TEXT:  "But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days." - Luke 5:35

I have a confession to make.  I love food.  Eating is one of my favorite hobbies.  I enjoy sinking my teeth into a juicy steak.  I love homemade fried chicken!  There are so many kinds of food that I love.  I won't go so far as to say that eating is an obsession with me, but it isn't too far away.

With all that I've just written about food and eating, it may seem rather ironic that I am writing about fasting.  Let me clearly define fasting.  Fasting is the deliberate choice to abstain from food.  Let me cut to the chase:  spiritual fasting is not easy!  I have found it to be much easier to experience a medical fast than a spiritual fast.  Although a medical fast may be mandatory prior to a surgical procedure, a spiritual fast is an important activity for the soul. 

In our text, Jesus said that there would come a time when His followers would fast.  The Bible doesn't instruct us how often we should fast.  However, there are times when fasting is needed!  Let me give you five reasons to fast:

One of the best reasons to fast is to get close to God.  For six months, I've been writing about getting to know God.  Fasting helps us to know Him in a greater way.  When we deliberately deprive ourselves of food so that we may get to know Him better, our thoughts are more sensitive to Him.  When we feast upon God's Word rather than feast upon food, we find ourselves receiving spiritual nourishment. 

Fasting helps you get closer to God and make yourself available for His direction.  Regardless of the nature of your problems, fasting helps you get more focused in your prayers.  Problems have a way of distracting us from the Father.  We need to focus on the solution instead of the difficulty.  Fasting helps us to pray more effectively about our problems.

When you face a great decision, it may be a good time to fast and pray.  Do not underestimate what God may do in your life as you fast.  Fasting is not a way to manipulate God.  Instead, fasting is a way for you to be aware of the Lord's will.

Times of repentance may include long periods of fasting and prayer.  This was certainly the case during Jonah's day (see Jonah 3).  The Lord had mercy on the wicked city of Nineveh when they fasted and repented.  One of the great needs of our time is for Christians to repent.  Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of behavior.  It is impossible to Biblically repent without humility.  Fasting helps us to humble ourselves.

I make this a separate issue than item #2 because spiritual warfare is an ongoing reality in the life of a believer.  Often, we need a spiritual breakthrough.  There are great spiritual battles that we face.  Yet we cannot fight these battles through natural means (see 2 Corinthians 10:3-5).  Fasting may weaken the body, but it is in this weakened state that we often experience God's power (2 Corinthians 12:10) and experience a great spiritual breakthrough!  

A Jewish day runs from sundown to sundown.  If you intend to fast for one day, I suggest you use the Jewish example and fast from evening to evening.  It may be that fasting one meal may be ideal for some.  Even though there is not a Biblical example of this, you may fast from something other than food.  For instance, you may fast from television or the internet. 

Let me give you a couple of parting ideas.  First, use the time of fasting to read the Bible, pray and reflect.  If possible, keep a notebook handy so you may write down lessons you learn while fasting.  Secondly, there are some who will need medical advise before fasting from food.  There are some who may not be medically able to fast.  Third, keep your attitude and motives pure.  Jesus taught us not to fast "to be seen of men," (Matthew 6:16-18).  Finally, if you've never fasted before, start small.  If you've never fasted before, I don't recommend that you start with a 40 day fast.  Instead, begin with a short fast. 

Fasting is a wonderful experience that helps us know the Father better.  In His Word, He invites us to, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." (Psalm 34:8).

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