"And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word." - 1 Kings 18:21

These days, everyone has an opinion about God.  Some deny the existence of God.  Others have a "god" that is conceived in their minds, representing the ideals they embrace.  When all is said and done, everyone will face the reality that they have tried to avoid:  there is only one God. 

Let me be very candid with you.  There is not a Baptist God, a Pentecostal God, a Lutheran God, a New Age God or a Mormon God.  There's only one God and He revealed Himself to us through the Holy Scriptures.  

On Mount Carmel, God's man, Elijah, confronted the prophets of Baal.  A line was drawn in the sand.  Either the Lord was God or Baal was God.  It was like an old western movie, where a gunfight in the street would settle things.  In this case, an obvious, tangible test was given.  A sacrifice would be placed on an altar.  Each side would be given an opportunity to pray and the God who consumed the sacrifice with fire would prove Himself to be God.  Or as Elijah phrased it, "... the God that answereth by fire, let him be God."

As Elijah was about to challenge the prophets of Baal, he issued a call to the crowd:  "How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him." 

Three things became obvious from this challenge --- and the response of the people:

The response to Elijah's call seemed like an easy decision, didn't it?  Yet the Bible states, "And the people answered him not a word."  It is sad when people lack the courage to stand up for what is right. 

Across America, the Gospel goes forth and yet many people refuse to take a stand for Jesus Christ.  Like Elijah's day, many refuse to stand for anything.  In an effort to protect a reputation or remain "politically correct," many refuse to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  These days, it is common to hear people say, "I don't talk about religion."  In other words, they have no faith to stand on. 

On Mount Carmel, there were some who stood for the wrong things.  450 prophets of Baal got their moment of attention when they prayed to their god and asked for fire to come down and consume the sacrifice.  Baal worship was more common than the worship of God at that time.  It doesn't matter whether something is popular or trendy; all that matters is the truth.

Sadly, many are honored for being "good people," despite the fact they have stood for the wrong things in life.  It doesn't matter if you were citizen of the year.  All that matters is where you stood concerning Jesus Christ.

It is common to hear people give their opinions about spiritual things.  Ultimately, your opinion will not matter.  The ruling of the United States Supreme Court will not carry any weight.  The latest polls will have no value.  When you leave this world, you will stand before a holy God, not a god of your choosing.  You will be judged based upon His truth, not your preferences. 

Some say that the only thing that is important is that you are sincere in your belief.  You can sincerely believe the wrong thing.  A man may sincerely believe he has taken the correct road and still be traveling in the wrong direction.  The prophets of Baal were religious, sincere and zealous --- and yet they were wrong.  They even cut themselves and were willing to suffer for their faith.  Many say that, "all roads lead to God."  Yet Baal's road did not lead to life ... it led to death.  Baal's prophets died that day because they stood for the wrong things.  Many that we know today will go to hell because they stand for the wrong things.   

Many stood for nothing, some stood for the wrong things, but only one stood for the Lord God ... Elijah.  Elijah stood alone in spite of the overwhelming apathy of the people and the idolatry of Baal's prophets.  It would have been easy to blend in with the crowd and avoid confrontation.

Because of Elijah's bold faith, he was accused of being a troublemaker (verse 17).  That sounds like the accusations brought against Christians today, doesn't it?   Yet if a man stands for the truth during a time of falsehood, he is not the troublemaker.  Those who reject truth, promote lies and mislead others are the true troublemakers. 

When Elijah prayed, God sent down the fire and it consumed the sacrifice.  Elijah stood alone for the King of Kings. 

Here in America, our nation stands on the brink of God's judgment.  The sins that God condemns are embraced, encouraged and endorsed by those who seek to lead us.  Few are standing for the truth.  Although it is disheartening to see our nation become a cesspool of iniquity, I think it is time for people to be challenged with the question:  "How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow Him."

When it comes to Jesus Christ, where do you stand?

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