"The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law." - Deuteronomy 29:29

In last week's blog message, I wrote specifically to hurting people.  In the message, I mentioned that there are reasons for the pain we endure, but often the reasons are withheld from us.  Today, I want us to consider this issue. 

Heartache and tragedies occur in life.  Often we walk away from such experiences with one question:  why?  If you have ever experienced a heartbreaking event, you've probably asked God, why?   When we hear of a child dying with cancer, a family member committing suicide or a storm killing dozens, we are tempted to ask, why?

If you've ever been tempted to ask, why, you are in good company.  Job asked this same question of God when he faced numerous personal trials.  From the cross, Jesus asked the Father the question, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34, emphasis added). 

From our text, God deals with the uncertainty of life.  All the mysteries of life may be answered from Deuteronomy 29:29.  From this verse, here are a few lessons for us to learn.

Our text says, "The secret things..." The Bible does not hide the fact that there are mysteries. There are many things that God chooses to keep to Himself.  Our failure to understand a situation does not change the fact that God is sovereign.  Even if He chooses to withhold from us the reason for a tragedy or problem, God knows the reason.  God chooses to keep some things hidden from us for several reasons.  First, since He is sovereign, He is under no obligation to reveal everything to us.  Second, there are some things that we are not able to understand.  Our understanding is finite.  We cannot understand the full scope of matters like God can.  Third, there are some matters that we are not emotionally equipped to deal with.  We are human.  We tend to view things from a human viewpoint.  Few people, if any, are spiritually mature enough to lay aside sentimental feelings and understand matters from an eternal perspective.  Quite honestly, there are many things we will never understand in this life.

Although we don't understand the secret things, God understands them.  Our text states, "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God..." He is in control...even when it seems that things are out of control.  Nothing is hid from His sight.  We are not responsible for the hidden things of life.  However, we can trust God with them.  If God can't be trusted with the hidden things of life, He can't be trusted with the known issues of life.  But we know that God CAN be trusted. 

Deuteronomy 29:29 continues to say, "but those things which are revealed..." God has revealed some things to us through His Word.  Although there are many things that remain a mystery to us, many things are known.  Rather than focusing on the things we don't understand, we need to focus on the things we do understand.

The text continues, "...those things which are revealed belong unto us and our children forever..." Israel was not responsible for life's mysteries and we are not either.  Like Israel, we ARE responsible for the things God has revealed to us through His Word.

Deuteronomy 29:29 teaches us that the things which are revealed are made known "... that we may do all the words of this law."  God held Israel responsible to keep all the words of the law.  That was an enormous responsibility.  They failed miserably at it, too.  Today, many question God when catastrophes occur.  Arrogant men think they have the authority to demand answers from God.  They fail to understand that ultimately, God will demand answers from them.  Mankind has deliberately, carelessly and rebelliously broken God's law.  Apart from redemption in Christ, men will stand guilty before God.  Notice the requirement:  "...that we may do ALL the words of this law" (emphasis added).  Our responsibility is enormous.  The good news is that Jesus Christ came and kept the law.  Through His shed blood, payment for the broken law has been made for sinners who will repent and believe. 

The real question, why, is not posed at God, but you.  Why do you continue to rebel against God?  Why do you refuse to repent and believe?  Why do you feel justified in putting God on trial?  There will be a trial one-day, but God will not be the one on trial.  You will be.  If you stubbornly and deliberately live apart from Him, the revealed things will be held as evidence, proving your guilt before a holy God. 

Yes, there are many mysteries in life.  I will not apologize on God's behalf.  No apologies are necessary.  I trust Him with the mysteries of life.  In fact, I trust Him with my life.  I trust Him with my future.  I've entrusted Him with my sinful past and my unworthy life.  He may permit mysterious things to occur in my life.  Since my life belongs to Him, He owes me no explanations.  He'll still deserve my love, adoration and full devotion.  I seek to honor Him by receiving, believing and obeying Him in the matters I do understand. 

In fact, I'm grateful for several mysteries.  Why does God love me?  I don't know, but I am thankful He does.  Why would He save me?  I'm not worth saving, but I'm eternally grateful He did.

You may pose several questions that I cannot answer.  I'm OK with that.  If I could explain everything about God and what He does, that would make me smarter than God --- in fact, it would make me God.  I'm glad I serve a God that I don't fully understand.  I'm glad I serve a God whose ways are far beyond my understanding.  

Don't let the mysteries of life hinder you from knowing and loving the One who knows it all.        

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