"... early will I seek thee..." (Psalm 63:1)
You are walking as close to God as you want to.   It is easy to say, "I want to walk close to the Lord," but it is another thing to actually draw close to Him.  Few believers dwell at the feet of Jesus and enjoy His presence daily.  While many professing Christians claim that they long for a close walk with God, they seem to pursue nearly everything else except the Lord.

The key to spiritual intimacy with God is found in your daily agenda.  David wrote, "... early will I seek thee..." David sought the Lord daily, not just on Sundays.  Communion with God is a daily experience, not just an event reserved for a "revival" meeting. 

Do you seek the Lord daily?  If so, when do you seek Him?  Sadly, many wait until catastrophe or desperation sets in before they seek the Lord.

If you REALLY want to walk with God, you must start your day with Him.  If God is supremely important to you, it will be obvious by the time you give Him. 

Let me share a few thoughts with you.

Make an appointment to spend time with the Lord each day.  This may sound rather strange, but this is vital.  If you had a doctor's appointment tomorrow, you'd arrange your schedule around that visit.  If you had an appointment to take your vehicle to the garage for repair, you'd make sure this appointment is kept.  If you had a job interview scheduled, you'd make the best effort possible to be there on time.  Yet what could be more important than meeting with God?  Sadly, many believers push aside their time with God as if He is unimportant.  Keep this in mind:  you have no greater appointment than the one you keep with God.

I have found that a person sets aside time for the things that he considers most important.  That is true of you.  If sports are important to you, you make time to watch ESPN.  If fishing is a hobby you love, you set aside time to go the river.  If God is important, you'll make time to meet with Him.

By the way, don't wait for "free time" before you meet with God.  Set a specific time and keep it.  Don't arrange your time with God so that it fits around your schedule.  Instead, make sure your schedule fits around your time with God.

God has spoken through His Word.  During your daily appointment with God, read from your Bible.  I suggest that you use a Bible with easy-to-read print.  Personally, I use a giant print Bible. 

Read the Bible to learn about God, learn the truth, and find His guidance for your life.  If you want to hear from God, read His Word, because He has spoken to you through the pages of the Bible. 

What God has to say to you is more important than what you can say to Him.  In fact, what God has to say to you is far more important than what others may say to you. 

Also, let me recommend two more resources:  the Bible on DVD and the Bible on CD.  Personally, I have a copy of the Bible on DVD.  When I watch the DVD, the Word is read aloud as it is displayed on the screen.  This is an excellent resource.  Also, I have the Bible on CD, allowing me to hear the Word as I travel. 

When you dig into God's Word, you'll find that God's Word will dig into you.  Dig into the Word daily.

3.         TALK WITH GOD
Finally, spend some of your morning time talking with the Lord.  I am not suggesting a time limit on your prayer time, but make sure that your prayers are not mechanical or stale.  Many times, I use the PRAY acronym when I pray: 

P is for Praise.  I begin my prayer time worshiping and praising God.  It is important that I focus on Him rather than myself or my problems. 

R is for Repentance.  I confess my sins to the Lord and seek His cleansing.  Unconfessed sin hinders spiritual communion with God.

A is for Asking.  I make prayer requests known to the Lord.  Also, I make sure that I pray for others and not just for myself.

Y is for Yielding.  I close out my prayer time surrendering myself to the Lord.  Yielding to His will is a great way to close a time of prayer.

Whether you use the PRAY acronym or not, make sure you spent time talking with the Lord.  In fact, morning time with God will lead to more conversations with Him throughout the day.

Starting your day with God is the best way to begin the day.  Have you sought Him today?  

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...