agenda to brainwash our people. Any person who publicly declares what the Bible says about homosexuality is harshly condemned for being judgmental and may soon be arrested for hate speech. Stating the Bible's opposition to the transgender lifestyle is met with open hostility and anger. Christians are being manipulated into remaining silent while sin is running rampant in our land. Ultimately, we are headed for a lawless society where the only crime will be Christianity.

Despite the overt hypocrisy about truth, our nation continues its rebellious and arrogant decent toward judgment. Some argue that judgment has already arrived in America. Sodom was on the brink of destruction when God mercifully delivered righteous Lot and his daughters. I am looking for the Lord to soon deliver us from this sin-infested world.

Truth may be unpopular today, but everyone will soon be judged by the very truth they are seeking to obliterate. The Bible says, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Our nation is sowing wickedly. Very soon it will be harvest time and reaping will occur. Those who hate and reject the truth will soon find that the greatest lie is the one they have told themselves. Those who reject the truth will soon face the consequences.

Although it will not be sung from the halls of Congress these days, Julia Ward Howe's famous chorus is certainly true:

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on!

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...