The Touch Of The Master's Hand


And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.” - Matthew 8:2-3

At the beginning of the Covid-19 experience, fear and terror was prevalent across our land. Much of this fear was due to a lack of information. We simply didn't know what we were facing. Health leaders were taking the road of caution, which helped fuel our fear and insecurity.

In the early days of Covid, we acted as if the disease was going to wipe out our population. If someone was diagnosed with Covid-19, it seemed like an automatic death sentence. Those who died from the disease often perished alone. Family members were not permitted to visit. The daily news was filled with stories of gloom and despair. Many had Covid and still were able to do regular activities. Yet they had to act is if they had leprosy. They stayed clear of everyone else. If we knew of someone with Covid, we tried to avoid them.

In Matthew chapter 8, Jesus encountered a leper. After our experiences with Covid-19, we can relate somewhat with this man. At the time, leprosy was a highly contagious, incurable disease. Lepers were isolated from others. When a leper met a person, he or she had to say, “Unclean, unclean,” to warn others to keep their distance. Lepers faced a lonely and hopeless future. More often than not, lepers died in their leper colony. Looking back, it was a heartbreaking situation.

When this leper met Jesus, he believed that Christ could help him. Jesus could have turned him away, but didn't. In spite of the man's contagious skin condition, Jesus had compassion on him. From a human perspective, it was dangerous for Jesus to come close to the man, yet He did even more than that. The Bible says that Jesus touched the leper. One touch from the Master is better than all the medicine in the world. With just a touch from the Master, the leper was cured. His leprosy was gone!

I am not familiar with cases of leprosy here in America. Yet there is a form of leprosy that has come on all mankind. Sin is the leprosy of the soul. Sin deceives. Sin defeats. Sin destroys. Because of his own sin, Isaiah once cried out, “Woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips!” Like a leper, Isaiah saw his sinful condition as being unclean.

As humans, we tend to overestimate our righteousness. We like to think of ourselves as being good, upright citizens. From afar, we may appear that way to others. Up close, they learn otherwise. When our lives are exposed to the truth of God's Word, we learn that we, like Isaiah, are people of unclean lips.

Later in his book, Isaiah described his people this way: “Our righteousness is as filthy rags.” Most of us bristle at such an assessment. We like to compare ourselves to others and feel rather proud of ourselves. Yet the standard that God uses is not your neighbor. It is His standard of perfection. All of us fail this test.

Like a leper, we are unclean. All of humanity is a leper colony of sin. We are not permitted into the holy places because of our filthiness. Like the leper in our story, we are unable to change our condition.

In Biblical times, many lepers died because of their contagious disease. No known cure was available. In Matthew 8, when the leper met Jesus, he knew it was his only hope to be saved from death. Just one touch from the Master's hand changed him.

The only hope for lost souls is a touch from the Master's hand. He is the only One who can save them from their sinful plight. Our Lord is the only One who change a person. He is the only One who can deliver souls from the bondage of sin. Salvation is of the Lord.

Just a touch from the Master's hand brought healing and cleansing to the leper. The same hand can do the same for you. Like the leper, desperately cry out to the Lord for mercy. Humbly cast yourself at His feet. Entrust your condition to his care. Seek a touch from His hand today.

Don't be satisfied with anything less than a touch from the Master's hand.

When Your Back Is Against The Wall


And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.” - Exodus 14:15-16

Have you ever been desperate? Has your situation gotten so dire that you began to question if even God could rescue you? If so, you can relate with the children of Israel. They had been freed from Egyptian bondage and were headed for the promised land. Yet as they got near the Red Sea, the Egyptians came in hot pursuit. Pharoah had given in to political pressure and had a change of mind. Although he had freed the Israelites, he now realized that much of Egypt's economy required the hard work of the Israelite slaves.

The children of Israel were in a difficult situation. Their backs were to the wall. They had no route of escape. The Red Sea was before them and the Egyptians were behind them. There was no place to go, but to the Lord.

The Israelites were in a dire situation. In their desperation, they cried out to the Lord and complained to Moses. Moses tried to calm the people by appealing to their faith. Yet this was the Lord's response to it all: “And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward.”

There is a time to pray and there's a time to act. Prayer is never a substitute for obedience. The reason that many people are stuck in the same place all the time is that are waiting for God to accomplish what He is expecting them to do. They pray and pray but never obey.

God told Moses to go forward. Forward? Go forward into the Red Sea? Yes, that was the unmistakable word from the Lord.

At times, it seems impossible to go forward. When a spouse dies, you lose your job or you face personal bankruptcy, it is tempting to give up. When times get tough and your back is against the wall, it is easy to quit. However, in such circumstances, we simply need to go forward.

Someone reading this today may need this word. Go forward. This is not the time to hold your position. It is never a good time to retreat. Go forward. Go forward in your faith. Go forward in obedience. Go forward with your life. Go forward with God.

I think it is important for us to recognize something from the Red Sea experience. God is sovereign. In Egypt, He had performed miracles. Nothing is impossible for God. Although He could have led the Israelites around the Red Sea, He chose not to do so. He could have miraculously led them over the Red Sea, but that was not the plan either. He could have dried up the Red Sea, evaporating every drop of water. But He didn't.

Instead, God chose to lead His people through the Red Sea. While your back is against the wall, the Lord could remove your problems. He may chose to take you around your problems. More often than not, He takes us through our problems.

It may be that someone reading this is going through trials right now. Your back is against the wall. You are desperate for help. When the Lord is leading, you can trust Him with the results. Let me remind you that God will lead us through the valley of the shadow of death, not around it.

When God guides, He provides. Our Lord parted the waters for Israel to pass through. He made a way for them. He'll make a way for you, too. The same waters that He parted for the Israelites were the same waters He used to defeat their enemies.

God led the Israelites to the Red Sea, through the Red Sea and out the other side. When your back is against the wall, God will make a way through the wall, if necessary.

So if your back is against the wall, simply trust and obey God. He will make a way.

A Desperate Mother


Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.” - Matthew 15:25

The American holiday, Mother's Day, began here in my home state of West Virginia. In 1908, Grafton, WV native, Anna Jarvis organized the holiday in memory of her mother. Mother's Day has been a special day ever since.

Godly mothers are getting more scarce with each generation. It is sad to realize that many children are growing up without the influence of a loving, godly mother.

There is nothing like a mother's love. My mother is still with us. She is an old-fashioned mother. She loves Jesus. She loved my father and sacrificed much to help him. She still loves her children so much. I have been blessed with a special mother.

In Matthew 15, we learn about a mother who had a great concern for her child. According to the Gospel of Matthew, her daughter was “vexed with a devil.” The Gospel of Mark reveals that her daughter was possessed by a demon. This was a condition that the average doctor could not treat. Jesus was her only hope.

Demon possession is a terrifying thing to observe. A person acts erratic, including a change of voice and personality. Physical violence may also be a result of demon possession including self-inflicted harm. If your child was possessed with a demon, you'd be scared and desperate.

A good mother wants what is best for her child. That was certainly the case with this mother. In her desperation she came to Jesus. Isn't He the best person to go to with any problem?

When this desperate mother came begging for Jesus to help her daughter, she got the silent treatment instead. The Bible says that Jesus, “... answered her not a word.” It is painful when God is silent … especially when you need Him the most. In her desperation, she persisted. As only a mother can do, the Bible says, “Then came she and worshiped him, saying, Lord, help me.” Who could resist should a pitiful plea?

Our Lord's response is rather interesting. Jesus said it wasn't right to take the children's food and cast it to the dogs. The Jews considered Gentiles to be nothing but dogs. The Lord was testing her faith and resolve. Note the mother's response, “And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.”

Consider some things about her response. She admitted that she was unworthy to receive the Lord's help. Isn't that true of each of us? None of us are worthy of God's grace. Furthermore, she demonstrated her faith when she said, “... yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table.” While recognizing Jesus as the Master, she also stated that just the crumbs would be sufficient. Crumbs don't sound very appealing to us, yet she knew that the miracle she needed was small compared to our Lord's power.

The Bible shares the end of this story: “Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.” The mother received the answer she so desperately needed.

Where are the mothers today who will pray with desperation for their children? This generation of children is sadly lacking such a spiritual influence. Today, many parents are failing at the very basic level to raise their children properly. There is a dire need for parents to get right with God and raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

I am thankful to have a praying mother. She continues to pray for me. More than once, her prayers have helped me through problems.

If your mother is still living, let her know how much you love and appreciate her. If your mother is no longer living, thank the Lord for the influence her love and prayers have made in your life.

Thank God for desperate mothers who pray for their children! 

Praying Desperately


And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore.” - 1 Samuel 1:10

We do our best praying when we get desperate. While facing overwhelming problems, we tend to pray with intensity. We don't need to be motivated to pray when we face dire circumstances. In such moments, we tend to show raw emotions and plead with God with heart and soul.

While most Christians want to be effective in prayer, most of us want to avoid the challenges that keep us at the throne of grace. We grow strong in prayer through the intense problems we face. Desperation deepens our supplication.

In 1 Samuel chapter 1, we find a lady praying. The Bible says that, “... she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore.” While we tend to show compassion to such a person, we really don't want to be her shoes. Such anguish of soul is something we'd rather not experience. Yet Hannah's desire for a son drove her to prayer. She was not content to repeat a liturgical prayer or utter heartless words to the Lord. She poured out her soul unto the Lord. She prayed with desperation.

Where are the desperate people today? Many claim that they want to lead people to Jesus. They say they want to have spiritual children --- that is, people they have personally brought to the Savior. Yet most are not desperate for such a miracle.

Hannah yearned for a son. Her desire drove her to prayer. For Hannah, going childless was an unbearable possibility.

What about you? Does it bother you to be spiritually childless? Do you long to lead some soul to the Master? Have you made this a matter of prayer? Are you desperate to see some soul saved?

If you are a pastor, do you long to see souls to come to Christ? Do you wish to see the baptismal waters stirred once again? Do you long to see revival?

As a church member, do you have a passion to see God move once more in your church, your community and your family? Are there souls close to you that need the Lord?

I think most of us long to see family members saved, prodigals return, and the local church explode with phenomenal growth. We long to see revival fire spread throughout the community. We yearn to see mass baptisms and hear glowing stories of God's miraculous work among those we love. But are we willing to be like Hannah and cast ourselves before the Lord and weep for such an awakening?

Perhaps our baptistries are dry because our eyes are dry. The Psalmist wrote, “They that sow in tear shall reap in joy.” We want to reap in joy, but few are sowing any tears.

We need to pray with desperation. Unless a miracle occurs, many around us will perish in their sins.

Certainly, there is more to evangelism than prayer. Yet we will fail miserably at winning souls unless we begin in prayer.

We need to have a burden for souls. There needs to be a passion that drives us to our knees. We need to pray until God answers. Keep praying desperately until the breakthrough comes.

I think that most believers would agree that God hears and answers prayer. Yet He seems to reserve certain blessings for those who get desperate and seek His face.

As a child, I recall hearing old-time preachers share about their praying mothers. These old men of God would weep as they preached, remembering how they had a loving mother who wept and prayed for them until God gloriously saved them. Even though their mother was no longer living, they still treasured those memories and thanked God for a praying mother.

Where are the praying mothers today? Where are the praying grandparents? Many need the Lord today. Are we going to be heartless about prayer?

What about you? Will you make the salvation of souls a matter of desperate prayer? The need around us is desperate.

Let's pray with desperation ourselves.

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...