"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." - Matthew 6:10

I rarely make political comments on social media.  I have many friends (on both sides of the political isle), who make political comments continually on social media.  They have strong feelings about their preferences.  As an American, I believe in the importance of free speech, whether I agree with the views of others or not.  

I am bothered that some think that a minister should never make political statements or share their views.  I don't believe that the pulpit is the right place for political endorsements, but I also don't believe that ministers are required to be silent about political issues.

I have a problem with this political year.  I find that most Christians (Republican and Democrat) are far more passionate about their political views than they seem to be about Jesus Christ.  When your social media comments are more political than spiritual, it is an indication of a problem.  For the record, I want my social media accounts to glorify God, not some politician, political party or political agenda.

Let me state the obvious:  Jesus Christ is not a Republican or a Democrat.  If we claim to be followers of Jesus, then we need to learn from His example.  Many wanted Jesus to make political statements, but He refused to do so.  His disciples wanted Him to take a political stand against the powers of Rome.  Instead, Jesus focused on His eternal kingdom, not some temporary political regime.  If American Christians were more focused on God's kingdom, perhaps our nation would be in better shape right now. 

How should we pray during this election year?  Jesus taught us how to pray:  "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10)  Many Christians can quote this verse, but very few truly actually pray this way.  Note three things we should pray for:

First of all, Jesus taught His followers to pray, "Thy kingdom come."  This will rattle many people, but we are taught to pray for a coming kingdom.  God is the King in this kingdom.  Though there are many religions, there will only be one ultimate kingdom.  It seems like each religion has a god for its followers to worship.  However, there is only one God & He is the God of the Bible.  Christians are taught to pray for God's kingdom to come. 

I fear that many believers are seeking a conservative American kingdom more than seeking God's divine kingdom.  One day, the United States of America will cease to exist, but God's kingdom will abide forever.  Let's invest our time, talent, treasures and energy in the kingdom that is eternal.  Pray for the coming of the Master's kingdom.

Secondly, we are instructed to pray, "... thy will be done."  Many times we ask God to give us our desires instead of praying that His desires be accomplished.  Do we really seek His desire?  Do we really seek the fulfillment of His will?  A mature believer will pray for the things that are on God's heart.  Do you?

Finally, we are instructed to pray that the Father's will be done, "... on earth as it is in heaven."  Do we really pray for this?  What is the Father's will in heaven?  In heaven, the Father is glorified and worshiped.  But do we seek His glory here on earth? I am convinced that this is not the grand desire of many professing believers.  Instead, we'd rather glorify our favorite sports team, political candidate, musician or actor.  We are more focused on our financial success than the endeavors of God to make the Gospel known among all men.  We'd rather see the realization of our dreams rather than the salvation of souls.  We need to repent of our selfish and shallow intentions.  We need to pray that the Father's will be done on earth ... just as it is in heaven. 

Finally, let me close with a few observations about this election year.  First of all, it is wrong to trust in a politician.  Politics is a dirty business.  I've learned that nearly every politician seems "spiritual" during an election year.  Don't be fooled by this.  "By their fruits ye shall know them."  Don't be deceived by a politician who claims to be a Christian, yet stands for issues that are denounced by Scripture.  Don't be misled by politicians who quote Scripture but fail to live by them.  Don't place your trust in a politician because politicians are imperfect people.  Many of them will say or do anything to get elected.  Don't be swayed by those who claim that they can "save America."  Instead of placing your faith in a politician, put your trust in the One who never lies, deceives or misleads.  God is the only One we should place our faith in.  By the way, He is the only One who can help this country.  "In God We Trust," is stamped on our money.  It is time we trust Him again!

Secondly, it is wrong to trust in a political party.  Both the Republican and Democratic parties have issues that they should repent of.  In the past, both parties have been guilty of varying forms of political corruption.  If Jesus were walking among us here in America, I doubt that He'd endorse either party.  Instead, He'd promote His kingdom.  Shouldn't we?

Third, it is wrong to trust in a political agenda.  Political agendas tend to divert our attention from God to issues of less importance.  Our agenda should be the glory of God and the salvation of souls. 

As a Christian, I have a civic duty and spiritual responsibility to vote according to Christian convictions.  However, I have no confidence that a Republican or Democrat can save America.  Our nation's only hope is for God to bring a spiritual awakening to our nation.  When souls are saved, Jesus is glorified.  We need a mighty spiritual awakening in the United States of America!  May this be the driving force behind our prayers during this election year and the years to come.

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