"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." - Joshua 1:8

I love to read.  Through the years I have purchased numerous books.  In fact, I have spent a small fortune on books.  The accumulation of books brought a problem:  where to store them all.  Due to a lack of space, I made a great investment and purchased a Kindle Fire.  Now, I can have hundreds of books without worrying about storage space.

I have to confess that I've purchased books that I did not care for.  In fact, I have books I've purchased for my Kindle Fire that were not as good as I had hoped.  But there are books I absolutely love.  I revisit these books from time to time.  But there has never been a book that has impacted my life like the Bible. 

The Bible is God's holy Word.  The first Bible I ever owned was a flimsy Zondervan Bible.  I still have that Bible, although the book is coming apart.  The second Bible I had was a Christmas gift from my parents.  They bought me a Scofield Study Bible, leather edition.  I loved that Bible.  It was compact, yet easy to read.  I read that Bible over and over again --- until it began to fall apart.  

When Moses died, the mantle of leadership fell on Joshua.  Joshua was fearful and apprehensive.  Who wouldn't be?  It is difficult to follow a highly successful and much beloved leader like Moses.  Incredible things took place during the leadership of Moses.  After Moses' death, Joshua had every reason to be reluctant to lead the Israelites. 

The Lord knew that Joshua was filled with fear, yet He gave Joshua a challenge that would greatly impact his leadership.  In Joshua 1:8, God told Joshua, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

The success of his leadership hinged on Joshua's approach to the Word of God.  Keep in mind that Joshua did not have 66 books to read from like we do today.  He had just five books.  Yet the five books he had were inspired by God. 

From our text, there are some important lessons for us to learn about Joshua's leadership --- and our lives.

First of all, Joshua was expected to be dedicated to God's Word.  "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth ..."   The Word of God was to be his daily resource.  Furthermore, Joshua was told to stay in the Word, "... day and night." 

These days, leaders are more interested in reading journals, trendy books and newspapers.  However, Joshua was commanded to be dedicated to the Word of God.

What about you?  Are you dedicated to read from the Word of God daily?  Many people claim that they don't have time to read from the Bible every day.  Here's the blunt truth:  we find time for the things we consider to be most important.  Thus if you don't have time to read from the Bible, it is because you consider other things to be more important.

Like Joshua, we need to have dedication.

Secondly, Joshua was to meditate on the law of God.  God told Joshua, "... thou shalt meditate therein day and night..."  Meditation is an important spiritual discipline that needs to be revived among God's people.  Too many read the Bible like it is a novel.  They skim over the words quickly. 

The Word of God is nourishment for our souls.  For me, there is a difference between eating from a bag of potato chips and enjoying a steak.  When I was growing up, Mom always referred to potato chips as "junk food."  Junk food can be tasty, but it is not the same as a steak.  When I eat a steak, I tend to eat it slowly, enjoying every bite. 

The Bible is steak for the soul.  You do yourself (and the Bible) a great disservice when you treat it like junk food.  The world's menu generally consists of junk food.  Junk food tends to take your appetite away so when a steak is placed before you, you have no desire for it.  Joshua would have no time for the world's junk food.  Neither should we.

We savor the Word of God when we meditate on it.  Meditation is the slow, deliberate concentration on the precepts of God's Word.  You can read a chapter of the Bible in about five minutes.  However, meditation on a verse or two may take an hour.  The Word is our spiritual food.  When we meditate on the Scriptures, we tend to enjoy it more, plus it gives us spiritual strength.

Finally, Joshua was challenged to obey the Word of God.  The Lord told Joshua to meditate on the Word daily, "... that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein." 

Notice that obedience was the expected result of meditation.  These days, Christians are guilty of boasting about Bible knowledge, however Bible knowledge that falls short of obedience is nothing to boast about.

Also, note that Joshua was to be fully obedient.  He was to obey, "...according to all that is written therein."  Partial obedience is not really obedience at all.

Joshua was expected to live by the Book.  His success as a leader hinged on his dedication, meditation and application of the law of God.

These days, many TV ministers have distorted God's Word to make it seem like that Christianity is a "get rich quick" scheme.  If Joshua lived by the Book, God promised him success.  But what kind of success was being promised?  A mansion?  A Rolls Royce?  A million dollars?  No!  Joshua was promised that if he lived by the Book, he would be successful in accomplishing the work God entrusted him with.

God has not promised to make you financially wealthy.  He has not promised that your dreams will come true.  However, if you live by His Book, you will accomplish His will.

When life is over, all that will really matter is whether you lived for Him.  All that matters is not the wealth in your bank account, but the treasures you lay up in heaven.  That should be great incentive for us to be dedicated to God's Word. 

Live by the Book!


"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live." - Deuteronomy 30:19

Life is a precious gift granted unto the human race by its Creator.  Many nations do not share in my view that life is precious.  In many of these countries, lives are snuffed out without hesitation.  Genocide is a regular occurrence in some areas.  Such heartless treatment of human life is appalling. 

In the book of Deuteronomy, the people of God were challenged to live for God.  Through the years, they had been erratic in their love for God.  Obedience to the Lord was rare.  Despite the leadership of Moses, the Israelites were constantly complaining and rebelling against God.  They failed to understand that disobedience to God always leads to heartache. 

As Moses neared the end of his life, he warned the people that their response to God was a matter of life and death.  Israel, like many church members today, felt that God's command was an option to be considered rather than an order to be obeyed.  In response to this flawed attitude, Moses said, "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live."  The people were challenged to "choose life," by obeying God.

This is a similar situation that mankind faces today.  Each individual will make choices in life.  Some of these choices are a matter of life and death.  Sadly, many people treat these serious decisions with levity. 

Let me challenge you to choose life --- especially in three areas. 

First of all, when it comes to the unborn, choose life.  The argument about "a woman's right," in the abortion debate overshadows a greater issue:  the right of the unborn.  A current U. S. Presidential candidate recently said, "The unborn have no rights under the Constitution."  While I object to her opinion, I need to remind her and everyone who agrees with her that there is a greater law to be considered.  Whether or not the U. S. Constitution allows protection to the unborn or not, the law of God certainly speaks against abortion.  Ultimately every person will be judged --- not by the U. S. law, but God's law.  If we seek the blessings of God on our nation, we cannot treat His law with utter disregard.

For all who seriously consider having an abortion, let me state the obvious.  CHOOSE LIFE.  Save yourself the emotional pain and regret that comes from terminating a life.  You are responsible to God for your choice.  Choose wisely.  Choose life.

The Bible says, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  Many people make unholy decisions that lead to death. 

Our society is being destroyed from within.  Let's be honest.  The life of the average American is an unholy mess.  Many of our residents are dying from sinful addictions, such as gambling, drugs and alcohol.  Sadly, many of the funerals in my home county are overdose cases. 

It could be that someone reading this is being tempted to go down the path of destruction.  Let me caution you to STOP.  Instead of pursuing the thrill of some foreign substance, choose life! 

For someone else, your life is an unholy mess right now.  You are consumed with unholy passions and addictions.  Don't fool yourself.  You need help.  Don't rule out the help of others, but let me suggest that you begin on your knees, seeking God's help.  Before it is too late, choose life!

Finally, it may be that someone reading this message has never been born again.  Your sins have separated you from God.  He is holy and you are not.  His holiness will not permit unclean people to enter heaven. 

The good news is that Jesus Christ came and died upon a cross to save sinners.  Through His shed blood, payment has been made for the sins of those who will believe.  When a man repents of his sins and places his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the blood of Jesus covers his sins.  Salvation is of the Lord.  You must get saved and Jesus is the only One who can save you.

Jesus Christ came to bring you life (John 10:10).  Apart from Him, you will die in your sins.  The gift of eternal life is available to those who believe.  Through repentance and faith, you can experience abundant life through Jesus Christ.  Choose life today!

Along with Joshua, I say, "... choose you this day whom ye will serve ... but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."  (Joshua 24:15).

Choose life!

"And he stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed." - Numbers 16:48

It seems that mankind has always been guilty of taking the wrong side on issues.  Numbers chapter 16 records the demise of the rebellious plot of Korah, Dathan, Abiram and their followers.  God ended their rebellion by killing them. 

What is truly amazing is the aftermath of God's action in Numbers 16.  Verse 41 reveals that the very next day, the people confronted Moses and Aaron; blaming them for the deaths of these rebels.  In response to their accusation, God angrily sought to destroy them (verses 42-45).

In verses 46 & 47, Moses had Aaron to quickly make atonement for the people.  It is terrifying to be the subject of God's anger.  If Moses & Aaron hadn't acted quickly, the people would have been destroyed.  Moses and Aaron, subjects of the people's ridicule, came to the rescue of their own accusers.  Our text states, "And he stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed."  Atonement was made for Israel as Aaron interceded on their behalf --- and the plague was stopped.

As we examine this passage, we should realize a few facts:

The people were not innocent bystanders.  They deserved the wrath of God.  They falsely accused the man of God.  Furthermore, they rejected God and His work.  It was God, not Moses or Aaron, that killed Korah, Dathan, Abiram and their followers.  It is a dangerous thing to quarrel with God and try to stand your ground against Him. 

Some teach that anger is always wrong.  Modern Christianity refuses to discuss the anger of God, but the Bible is very clear that God does get angry.  His anger is always justified.  In this specific case, it is obvious that God had a right to be angry.  His work was being questioned and criticized. 

If Moses & Aaron hadn't quickly made atonement, every guilty person in the crowd would have died.  Sin has a hefty price tag.  The Bible clearly states that, "The wages of sin is death."  The atonement saved people from the judgment that they deserved.

It is easy for us to read Numbers chapter 16 and criticize Israel for their disobedience, rebellion and sin.  Yet we must confess their story closely resembles our own.  Once we lived in rebellion to God.  We refused to heed His commands and perhaps even criticized Him.  

Because of sin, we deserved death.  We deserved God's wrath.  We had selfishly and deliberately sought to live independent of Him.  We rejected His Word.  We had disobeyed Him.  We used His Name in vain.  We were calculating in our sin.  We were cold and calloused to the Lord.  While living in rebellion to the King and His Kingdom, we sought to establish our own kingdom.  The King had every reason to be angry.  We were guilty of treason against the God of heaven.

That's why we owe everything to Jesus.  You see, when we deserved death and faced imminent destruction, Christ Jesus came and made atonement for us.  When Jesus went to Calvary, He stood between the dead and the living.  His death upon the cross was the ultimate act of love, making life available for sinful, dying rebels like us.  

When Jesus stood between the dead and the living, He interceded on our behalf, making full payment for our sins.  His atonement was full and complete.  Jesus did not pay for part of our sins; He paid the debt in full.

Upon the cross, the wrath of God was appeased and the mercy of God was extended.  On the cross, the righteousness of God was satisfied and the grace of God was abundantly lavished on us.  Because of Calvary, life is available to those who are dead in trespasses and sins. 

Jesus hung on a cross, suspended between God and man.  He interceded to the Father on our behalf with His own life. 

Thank God for Jesus.  He stood between the living and the dead.


"For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul." (Leviticus 17:11)

I have a confession to make.  I don't like to see the sight of blood.  I'm a little squirmy.  Despite the fact that I have blood circulating through my body, I don't get comfortable seeing it.  Yet I learned long ago that blood is critical for my life.

I have another confession to make.  The book of Leviticus is not one of my favorite books of the Bible.  However, it is just as inspired as the Gospel of John.  Our text, from Leviticus, refers to the value of blood.  Think about it.  If you were in an accident, it doesn't matter how much money you have or how much education you have received.  If you need a blood transfusion, nothing but blood would do.  If no blood was available for the transfusion, you may die. 

The Bible has much to say about blood.  From our text, let's consider three things about blood.

First of all, I want you to consider the substance of blood.  Our text states, "the life of the flesh is in the blood."  Isn't it interesting that God reveals a scientific fact in His Word?  Yet man has taken a long time to agree with God.  Because there is life in the blood, we know a couple of things.

First of all, we know the necessity of blood.  Blood is necessary for a person to live.  Many people have died in combat and accidents because they have bled to death.  There is life in the blood.  Blood provides oxygen to the brain.  Blood helps with pigmentation.  Blood brings nutrients to various branches of our bodies.  There is life in the blood.  Without blood, our bodies cannot continue to live.  Because of this, Israel was commanded not to eat blood.  When I eat a steak, I want my steak prepared "well done."  Why?  I don't want to see blood in my plate.  There is life in the blood.

Secondly, consider the nature of blood.  Why is it that the doctor draws blood from a patient?  The answer is simple:  blood reveals things about the patient's health condition.  By examining blood, a doctor can learn much about your heart.  In fact, he can have good reason to know whether you've had a heart attack or not, simply from a blood test.  Blood can be examined to determine some types of cancer.  Blood can be checked to verify the levels of cholesterol in your arteries.  Blood can be used to verify if a person has alcohol or drugs in his system.  There's much that can be learned by examining a person's blood.  Why?  There is life in the blood.

Next, consider the sacrifice of blood.  Our text states, "I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls."

One of the reasons that the book of Leviticus is difficult to read is because it is the worship book for Israel.  There are so many sacrifices that are graphically described and commanded to Israel in this book.  To some, the book of Leviticus is a gory book.  So much harm is done to animals.  Cruelly, animals are killed and their blood is used in worship.  For a few, God seems to be an animal-hating tyrant. 

But it brings up an interesting question:  why does God require such sacrifices?  Why did God command Israel to cruelly kill innocent animals?  The answer to those questions is found in the nature of sin.  Sin is so awful that blood must be shed.   We tend to underestimate the nature of sin.  We've belittled sin.  We called sin a choice.  At worst, we consider sin to be a weakness or glitch.  However, God hates sin.  He views sin as a hideous crime.  He sees sin as a rebellious act against His authority.  He knows sin to be a personal attack against righteousness.   That's why the Bible says, "The wages of sin is death."

Sin came into the world when Adam & Eve ate of the forbidden fruit.  They attempted to cover their sin by putting fig leaves together.  When God confronted them about their sin, He covered their nakedness with the skins of animals.  You see, blood had to be shed to cover their sin.  It was a sacrifice of blood.

Think about Abraham.  God tested the faith of Abraham by instructing him to offer his son as a sacrifice.  On the way to the place appointed, Isaac asked his father, "Here is wood and the fire, but where is the sacrifice?"  Abraham answered in a prophetic tone, "God will provide himself a lamb." Abraham took his son and drew his knife to kill his son when he was interrupted and told to stop.  Did Abraham leave without offering a sacrifice?  No.  He saw a ram in the thicket and offered that ram as a sacrifice.   It was a sacrifice of blood.

Our text states, "... the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls."  These words were spoken to the children of Israel.  They were in the wilderness on a journey to the Promised Land.  They had left Egypt and its bondage.  How did they leave Egypt?  Moses was commanded to go to Egypt to bring the Israelites out.  Despite the plagues and miracles, Pharoah refused to let the children of Israel go.  Finally, God made the pronouncement that He would slay the firstborn of Egypt.  He instructed each of the Jews to take a lamb without spot & without blemish and take the blood of that lamb and put it over the door posts of their homes and when the angel of death came through Egypt, it would pass over each house that had the blood of the lamb over the door.  That's why the Jews were later commanded to remember the Passover.   Death passed over every house that had the blood of the lamb.  Lambs sacrificed their blood for the freedom of the Jews.

The Jews were command to take the blood of a lamb, without spot and without blemish.  Now fast forward a few hundred years.  John the Baptist stood on the banks of Jordan when he saw Jesus approaching.  He proclaimed, "Behold, the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world."  Jesus is the Lamb without spot and without blemish.  He came to die for sinners.  Yet His death had to be on a cross.  The Scripture states, "Cursed is he that hangeth on a tree."  As a sacrifice for us, his blood had to be shed.  The writer of Hebrews wrote, "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission (of sin)." 

Sin is so horrible that blood must be shed.  Thank God that we no longer have to offer the sacrifices required in the book of Leviticus because Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God, came and died once and for all for those who would believe.   No longer is it required for a priest to go into the holy of holies to offer a sacrifice.  When Jesus died upon the cross, the Great High Priest, after the order of Melchesedek offered the sacrifice of blood, the blood of the Lamb.  Jesus was that priest and He was that Lamb. 

Now, every time we have communion, we have elements that we partake of.  The bread symbolizes the body of our Lord and the cup symbolizes the blood of our Lord.  His sacrifice was a sacrifice of blood. 
Finally, let's consider the significance of blood.  So far, we've thought about the doctrine of the blood, but now we come to a point of application.

You see, without the blood of Jesus, all of us stand guilty before God and worthy of death.  The only way a person can escape the wrath to come is to have his sins covered.  Sin cannot be covered by fig leaves, like Adam & Eve tried to do.  Sin cannot be done away by hiding, as Adam attempted to do when God came calling.  Furthermore religious activity or self-improvement cannot cover sin.  That's what the Jews boasted in.  The blood of the Lamb must cover our sin.  Paul wrote, " Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." 

The devil can't stand to see the sight of blood --- the blood of the Lord Jesus.  It is through that blood that we are converted.  It is through that blood that we are cleansed.  It is through that blood that we are covered.  It is through that blood that we are consecrated.   The writer of Hebrews wrote, "Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh."

Our text states, "... it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul."  The word atone means to reconcile.  In other words, the blood brings man back to God.  The Jews repented and fasted on the Day of Atonement.  But now, through Christ, those who come to Him in repentance and faith find atonement through the blood of Jesus. 

When it comes to the blood, justice demands it.  Many make the mistake of thinking that God is forgiving, thus they'll be okay on judgment day.  Here's the problem with that logic.  God's mercy cannot violate His justice.  Justice requires that sinners pay the cost for their sinful crimes.  Thank God that, through Jesus, the justice of God is satisfied.  When He died upon the cross, He endured the wrath for our sins. 

Not only does justice demand a blood sacrifice, salvation requires it.  The blood of Jesus now must cover your sins.  There is no other sacrifice available for your sins.  If the blood of Jesus is not covering your sins --- if His blood has not paid for your sins --- guess who will be required to pay for your sins?  YOU!

"There is a fountain, filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's veins. 
And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains."

"What can wash away my sins?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 
What can make me whole again?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus."

It is only through the blood of Jesus that you can have eternal life.  There is life in His blood. 

Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...