“Doth Job fear God for nought?” - Job 1:9
The text for this message is a question posed by the devil. Our enemy is a liar. He is the accuser of the brethren. Job was the most righteous man of his time, yet the devil accused him of having flawed motives.
Here's the full accusation of the devil: “Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.” Basically, the devil was saying that the reason Job was serving God was to continue receiving the Lord's blessings. In other words, Job was using God to get what he wanted. According to the devil, Job's worship and service were not provided out of love or sincerity, but with an ulterior motive.
Of course, God knew Job's motives. Ultimately Job's motives were tested through great adversity and suffering.
What about us? Are we guilty of serving God for the wrong reason? Do we serve God simply to get a good medical report, a promotion at work or a financial windfall?
Also, do we use this line of thinking when we share the Gospel with others? While giving a Gospel invitation, it would be easy to stress only the positive aspects of Christianity. When we preach that salvation is a gift of God (and it is!), do we avoid mentioning the fact that Jesus expects us to carry a cross? Do we neglect talking about potential persecution or trials? While seeking to win souls, we can be like a salesman who wants to make a sale by only pointing out the positive qualities of his product, but refusing to tell about anything negative.
It is true that Christianity has many positive aspects. But do we really wish to portray Christianity as a get-out-of-hell-free card? Do we want to preach that salvation is solely a fire insurance policy that keeps people from hell?
When you ask a person if he wants to go to heaven, he'll probably say, "yes." Yet our evangelism needs to go deeper than that. In fact, our own faith needs to be stronger than that. Most people want to go to heaven only because it is better than the alternative. If the truth is known, they want a heaven without God there.
If the devil accused us of having bad motives, would he be accurate? Do we use prayer just to get our own desires? Are we trying to use God to get what we want?
If we are brutally honest, we'd have to confess that, even at our best, a small degree of selfishness taints our motives. For some, selfishness is an egregious sin that strongly permeates all their attitudes and actions.
So why should we fear God? Why should should we love Him? Why should we serve the Lord?
First of all, we should fear God because He is God. I know that doesn't sound very profound … but it really is. We should fear and worship God because of who He is.
Secondly, we should love the Lord because we are commanded to. Jesus said that the greatest commandment of all is to love the Lord your God. The Bible says that we love Him because He first loved us.
Third, we should serve God because that is why were created. Our true purpose in life is to know and serve God. Revelation 4:11 teaches us that all things (including us) were created for His pleasure. We were created to serve the Lord.
Finally, we should get serious about the Lord because judgment is ahead for each of us. Our path will ultimately lead to the judgment seat. I get nervous when I receive medical test results. I tend to be anxious anytime I take a test. If I am ever questioned by someone of authority, I'm sure I will be rather apprehensive --- simply because of their authority. What about standing before God? We'll face our words, deeds and even our thoughts on that day. That's serious, isn't it?
Yes, God has blessed us. He continues to bless us. We should give continual thanks for each and every blessing. The blessings we've received give us extra reasons to love and serve Him, but we should never get distracted by them. God is not a means to an end. We don't serve Him only to be blessed or get something we want. We serve Him because of who He is and we thank Him for all He's done.
Satan's accusation against Job turned out to be false. If the devil made the same accusation against you, would he be telling the truth or uttering a lie?