"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" - Psalm 11:3

Our nation is in trouble.  Unless God sends a spiritual awakening to America, our country will soon face divine judgment. 

Presently, Christians are facing increased forms of hostility and persecution from the world.  This should not shock us because Jesus promised that we'd suffer persecution.  In the book of Acts, the early church suffered from hostility and persecution.  We shouldn't expect to be exempt from persecution. 

As a Christian, I find it disturbing that the foundation of our freedom is being destroyed.  The very fabric of our society is eroding at a frantic speed.  To put it bluntly, our nation is going down the drain because the foundations are being destroyed.

The psalmist recognized the possibility of this occurring.  In Psalm 11, he asks the question, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"  That is a good question for us to ponder. 

Here are some practical things that Christians can do as we witness the destruction of our nation.

1.  PRAY
First of all, we should pray like never before.  Intensify your prayers for our nation and our future.  Intercede on behalf of our leaders.  We are commanded to pray for our leaders ... a command that many have forgotten.  Furthermore, we need to pray for our neighborhoods and our neighbors.  Intercede on behalf of lost souls, realizing that the coming of Christ is near.

Also, we need to pray for a spiritual awakening in America.  I am convinced that the only hope for America is a great move of God.  Politicians will not save America, only God can.

Furthermore, our churches need to emphasize prayer.  These days, many churches act more like social clubs than houses of prayer.  In the book of Acts, the local church was a place of prayer. 

Like never before, we need to get the message of Christ to this lost and dying world.  Jesus gave us a Great Commission.  Are we obeying that commission?  Our job is not to save America, but spread the Gospel so that souls will be saved.  The devil is busy spreading his message.  He is busy with his form of evangelism, but the Church is apathetic, stale and disobedient.  It is time for us to be about our Father's business!

Another thing we can do is to get into the Bible ... and stay there.  It is time for Christians to get their marching orders from God instead of the news media.  In fact, it would be good for us to turn off the nightly news and get daily manna from God instead.  Far too many church members know more about TV programming than they do their Bibles.  The world is impacting the church instead of the church impacting the world.  Stay in the Word!

Be salt and light in your home, community, school and workplace.  Be a visible representation of genuine, Biblical Christianity.  Be an ambassador for Christ daily. 

5.  VOTE
Although I have no confidence that politics can save America, I think Christians should exercise their civic responsibility and vote at every election.  God is not a Democrat or a Republican; however, I strongly believe that Christians should vote based on Biblical convictions.  Refusing to vote actually contributes to the moral and spiritual erosion of our nation.

The foundations are being destroyed in America; however, the foundation of Jesus Christ is still strong and certain.  Let's shift our focus from the foundations that are being destroyed to the foundation that will never be destroyed.

On Christ, the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

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