"And he stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed." - Numbers 16:48

It seems that mankind has always been guilty of taking the wrong side on issues.  Numbers chapter 16 records the demise of the rebellious plot of Korah, Dathan, Abiram and their followers.  God ended their rebellion by killing them. 

What is truly amazing is the aftermath of God's action in Numbers 16.  Verse 41 reveals that the very next day, the people confronted Moses and Aaron; blaming them for the deaths of these rebels.  In response to their accusation, God angrily sought to destroy them (verses 42-45).

In verses 46 & 47, Moses had Aaron to quickly make atonement for the people.  It is terrifying to be the subject of God's anger.  If Moses & Aaron hadn't acted quickly, the people would have been destroyed.  Moses and Aaron, subjects of the people's ridicule, came to the rescue of their own accusers.  Our text states, "And he stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed."  Atonement was made for Israel as Aaron interceded on their behalf --- and the plague was stopped.

As we examine this passage, we should realize a few facts:

The people were not innocent bystanders.  They deserved the wrath of God.  They falsely accused the man of God.  Furthermore, they rejected God and His work.  It was God, not Moses or Aaron, that killed Korah, Dathan, Abiram and their followers.  It is a dangerous thing to quarrel with God and try to stand your ground against Him. 

Some teach that anger is always wrong.  Modern Christianity refuses to discuss the anger of God, but the Bible is very clear that God does get angry.  His anger is always justified.  In this specific case, it is obvious that God had a right to be angry.  His work was being questioned and criticized. 

If Moses & Aaron hadn't quickly made atonement, every guilty person in the crowd would have died.  Sin has a hefty price tag.  The Bible clearly states that, "The wages of sin is death."  The atonement saved people from the judgment that they deserved.

It is easy for us to read Numbers chapter 16 and criticize Israel for their disobedience, rebellion and sin.  Yet we must confess their story closely resembles our own.  Once we lived in rebellion to God.  We refused to heed His commands and perhaps even criticized Him.  

Because of sin, we deserved death.  We deserved God's wrath.  We had selfishly and deliberately sought to live independent of Him.  We rejected His Word.  We had disobeyed Him.  We used His Name in vain.  We were calculating in our sin.  We were cold and calloused to the Lord.  While living in rebellion to the King and His Kingdom, we sought to establish our own kingdom.  The King had every reason to be angry.  We were guilty of treason against the God of heaven.

That's why we owe everything to Jesus.  You see, when we deserved death and faced imminent destruction, Christ Jesus came and made atonement for us.  When Jesus went to Calvary, He stood between the dead and the living.  His death upon the cross was the ultimate act of love, making life available for sinful, dying rebels like us.  

When Jesus stood between the dead and the living, He interceded on our behalf, making full payment for our sins.  His atonement was full and complete.  Jesus did not pay for part of our sins; He paid the debt in full.

Upon the cross, the wrath of God was appeased and the mercy of God was extended.  On the cross, the righteousness of God was satisfied and the grace of God was abundantly lavished on us.  Because of Calvary, life is available to those who are dead in trespasses and sins. 

Jesus hung on a cross, suspended between God and man.  He interceded to the Father on our behalf with His own life. 

Thank God for Jesus.  He stood between the living and the dead.

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