TEXT: "... early will I seek thee..." (Psalm 63:1)

Some things are more important than others.  Too often, we are often guilty of emphasizing the minor issues to the neglect of the most important matters.

David's passion for God is vividly demonstrated in his writing of the 63rd psalm.  In our text, David address God with this statement, "... early will I seek Thee."  Do you seek God?  I have to admit that I am often guilty of seeking things from God rather than seeking God Himself.  Many times I have sought the blessing rather than the Blesser.

The gifts we receive from God should show us the love and glory of our Lord.  Gifts are not the end, but merely means to an end. Blessings reflect the bountiful generosity of a wonderful God. While we enjoy the blessings, these blessings should cause us to have a deeper love for the One who gave them.

Notice that David sought God, "... early."  I have to admit that I am not an early riser. When I awake in the mornings, it is like a resurrection. Yet one of the blessings of rising early is the time I can spend with God & His Word.  I've found that the morning hours are the best time for me to meet with God.

Corrie Ten Boom once wrote, "Don't pray when you feel like it; make an appointment with the King and keep it."  Be honest about it.  If you had a doctor's appointment early in the morning, you'd do your best to keep it, wouldn't you?  Isn't a meeting with God more important than meeting with a doctor?

I have found that my days go better if I start the day with the Lord.  I do not hold myself up as a "poster child" for daily devotions, but I try to read from the Word of God and pray each morning.  What about you?

Seeking God early in the day demonstrates His importance in our lives.  We need His fellowship.  We need His wisdom.  We need His guidance.  We need Him.

The pace of our society is hectic.  There doesn't seem to be enough time in each day to get things done.  Yet time with the Lord is too important to neglect.  Start the day with God and you can enjoy Him all day long.

Seek the Lord daily. Start the day with Him. Make an appointment to meet with God every day --- and keep that appointment! You'll find He'll keep His appointment with you.

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