"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14

When Solomon dedicated the house of the Lord, God made His presence known.  That night, the Lord spoke to Solomon and gave him spiritual insight concerning Israel's spiritual future. 

The Lord knew that there would be times when Israel would turn from Him.  God knew that His people would forsake Him and reap the consequences of sin.  The Lord told Solomon that Israel would face consequences for their sin:  "If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people."  Notice three specific catastrophes that Israel would face because of their sin:  drought, destruction and disease.  Thankfully, the Lord offered Israel hope for such occasions.  He gave them directions on how to return to fellowship with Him.  He promised that if they obeyed His instructions, He would, "... heal their land."

Let me be very candid with you.  We, in America, need God to heal our land.  We are in desperate need for the Lord to intervene in our nation and bring us healing.  Here are some reasons our land needs healing:
  • Racial unrest.  Our nation has deep, widening racial issues that are destroying our nation.
  • Social strife.  The hostile demonstrations we are seeing on the news give us an indication of how close we are to lawlessness in our streets.
  • Increased violence.  It is a common thing to hear about mass shootings.  The massacre of our citizens has become regular headlines in our news.
  • Terrorism.  Much of the violence mentioned above is inspired by terrorism.  Our country is vulnerable to terrorism.
  • Lack of respect for authority.  Our law enforcement officers are under attack in our nation.  They are being targeted for murder. 
  • Political corruption.  Let's be honest.  There is wide scale political corruption in America.  This deepens the hostility that exists among our residents.
  • Economic woes.  Our nation is deeply in debt.  It is unthinkable that our nation can ever repay the debt we owe ... and yet we continue to add to this debt.  This could easily lead to the economic downfall of America.
  • Spiritual apathy.  Most church members in America do not see the spiritual disaster that we are facing.  Instead of being salt & light, most church members blend in with the sinful society they live in. 

I could easily go on, but I think these issues underscore the need we have for a spiritual awakening in America. 

When God revealed the consequences that Israel would face when they forsake Him, He also gave them this promise:  "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  This verse was given for the nation, Israel, but I believe there are some spiritual principles found in the verse that give us our only hope for America.  You see, spiritual revival is America's only real hope.  From this verse, let's look at how revival can turn a nation around.

First of all, we see the people of revival.  God said, "If my people, which are called by my name..."  Revival can only come as God's people return to Him.  The word, "revival," means to "live again."  An unbeliever cannot "live again," because he has never lived to begin with.  He is still spiritually dead and far from God.  Revival is all about God's people getting right with Him. 

Furthermore, God says that His people, "... are called by my name."  Many religious activities have little or nothing to do with God. 

God is calling His people to experience revival.  The key to America's future is not found in the White House but in God's House.  The future of America does not hinge on what happens in a voting booth but in the prayer closet. 

Secondly, we learn about the path to revival.  Revival is not about having extra services at church or having an evangelist come to town with a Gospel tent.  Although there is nothing wrong with extra services or an anointed evangelist, neither of these modern ideas are specifically mentioned in God's plan.  Look at the four things God identifies:

First of all, God calls His people to humility.  "If my people ... shall humble themselves."  Far too many Christians expect sinners to kneel and pray when they won't do so themselves.  Many believers expect unbelievers to publicly repent when they themselves refuse to repent.  It is time for God's people to quit being so pushy, arrogant and proud.  It is time we get off our high horse and humbly turn to the Lord.  The Bible states that God resists the proud.  I believe that God has turned His back on many believers and churches because of their pride.  The Bible says, "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up."  Humility is the undeniable first step of revival.

Secondly, the Lord challenges His people to pray.  The Lord said, "If my people ... pray..."  When we humble ourselves, we find that we are totally dependent upon God.  Unless God turns things around, we have no hope in our homes, our churches, our businesses or our nation.  Desperation should drive us to our knees in humble prayer.

Third, the Lord invites us to seek His face.  God said, "If my people ... seek my face..."  Instead of looking to politicians, the Supreme Court or Wall Street for help, we need to look to the Lord.  Our faith and hope should be in God, not the government.  When God becomes our only love, His desire becomes our passion and His Word becomes our marching plans, then we can begin to see changes take place. 

Finally, we are instructed to repent.  The Lord said, "If my people ... turn from their wicked ways."  We can't do things in the future like we've done them in the past.  I believe that America is in the mess she is in due, in great part, to the spiritual failure of the American church.  It is time we quit playing church and start being the church.  The American church does not even resemble the early church found in the Scriptures. 

Let me be honest with you.  I can't count the times when I've gotten on the wrong road when I was driving.  It is embarrassing to admit that I've taken a wrong road.  Yet if I intend to arrive at the right destination, I must turn around and get on the right road.  Turning around is the key to reaching the right destination.  In life, turning around is known as repentance.  The American church --- and those of us in it --- needs to turn around.  We must repent.

Finally, we learn about the results of revival.  There are three things that God promises:

First, the Lord promises that He will hear the prayer of His people.  The Lord said, "...then will I hear from heaven."  I think it would be shocking to know how many church members pray daily, but rarely get answers to prayer.  When revival comes, God's people get back into fellowship with Him and experience the joy of having answered prayers.

Secondly, God promises to forgive the sins of His people.  In our text, God promises forgiveness to His people.  The Lord's people will regain the joy they once had.  Believers will once again have a song within and won't be able to keep silent.

Finally, the Master declares that He will heal the land.  The Bible says, "... then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." Believers often think that revival comes when unbelievers repent.  Actually, the salvation of souls is often a product of revival and not revival itself.  When God's people return to their first love, evangelism becomes fruitful.  Lives are changed.  Families are reunited.  Relationships are mended.  God is glorified.

Occasionally, we hear of an outbreak of revival here or there, such as the revival that has taken place recently in Burlington, NC.  What we desperately need is a massive revival that sweeps across this land.  God is able to do it.  Are we willing to surrender our pride, desperately pray to the Lord, quit playing church and seek Him completely?

We don't have time to waste.  I challenge every reader to make this the day you humble yourself, pray, seek the Lord and repent.  Today may be the beginning of a great revival that turns our nation around!

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...