"Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?" (Psalm 85:6)

Let's be honest about it.  Our nation is in a mess right now.  We must honestly confess that our nation is in desperate need of a spiritual awakening.  While our nation continues to spiral out of control, the American Church is casually practicing religion without power.  These are low days in the church.  It is easy to identify the problems in our nation and government, but we are slow to address the problems in the church.  In my personal opinion, our nation would not be in the mess she's in now if the American church had been clean and close to God. 

We need revival in the American Church.  Most churches will have "services as usual" on Sunday mornings, yet they are making little impact on the culture.  We are far from being like the church in the book of Acts.  The first century church was making a difference in spite of intense persecution.  The American church is suffering little persecution and is not making much of a difference at all.

Let me define a few terms.  When I refer to a spiritual awakening, I'm referring to a widespread move of God to bring multitudes to a saving faith in Christ.  When I write about revival, I'm referring to a move of the Spirit to awaken believers and set them on-fire for God.  Both are needed in America, yet I believe that change must begin with God's people.  Apart from revival, we shouldn't expect a spiritual awakening.

Let me give you four reasons why I believe that we need revival in the American Church:

First of all, there is apathy and coldness among professing believers.  Most churches are seeing a plateau or decline in attendance and baptisms.  On a given Sunday, many church members will not even attend their own church.  These days, professing believers tend to think that watching a TV preacher or reading something spiritual on the internet is a substitute for public worship.

Even worse, most professing believers are not living out their faith day by day.  They may claim to pray, but their lives are not exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit.  Friends, neighbors and co-workers cannot see an active faith being lived before them. 

Churches themselves have fallen into this trap.  By and large, most American churches are like the church of Laodicea. They are very lukewarm.  Despite the fact that they have impressive buildings, modern technology and numerous programs, they can't honestly claim that they are impacting their neighborhoods like they should.

Secondly, there is corruption in the American Church.  We have permitted false doctrine to become acceptable.  I am amazed at the number of people who follow false teachers and quote them on Facebook.  Either Americans are ignorant of the Bible or they simply don't care. 

Most frown upon those who call out these false teachers.  We are told not to judge them.  However, the Bible instructs us to "contend for the faith."  Paul was very blunt about false teaching (Galatians 1:6-10).  We need some old-fashioned, Spirit-filled, Bible-believing preachers who'll simply "tell it like it is."  The American Church won't experience revival while permitting the filth of doctrinal error to spread.

Third, there is carnality in the church.  Sinful behavior has been allowed to infiltrate churches.  We no longer frown at such behavior.  We are no longer burdened about the sinful acts of professing believers. 

In the name of "love," some denominations embrace lifestyles that are strictly condemned by the Scriptures.  When churches and professing believers embrace the teachings of Oprah or "The View" instead of the Word of God, it is no wonder we are in such a mess.

Simply put, instead of impacting our society, our society is impacting the church. 

Finally, there is worldly compromise in the church.  Nearly every church wants to reach more people.  We'd love to see attendance increase and membership multiply.  We'd love to see mass baptisms again.  However, we are enacting worldly methods to accomplish this.  We have forgotten that it is God who gives the increase. 

These days, it is not uncommon for the pastor to be seen as a CEO instead of a shepherd.  The vision of the church is shaped more by business leadership strategies rather than the Word of God.  What has happened to us?

Bold preaching, doctrinal purity and Biblical evangelism are not important to many churches.  We've replaced God's agenda with our own.  We have learned to "do church" without God.  No wonder His hand has been removed from many congregations. 

We need revival in our churches.  We should no longer be content with "church as usual."  We desperately need the Lord.

It is time we quit playing church.     

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