"... every man did that which was right in his own eyes." - Judges 21:25

The book of Judges is a sad book of the Bible.  The book of Judges is sandwiched between two victorious books, Joshua and Ruth.  Although there are glorious highlights in the book of Judges, much of the book documents Israel's spiritual apathy, idolatry and disgrace during that era.

The above text is the final verse of the book of Judges and it summarizes the spiritual climate of Israel.  I feel that our nation presently mirrors the shame Israel exhibited during the time of the judges. 

There are two things I found that was true of Israel in that period that is true of America today.

1.  SIN AND REBELLION.  First of all, Israel was an unholy mess.  Sin and rebellion describes the years covered by the book of Judges.  The people of Israel rebelled against God.  They forsook the only true God and pursued idols.  Instead of being a nation of righteousness, Israel had compromised morally and spiritually.  A nation that was set apart by God was now embracing the beliefs and practices of pagan nations.  Our text states it best, "... every man did that which was right in his own eyes."  Notice the text does not say that every man did what was right in God's eyes.  Rejecting God's standards, each man set his own standard. 

Doesn't that sound like America today?  Today, we're told that there is no right or wrong.  Today, every man is doing what is right in his own sight --- and any attempt to preach against sin is deemed as intolerant.  Soon, I believe that the straightforward preaching against sin will be declared a hate crime.  Twice the book of Proverbs states:  "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. " (Proverbs 14:12, 16:25)

2.  SEASONS OF REFRESHING.  During the unholy mess of that era, there were seasons of refreshing.  Every time Israel sunk to the depths of disgrace, they faced terrifying consequences that drove them to God.  Desperation replaced disgrace as Israel sought God.  In response, God sent judges to bring deliverance. 

I believe that America needs a season of refreshing, don't you?  Yet, like Israel, America will never experience seasons of refreshing without seeking God in desperation and repentance.  Better days were ahead for Israel.  Ultimately, a great king, David, would lead Israel to the zenith of her glory.  Yet David's glorious reign would be just a shadow of the future reign of the King of Kings who will reign over the house of David forever. 

These are sad times in our nation.  Yet the book of Judges gives me hope that revival is still possible in our land.  Right now, every man is doing what is right in his own sight.  We need a spiritual awakening so that every man will do what is right in God's sight. 

God will visit American either in revival or judgment.  Join with me in praying that God will have mercy on us and bring the spiritual awakening we need! 

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