TEXT:  "O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me." - Psalm 139:1

I've met people who acted like they knew everything.  Cocky and arrogant, these people exude so much self-confidence and pride that it sickens those who get around them.  I have found that these "know it all" people aren't as smart as they pretend.  However, I have met Someone who really does know it all.  God is omniscient.  The word "omniscient," means that God knows everything.  God is not conceited or bragging when He claims to know all things, He is merely stating the truth.  God's omniscience terrifies some and comforts others.

Omniscience is an attribute possessed solely by God.  Often well meaning Christians believe that the devil and his demons are omniscient, but that is simply not true.  God is the only One who knows all things.

It may unnerve some to consider the omniscience of God.  Such a concept is difficult for us to grasp since we are accustomed to the finite understanding that we possess.  It is wrong to think of God as "just another guy."   When we try to think of God as a mere human, we are dishonoring God and denying the truth.

Think about the Bible for a moment.  How could prophecies be revealed unless there is a Supreme Being who knows the future & makes future events known to prophets?  How could God be confident in His ultimate triumph of the devil and evil unless He knew how everything would unfold?  In fact, if God had limited knowledge, He wouldn't be God, would He?

God knew that we'd need a Savior long before we even sinned.  God sent His Son to die for my sins long before I was even born.  The popular Gospel song is true:  "When He was on the cross, I was on His mind."  The opening line of the song's chorus states:  "He knew me ... yet He loved me."  The One who knows me best loves me most.

The Bible clearly teaches that every person will one day stand before God.  Each person will be accountable for the life he or she lived on earth.  How is that possible?  The answer is very simple.  God knows everything we do.  He knows our private thoughts and intensions as well as our public words and deeds.

To an unbeliever, the future is rather bleak.  The future of our nation, and mankind in general, seems so uncertain.  Christians draw hope and strength from the fact that God is in control.  He has solutions to problems that haven't even occurred yet. 

It is easy to worry and fret over the future.  We cannot see the future.  At best, we look at trends and plan accordingly.  Yet it bothers us to realize that tomorrow is not guaranteed.  Even for the optimist, looking into the future is like driving in dense fog.

As a Christian, I confess that there are many details about the future that are unclear to me.  Yet the One who knows the future has revealed the most important future events to me through His Word, the Bible. 

I can face the uncertainty of the future with great assurance because of the omniscience of the One who will lead me every step of the way. 

The late songwriter, Ira Stanphill, was right when he wrote,

"Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand;
But I know who holds tomorrow,
And I know who holds my hand."

I don't know everything about the future, but the One who knows tomorrow and the following tomorrows can be trusted with my future.

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