TEXT:  "Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God." - Psalm 42:11

We're living in difficult times.  Many are struggling financially.  Others are deeply hurt over relationship problems.  Several are facing great health problems.  Furthermore, Christians feel the assault of an anti-Christian society.  Persecution is spreading.  These are tough times.  The fact is, no one is immune to hard times.  Difficult times will come to each of us.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to live differently than unbelievers.  The Bible teaches us to live by faith and not by sight.  Living by faith is rather easy --- until problems come.  While you have a great job, good health and a happy family, living by faith is a breeze.  However, when you loose your job, face a health crisis or a relationship is severed, living by faith becomes very, very difficult.  Why is that?  During the "good times," perhaps we weren't really living by faith at all.  The difficult times expose the fact that we were living by sight and relying too heavily upon the flesh.

How should we deal with difficult times?  Here's a very simple, yet honest answer:  we must trust God during the hard times. 

American believers are deeply influenced by the materialistic society we live in.  We tend to get sucked into the same pitfalls as unbelievers.  However, God expects us to trust Him and walk with Him through this life.  This requires more than a superficial Sunday faith.  Instead, it is a moment-by-moment dependence upon God.  We must take God at His Word.  We must stand on the promises of God.  We need to seek God rather than seeking comfort, ease or wealth.

Genuine faith shines best during adversity.  David's faith was most obvious when he faced Goliath.  Daniel's faith was plainly seen in the lion's den.  Paul and Silas were vocal with their faith while confined in prison.  The three Hebrew men were examples of faith when they refused to compromise --- knowing it would result in a fiery furnace. 

Perhaps we've gotten too spoiled by success, money and comfort.  We claim to desire revival and a great move of God --- but only on our terms.  Quite honestly, revival tends to come during times of adversity, not times of prosperity.  The Israelites grew rapidly when oppressed by Pharaoh.  Historically speaking, Christianity grew more during times of persecution than during times of peace. 

Here are a few things we need to consider when we face hard times:

We can trust God during the hard times.  If God can only be trusted when times are good, is He really trustworthy?  Here's the truth:  God CAN be trusted during the difficult times.  He is not a fair-weathered friend.  If He can be trusted with your eternal salvation, certainly He can be trusted as you face a layoff, cancer or heartbreak.  Like Job, we should honestly say, "Though God slay me, yet I'll trust Him."

God has given us glorious promises in His Word.  Trust the promises of God.  Stand on His promises regardless of the circumstances.  Don't trust your feelings; trust the Word of God.  Don't be swayed by the things you see.  Instead, be strong in the things that are unseen. 

3.         STAY FAITHFUL
Don't let hard times keep you from serving God.  Remain faithful with your church attendance.  Keep singing.  Keep giving.  Keep on living for God.  Keep in mind that Jesus remained faithful ... all the way to the cross.  Now, you are being called to do the same.

Ask other believers to hold you up in prayer.  The old James D. Vaughan song is true:  "I need the prayers of those I love."  What a blessing it is to have other believers pray for you and encourage you.

Don't be so consumed with yourself that you fail to notice others nearby who are struggling, too.  Perhaps their struggles are worse than yours.  Find someone else that's going through a hard time and help him or her.  You'll find yourself being helped in the process.

6.         LOOK AHEAD
It may be that things won't get any better for you in this life.  Perhaps you have a terminal disease or have long-term disability.  Yet we can find hope in the future.  When we look beyond this veil of tears, we realize that the best is yet to come for us.  One day, we'll leave our difficulties and step into eternal bliss.  Look ahead and be blessed.

7.         NEVER GIVE UP
Finally, never give up.  Keep on keeping on.  Regardless of the cost, keep living for Jesus.  Ultimately, you'll be rewarded for it. 

Regardless of your plight today, let me encourage you to renew your trust in the Lord.  He is trustworthy.  No one has ever trusted God and then ultimately regretted it.  

Trust God in the hard times.

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