"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." - Proverbs 3:5

Trust seems to be a by-gone trait.  There was a time when a man's word was his bond.  Honesty and integrity were once common among people, even those with no religious affiliation.  These days, you have to lock your car, monitor your bank account balance and guard your credit card.  You can't depend on others to keep their promises.  You can't even depend upon businessmen to keep the promises made in a signed contract.  Even worse, we automatically assume that politicians and salesmen are lying in order to achieve their goals. 

Because of the moral and ethical failures of this current generation, we tend to be untrusting.  We can't trust anyone because we've had our trust violated so often that our hearts are calloused.  Because of this, we need to be reminded that there is still Someone who can be trusted. 

Proverbs 3:5 is a verse that has meant a great deal to me through the years.  Look closely at this verse:  "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."  Let's consider this issue of trusting God.

Trust should be placed in a person that is trustworthy.  If a man lies to you over and over again, you know he is not trustworthy.  If a person makes promises, but never keeps those promises, you don't consider him trustworthy.  But what about God?  Is He trustworthy? 

Many people "believe in God," but they don't trust Him.  They refuse to trust Him with their soul, their future, their finances, their family and their career.  We must distinguish the difference between a mental affirmation of God's existence and a genuine, Biblical trust in God.  A mental affirmation of God's existence is not trust.  I may believe that a politician exists, but that doesn't mean that I trust him.  I may believe that an airplane is safe, but to entrust my life to that plane --- to the extent that I ride it --- is another matter.  Many people are like this when it comes to God.  They believe in His existence, but they want Him to remain a distance, unless a crisis arises. 

For the born-again Christian, God is more than a divine being.  He is real, personal, and glorious.  When a person hears the Gospel, repents and believes, his faith is placed in the person and work of Jesus Christ.  He may have believed about Jesus all his life, but at the moment of conversion, he places his trust in Jesus --- trusting Him to be all He claimed to be & trusting Him to do all He promised to do.

Far too many people are trusting in circumstances.  Our text teaches us to "Trust in the Lord," not in our feelings or circumstances.  Furthermore, we are not instructed to trust in the latest fads or trends.  All that really matters is truth.  Truth may be unpopular at times, but ultimately truth will stand forever.

God is trustworthy.  What He says is true.  He keeps every promise that He makes.  You can trust Him with your life.  You can trust Him with your future.  You can trust Him with your soul.

The Bible instructs you to trust Him, "... with all thine heart."  If you only trust a person partially, you really don't trust him at all.  These days, people believe God and the Bible only to the degree that it fits in their worldview.  If the Bible conflicts with a man's philosophy, he tends to hold to his philosophy, even with its flaws.  Either you trust God or you don't.  You shouldn't try to shape God according to your worldview.  You should trust God and let Him shape your worldview.

God is not trying to recruit people to be religious.  Instead, He expects people to trust Him because of who He is.  The reason so many don't trust Him is because they have never had a real encounter with Him.  Once a person has met God personally through Jesus Christ, his life is changed.  He begins a new loving relationship with God that is built on personal trust.

While Christians trust God with their eternal future, so many fail to trust Him to meet their daily needs.  The One who can be entrusted with eternity can be trusted with tomorrow's challenges.

We should trust Him completely because He is trustworthy.

Finally, the Bible teaches you to "... lean not unto thine own understanding." This doesn't mean that you have to check your brain in at the door.  This Scripture does not say that you should never think.  The Bible is not issuing a general statement of condemnation against education.  Instead, the Bible tells you not to lean on your own understanding.  Your education is not a substitute for God.  Your college degree or advanced educational training has a place, but it can never save your soul.  Education can't deliver you from sinful addictions.  Education cannot give you eternal life. 

It is not uncommon to hear people say that science or philosophy is their religion.  They believe that the future of mankind hinges on scientific development.  While science has a legitimate role in our lives, it has limitations.  Science does not produce love. Science cannot give spiritual edification.  Science offers no hope beyond the grave.  Be careful what you trust in.  Science is ever evolving.  What is commonly believed among scientists today may be disproved at some later date. 

God ever remains the same.  You cannot dissect him under a microscope because He dwells beyond the scope of what we classify as science.  There are aspects of life that science cannot probe.  True science is not in conflict with God.  However, current scientific beliefs may seem to differ from the Bible.  Keep in mind that science is ever searching for truth.  God is truth.  God created science & that science ultimately points to Him.  Don't place your trust in current, popular beliefs.  Place your faith in the truth --- truth that will stand forever.

God can be trusted.  Will you trust Him today? 

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