TEXT:  "Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth." - Jeremiah 23:5

When I went to school, every morning we would recite the pledge of allegiance.  As I stood before the American flag with a hand over my heart, I would pledge allegiance to a flag that represented a republic that stands for "... liberty and justice for all." 

Our nation was founded upon Biblical principles, including the concept of "liberty and justice for all."  As the years go by, the liberties we once enjoyed have eroded significantly.  Furthermore, justice has become more of a theory instead of reality.

We have to admit that justice is not always served in our nation.  Even though our judicial system is better than many nations, justice is not always achieved through our courts.  Sometimes the guilty are set free and the innocent are imprisoned.  Even the United States Supreme Court makes decisions that are not always just. 

Despite all of the injustice of our world, one thing remains true.  God is just.  Do not let the injustice of our world blind you from the fact that justice will ultimately be accomplished. 

Here are a few things we need to know about the justice of God:

First of all, there is a judgment to come.  This is an unpopular fact.  I think that the reason many embrace atheism is because they don't want to be held accountable for their actions.  Yet all of us are accountable.  We are responsible.  Although you may never stand before a judge in an American court, you WILL stand in judgment one day.  The Bible tells us that "... it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). 

Our nation has petit courts, magistrate courts, different levels of state and federal courts, and ultimately, the Supreme Court.  Yet the ultimate Judge is not an American.  God Himself will be the ultimate judge.  Here in America, if a jury finds you innocent of a crime, the "double jeopardy" law prevents you from being tried again.  However, if you are guilty, you have not escaped judgment.  There is a judgment to come and God will be the judge.

God's justice will not be based upon our nation's constitution, but based upon His Word.  His judgment will not be swayed by emotions or bribery.  Politics will not influence His decisions.  Since He is God, He knows every word you've spoken, every deed you've done, every thought you've entertained and the motives behind all you've said and done. 

In fact, God is keeping a record of everything.  Your entire life is being recorded.  His record will be used as evidence as you stand before Him. 

Although many will disagree with His verdict, all His decisions will be accurate and just.

There will be no appeal to God's final judgment.  There is no one higher to appeal to.  There will not be sleazy lawyers filing appeal after appeal, trying to delay God's verdict.  In fact, the sleazy lawyers will be judged themselves. 

When it comes to human atrocities, we find comfort in the judgment of God.  We know that terrorists, child molesters, rapists and murders will one day receive what they deserve.  However, we must recognize that we, too, will stand before the same Judge and face His judgment.

You may think you have nothing to worry about.  After all, God knows your heart.  He does know your heart.  This is what God says about your heart:  "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9). 

Some foolishly think, "If my good deeds outweigh my bad deeds, I'll be okay."  Is that so?  Think about a man who tells a judge, "99% of the time I don't murder people."  Do you think that a good judge will let the man go free?  Absolutely not!  His crime deserves punishment.

Our sins deserve punishment.  The truth is, we are all sinners who deserve the wrath of God.  You may think, "God is merciful, so I think I'll be fine."  Such a belief avoids the fact that God is just.  God cannot exercise mercy at the expense of His justice. 

The only way we can be saved from the wrath we deserve is for the mercy of God to be extended to us while satisfying the justice of God.  This was accomplished through our Lord Jesus Christ.  When Jesus died on the cross, the price for our sins was paid, satisfying the justice of God.  Jesus received the wrath we deserved.  Through His death, mercy and grace was extended to those who would repent and believe.  When a sinner repents of his sin and places his faith in Jesus Christ, grace is extended to him ... and the justice of God is satisfied.

God is just.  Everything He does is right.  One day, the lowly will be exalted, the exalted will be abased and every wrong will be made right.  

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