Birds Of A Feather Flock Together


For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” - Matthew 18:20

I must confess that winter is my least favorite season of the year. It is cold, snowy and dreary much of the time. Even though the days are shorter in duration, they seem much longer to me. Personally, I love spring weather. I love to see the trees budding, the flowers coming to life and birds returning.

One of the things I love about country life is hearing the birds sing. In particular, I enjoy hearing a whippoorwill at night. Typically, they are more common in the summer than any other time. These night birds have a distinctive sound and can be very loud.

I confess that I am not a bird watcher, but I do know that birds tend to flock together. The title of this blog message comes from an old English proverb. The proverb, “Birds of a feather flock together,” is used to express the fact that beings of a similar type tend to associate with each other.

This proverb should really describe Christians. Christians should have an internal desire to associate with other believers. God has designed the local church for such a gathering. As members of the same spiritual family, we should enjoy spending time with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

In years gone by, the devil has tried to destroy the church. Since that didn't work, he has sought to weaken the church by pulling believers apart. You see, birds are more vulnerable when they get away from the flock. These days, the devil has been clever. He has drawn people away from church, using worldly pleasures to lure them away from the place they should be. Suddenly, lesser important items like shopping, hobbies and the internet have replaced public worship. Instead of flocking together, the saints have become scattered and weakened by these outside interests.

Yet God has called believers to assemble regularly and worship publicly. Despite the many voices that condone church absence, genuine revival cannot occur apart from believers returning to the local church.

Public worship is a holy habit that we need to restore in America. Yes, it is easy to sit at home and watch a TV or internet preacher, but that is not a substitute for public worship.

Since the end of the Covid-19 year, most businesses have been stressing the need for workers to return to the office. While working at home was necessary during the early days of the pandemic, those days are over. Sadly, many employers are having to take drastic steps to get employees back to the office. The same is true at church. Online church services served a purpose, but they were never intended to replace in-person worship.

Believers need to beware of the enemy's strategy. The devil wants people to stay away from church. He loves to see churches struggle. He wants to see churches close their doors. He is eager to destroy every church he can.

Yet many believers are unknowingly being used of the enemy for destructive purposes. While they excuse their absence from church, they don't realize that the devil is smiling when they do. It is tragic that church members are pawns in the devil's hand, used to destroy local churches.

Furthermore, this hits at the very heart of God. Our Lord loves the church and died for the church. Shouldn't we love what He loves? If so, our actions should reflect this.

I am old enough to remember 8-track tapes. When I was very young, my family often traveled from church to church as my father ministered. While traveling, we would often listen to 8-track tapes of southern Gospel music. Back then, one of my favorite songs was by the Swanee River Boys and was entitled, “Don't Wait For the Hearse To Take You To Church.” The title still rings true today. The only time some church members ever attend is for a wedding or a funeral. For some, the only thing that will get them to church is their own funeral.

If you lack a desire to go to church, it is time to examine your heart. God designed the church for His people to assemble together. The local church is a place for encouragement, ministry, hearing the Word preached, participation in the ordinances and much more. There is no substitute for the local church. There is no substitute for obedience, either.

Quit making excuses. Make it a point to go to church this Sunday.

Birds of a feather flock together.



Pray without ceasing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Prayer is probably the most underestimated resource available to God's people. We are often guilty of treating prayer as just another line in the church bulletin or an activity reserved for super saints. Just like a spare tire, we want to have prayer available to us should an emergency arise.

Every professing Christian would admit that prayer is important. If pressed, we would state that we pray ourselves. Yet do we pray like we should? How important is prayer to you?

Prayer is simply our conversation with the Lord. We demonstrate our need for Him when we pray. The fabric of our fellowship with God is strengthened when we pray. Prayer keeps our hearts connected to God's power. Prayer deepens our faith and strengthens our courage. Prayer opens the door to special blessings God reserves for those who ask for them.

The late Leonard Ravenhill often said, “No man is greater than his prayer life.” I've come to appreciate the accuracy of this statement. A man's greatness is not determined by the money he possesses, the power he seems to yield or the elite crowd he associates with. In reality, the greatness of a man's life is really gauged by what or who he worships. It is not the man, but God, who is great. It is amazing to know that such a great God would choose to dwell within the heart of a mortal man.

Along with reading the Bible daily, prayer ranks as the most important holy habit that a Christian should practice. While prayer is a spiritual discipline, it is also a blessing and a privilege. To think that a beggar like myself can come to the very throne of God and have His attention is an amazing truth. Through Jesus Christ, we have such a blessing.

Most would consider it an honor to have access to the President on certain occasions. Yet we have a privilege that is far greater than that. At any moment, we are welcome to come into God's presence. Through the blood of Christ, we have been adopted into the family of God. We are the children of God. Children do not need an engraved invitation to speak with their father. Neither do we. As His children, we can approach our heavenly Father any time, any day.

Prayer should be a holy habit for every believer. Let me encourage you to pray daily.

First of all, set a time for prayer each day. It is best to have a time of prayer early in the day. We need God all day, so start the day with Him.

Secondly, if you it is physically possible, get on your knees and pray. I think kneeling is a great posture for prayer. Obviously, you can pray as you walk, drive or sit, but kneeling is special because it is an act of humility. Even better, get on your face before God. Many saints have fallen prostrate before God when they pray. Such a position reminds us how small we are before such a mighty God. We are reminded that we are just dust.

Next, keep a prayer list. Have a list of people to pray for. I can't rely on my memory when it comes to the needs around me. Adrian Rogers was famous for saying, “The weakest ink is better than the strongest memory.”

Also, begin your time of prayer in worship and praise. It is great to remember how great He really is. Worship keeps our vision clear. When we praise God, we recall that He is much greater than all our problems.

Never forget to give thanks when you pray. Gratitude is a key ingredient in a fulfilling prayer-life. God has never ceased to bless you, so never cease in thanking Him.

If you are like me, there are times when it is difficult getting started in prayer. I have found that reciting Scripture or singing a hymn really helps in this area. An old saint once said, “When you don't feel like praying, pray until you feel like it, then pray more.”

Finally, keep a record of answered prayers. This list will encourage you to pray in the future. Whether it was an answer to a big prayer or small one, such a list will increase your gratitude and enlarge your faith.

If you have no one else to pray for, pray for me. The older I get, the more I identify with James D. Vaughan's old song, “I Need The Prayers of Those I Love.”

God still hears and answers prayers. It could be that you are one prayer away from receiving an answer.

So pray!

Read The Word Daily


But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” - Psalm 1:2

I eat at least three meals every day. What about you? Sure, I have missed a meal once in a while, but I rarely miss eating for an entire day. Eating is necessary to survive. But I also love to eat. I enjoy good food, especially home cooked food.

While I make it a point to eat daily, I also make it a point to feed my soul daily. Every morning, I begin my day by reading from the Bible. This is a holy habit I have practiced for several years.

Although I pastor a church, my daily Bible reading is not for sermon preparation. It is for my own edification.

Ray Comfort is noted for asking members of a church audience to raise their hand if they have read their Bible daily for the last seven days. Most of the time, the response is that less than half the congregation would raise their hand. I did this while visiting another church one time and got similar results. After receiving such a dismal response to his question, Ray Comfort was quick to remind his audience that they feed their stomachs daily without fail. How much more important it is to feed the soul! Many are starving spiritually while a Bible collects dust nearby.

While it is good to be spiritually fed at church on Sunday, there are six other days when you need soul food. Don't go hungry!

The reason many people do not practice the holy habit of daily Bible reading is that they “can't find the time for it.” We find time for the things that matter most to us. Time with the Lord in His Word is too important to leave for “spare time.” We must prioritize this habit so it becomes a critical part of our day.

With that being said, here are a few suggestions.


First of all, get yourself a good, easy-to-read Bible. This is very important. The older I get, the more I need a large print Bible. I am using a extra-large print KJV Bible published by Thomas Nelson. I don't think it is being sold right now. It is a text Bible, not a study Bible. Most individuals rush to a store to purchase a study Bible from their favorite TV or internet minister. Personally, I own several study Bibles, but I have found that a plain text Bible is best for me. I have the study Bibles and commentaries to refer to when I need them, but for reading purposes, I don't want to be distracted by the notes that are provided additionally. I want to read just the words of the text. For those who stay with small print Bibles, be warned that the small print will eventually be an excuse not to read it at all.

Also, if you are going to purchase a Bible, make sure it has a lasting binding. Although it costs more than the cheap Bibles readily available in stores, get a genuine leather binding. Bonded leather tends to chip around the edges in just a few years. Most of the time, genuine leather last much longer and still looks good after age.

Last year, I purchased a premium Bible. It had an expensive leather binding. It is a good Bible, but the print was smaller than my old Bible and its overall size was larger. I am staying with my older Thomas Nelson Bible.


Next, get a reading plan. Reading plans are abundant online for free. Find one that fits your situation and use it daily. If you read just one chapter a day, you can read the entire New Testament in less than a year. If you read 3-4 chapters a day, you can finish the entire Bible in a year. Some Bibles actually have a reading plan in the back. It is better than to have some kind of plan rather than just opening the Bible at random and trying to read.


Next, set a time each day to read. I often read from the Bible before I even get out of bed. Take your Bible to the restroom with you, if necessary. Make it a point to have a time set. In addition to the Bible I keep by my bed, I also keep a copy in my car and a copy in my desk at work. I don't want to go anywhere without my Sword nearby.


Make an appointment to meet with God every morning. We tend to keep the appointments we make. There is no greater appointment than meeting with the Lord.


There will be times it will be tempting to give up, especially if you're trying to read the book of Leviticus! Yet press on. Don't quit. It will be worth it.

Spend time in the Word daily, beginning today!

Holy Habits


Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” - Galatians 6:7

We are creatures of habit. Some habits are good, such as washing your hands before meals and brushing your teeth twice a day. But many of our habits are actually unhealthy and counterproductive. If it is your habit to eat two helpings at every meal, this habit will bring about health issues that are bad and dangerous.

I have to admit that there are habits I need to change. For instance, I tend to overeat at times. But when I have homemade biscuits and gravy placed before me, I usually get more than one helping! In hindsight, this isn't very healthy, but it sure tastes good!

Spiritually, there are habits we should apply if we are serious about our spiritual growth. While some would call these, “spiritual disciplines,” I prefer to call them holy habits.

Now that we are in a new year, I suggest that we examine our lives and honestly appraise the habits we've grown accustomed to. Are our habits healthy or not? Do we have any holy habits? What habits do we need in our lives?

I believe there are certain habits we need to integrate into our lives. If you are an older, mature believer, you are probably practicing most of these habits already. For new believers, you should seek to implement them in your life as soon as possible.


One holy habit every Christian should cultivate is the discipline of reading the Bible daily. There are numerous reading plans available online. Whether you intend to read through the entire Bible this year or just the New Testament, make sure you are reading the Word of God daily. Don't skip a day here or there. In fact, read the Word before you greet the day. Eventually, this habit will become second nature to you.


Here is another simple, yet powerful habit that every believer needs to implement. Pray daily. Far too many people only pray when they get into trouble or face a fearful situation. Prayer is vital to enjoying fellowship with God. The habits of Bible reading and prayer should go together. We talk to God in prayer and He talks to us from His Word.


Here's another simple, holy habit. Attend church on a regular basis. Don't just show up when you feel spiritual. Get plugged into a good, Bible-teaching, Bible-preaching church. Experience the loving fellowship of believers. Be a faithful member of a good church.


I know that this holy habit will scare many away, yet it is a powerful habit that can transform your life. Store Scripture in your memory. Whether it is a few verses or actual chapters, meditate on the Word and memorize the verse(s), chapters and Bible books that feed your soul. Far too many people concentrate on the finished product (being able to recite passages or chapters). The key is to be fed during the process of memorization. Memorization requires a deep dive into Biblical meditation. Here's the real reason many struggle with Scripture memorization. The process requires time. You must set aside time to memorize new verses and recite old ones. Yet if you invest time in this habit, it will pay great dividends in the future.


Most churches take up an offering at every service. Giving is a popular sermon topic, especially for pastors who are involved in budgetary concerns. Yet giving goes deeper than the weekly offering at church. As Christians, we should be generous people. While we have an obligation to faithfully give to our local church, there are other ministries that we may prayerfully consider giving to. By the way, be generous when you give a tip at a restaurant. Give without fanfare or a desire to be noticed or repaid. Generosity is more an issue of your heart than it is your wallet.

I have given you just a few holy habits to consider for this new year. Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited for saying: Sow a thought, and you reap an action; sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny.”

I want to be a better Christian in 2025 than I was in 2024, what about you?

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...