"Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD." - Obadiah 4

Pride is celebrated in our country.  Many are proud of their achievements. Some are proud of their heritage.  Sadly, a few are proud of their "sexual preference."  I have heard it said that some are so proud that they could strut sitting down!

While I've heard of churches that exercise discipline on members because of sexual sin or drunkenness, I've never heard of anyone being expelled from church membership because of pride.  Yet pride is a dangerous sin.  When God revealed seven things that He hates, pride was the first sin He named (see Proverbs 6:16-19).

Despite God's hatred of pride, our nation (including the Church) celebrates pride.  Some preachers have the reputation of being arrogant and self-centered. Church congregations tend to proudly publicize their church name.  Denominations seem more interested in having statistics to brag about rather than fulfilling the Great Commission.  Gospel music artists tend to "show off" at times ... and crowds love it.  Have we gone mad?

The Bible says, "God resists the proud."  Is it any wonder that He is resisting the Church in America?  While the Church is growing in other nations, God's hand of blessing seems to be withheld from the American Church.  It is time that the American Church woke up and repented of her sinful pride. 

Pride is a sin that God hates.  Shouldn't we hate it, too?  It is easy to spot pride when it comes to someone else, but it is tougher to notice pride in your own heart.  Yet it is the pride within that you and I are responsible for.   

When Obadiah was commanded to write to Edom, he shared God's condemnation of their pride in verse 4:  "Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD."  The people had exalted themselves to great heights, which God compared to be similar to an eagle's ascent.  Notice God's response to their pride, "... (from) thence will I bring thee down..." 

Jesus said, "Whosoever exalts himself shall be abased."  God brings those down who exalt themselves.  The proud ultimately are brought to ruin and shame. 

The flip side to this truth is one we need to remember:  "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up." (James 4:10).  Rather than exalting ourselves, wouldn't it be better to experience God's exaltation?   

As you look back at your spiritual pilgrimage, you must confess that humility always preceded your mountaintop experiences.  When you got saved, you had to humbly face your sin, repent and come with child-like faith to Jesus.  Humility preceded blessing.  Look at the high points of your walk with Christ.  Did they not begin with humility?   If you were honest, your greatest failures and humiliating experiences came during times of pride, arrogance and self-reliance. 

I believe that the great need facing America is for a spiritual awakening.  This will not come because of our pride.  Instead, it can only occur as God's people humble themselves.  Many like to quote 2 Chronicles 7:14:  "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  Although this verse was given to Israel and not America, I think there is a lesson to be learned.  God will not bless a nation until that country approaches Him with humility.

In the aftermath of our recent Presidential election here in America, one side has gloated while another side experienced unexpected humiliation.  Some angrily deny the process and seek to take matters in their own hands.  America is a nation that is dying because of pride.  America needs to humble herself.  America needs to repent.  Our pride will ultimately be our undoing.  The book of Proverbs reminds us that, "Pride goeth before destruction." 

It is time that we seek the face of God.  We can't do this while we admire ourselves.  Instead, we need to recognize the sin within and repent with great humility.

We need God's grace.  There is a grace place available.  James 4:6 teaches us, "But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble."  We can either receive God's grace or be rejected by Him.

God's grace is available to those humble enough to receive it. 

"Behold, the day­­­­s come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD." - Amos 8:11

Here in America, famines are very rare.  We've had times of recession, depression & drought (and some areas are experiencing severe drought right now), but a widespread famine is uncommon for our country.  There are nations and regions that endure long periods of famine.  International relief is often supplied to help alleviate the situation.

When Amos wrote to Israel, he wrote of a different type of famine.  As our text states, "... not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD."  The famine Amos wrote about is part of God's judgment on a nation that had turned its back on Him.  In their desperation, the people would seek a word from God but would be unable to get a word from Him.

Right now, there is no shortage of God's message.  In the area where I live, there are numerous churches; each proclaiming God's Word.  Like most of America, the Word is available for those who wish to hear it.  Despite the availability of God's Word, I feel that we are on the threshold of a spiritual famine, a famine very similar to the one that Amos wrote about. 

I believe several things lead to a spiritual famine.  First of all, rejection of God's Word leads to a famine.  When people deliberately reject God's Word, He tends to withdraw His Word from them.  When a plate of food is placed before a man, he has the option of eating or rejecting the food.  If he rejects the food, eventually, the plate will be removed.  I feel that many in America are rejecting God's Word.  Some are rejecting His Word outright, rejecting God's existence and authority.  Others are rejecting His Word by agreeing only with passages that are in harmony with their own pre-conceived biases.  Many Americans give positive affirmation to the "positive" words of the Bible, while rejecting passages that they feel are "negative" or "outdated."  When you reject any part of God's Word, you are rejecting God Himself, since the entire text is His Word.  Partial rejection of the Bible is the first step in the downward spiral of spiritual ruin.  When people reject God's Word, a spiritual famine is inevitable.

Secondly, disobedience leads to a spiritual famine.  It is one thing to hear God's Word but it is another thing to obey God's Word.  You may hear a preacher proclaim God's Word, but unless you obey the Word, it has not benefited you at all.  Disobedience is a sign of rebellion.  We should be doers of the Word and not just hearers of the Word.  If God's people would obey the truth, I believe we'd see a genuine revival in America.  Instead, most church members treat God's message as an option to be considered rather than a command to be obeyed.  When a believer zealously seeks to obey God's Word, most church members look down upon such a person as being a "religious nut."  This shows how far off track we are in our country.  Our disobedience to God's Word reflects a lack of holy respect for God Himself.  Disobedience always leads to serious consequences.  A spiritual famine often comes when people disobey God's Word on a regular basis.

Also, apathy often produces a spiritual famine.  Most church members treat the Bible with indifference.  They may bring their personal copy of the Bible to church on Sunday morning ... but the Bible is neglected the rest of the week.  Despite the availability of God's Word, most professing Christians neglect the Bible.  There is so much ignorance of the Bible today.  No wonder that false teachers and heresy are tolerated in this generation.  Neglect of God's Word occurs when we treat it lightly or consider it be of less importance than "other things."  We are living in a time of spiritual apathy.  How do I know this?  Most professing Christians in America do not attend church on a regular basis.  There is no hunger for God's Word.  Most are satisfied with political speeches or positive motivational lectures.  Few have a holy desire to hear the man of God preach the Word of God in the power of the Spirit of God for the glory of God.

When a spiritual famine comes, the consequences are severe.  As in the prophecy of Amos, many will desperately seek a word from God, but won't find it.  The Word that had been treated with disdain, disobedience and neglect will be a word they will desperately seek & it won't be available to them.

How can we avoid a famine in our land?  It must begin on a personal basis.  First of all, believe God's Word.  Receive the Bible for what it is ... God's Word to you.  Secondly, read God's Word daily.  You don't neglect meals do you?  Well, don't neglect your spiritual food either.  Feast from God's Word each day.  Third, obey God's Word.  Treat God's message seriously.  Obey the Word of God daily.  Fourth, go to church regularly.  Be fed from the Word.  Your opportunities to attend church are limited, so make the most of the opportunities you have left.  Also, store God's Word in your heart.  Meditate on the Word.  Memorize key verses.   Next, stand on the Word of God.  Mark the promises of God and trust them.  Depend on God to keep His Word.  Finally, spread the Word to others.  Hungry souls need the Bread of Life.  Share the Good News they desperately need.

Do you have a spiritual hunger within?  Let me recommend that you feast on God's Word.  You don't have to experience a spiritual famine yourself.  Open your Bible and begin reading the Gospel of John.  "O taste and see that the Lord is good."


"Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things."
- Joel 2:21

Fear is a powerful emotion.  During the recent Presidential election here in America, both sides used fear in their effort to win.  Their attempt to motivate people by fear was successful to varying degrees.  The entire election process was overshadowed by a sense of fear and foreboding. 

Even now, there is still emotional fallout from the election, including protests and social media anxiety.  Some fear what may unfold during the next administration.  Others fear that the ongoing protests will get out of control, producing violence and social unrest. 

The prophet Joel wrote to Israel during a time of great anxiety.  The people were suffering because of their sin.  The consequences of their sin were very severe, affecting every aspect of their lives. 

Despite the ongoing chastening of the Lord, God offered His people comfort.  Joel wrote, "Fear not."  The people had reason to fear, but Joel's message of assurance was from the Lord Himself.  Even more amazing was the message that followed:  "... be glad and rejoice:  for the LORD will do great things."  God was going to turn things around.  He would do great things.

There is great debate whether the President-elect will do great things during his Presidency, but most refuse to consider the fact that God does great things.  We tend to take God's actions for granted.  We often give credit to humans when God does great things.  Consider three things about our Lord:

First of all, consider that God has done great things.  He created the universe.  That was a great thing.  He created mankind.  That was another great thing.  When Adam rebelled and brought death upon mankind through sin, God did another great thing:  He sent His Son to pay the debt of sin.  He has done great things. He has done great things for America in the past.  He has done great things for your family through the years.  God has done great things for you, personally.  If you are a follower of Jesus, your salvation was a great thing that God has done in your life.  God has done great things.

Secondly, God is doing great things.  Right now, the Lord is doing great things & we are guilty of overlooking these things or taking them for granted.  If great things were not being done right now, all of us would be in a mess.  In our high-pace society, it is often said, "Forget about what you've done in the past ... what are you doing now?"  I disagree with this attitude.  The past does matter.  God has done great things in the past, but His faithfulness continues right now.  He is still saving souls.  He is still changing lives.  He continues to reign.  He blessed you with another day.  That's a great thing.  He has given you a portion of good health today.  That's a great thing.  You still have family and friends who care for you.  Those are great things.  You have food, shelter and provisions.  These are great things that God gives you every day.  He is doing great things.

Also, we know that God will do great things.  God has made many promises concerning the future.  His past faithfulness should energize our faith in Him today --- but it also should fuel our expectations as we remember His promises.  God will do great things in the days, weeks and years to come.  God will take care of you through this life.  That is something great.  Jesus is coming soon.  That will certainly be a great thing.  He will take His children home to stay.  That will be a great thing.  We'll enjoy heaven throughout eternity.  That will certainly be a great thing.

Whether you are excited or scared about the President-elect, you can be sure that God is still on the throne.  God's power has not diminished.  He is evermore the same. 

We have reason to be glad and rejoice.  Our God does great things.

"Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you." - Hosea 10:12

Tuesday will be Election Day here in the United States.  The future of our country hangs in the balance as Americans go to the polls.  This has been a controversial election filled with accusations, innuendos and corruption.  Most Americans are highly emotional with their political opinions.  With all of the talk about assault allegations, criminal investigations and personal verbal attacks, this has been the most vile, corrupt and disgusting Presidential election in our nation's history. 

The world around us sits amused and amazed at the events that have unfolded in our land.  I can't help but think that enemy countries are laughing with scorn at our foolishness.  Watching the Presidential campaign has been like watching a bad episode of Laurel and Hardy.  Neither of the leading candidates can shake the publicity of their bad behavior & decisions. It prompts me to ask this question:  How did our standards for leadership sink so low?

The fact is that we are reaping what we have sown.  In many ways, we, as Americans, are responsible for the trash that we see on the news.  We have sown to the wind and now we're reaping the whirlwind.  We've embraced sin, selfishness and compromise without thinking about the ultimate consequences.  The fact is that we deserve exactly what we're getting. 

The answer for our nation is not found in the ballot box.  If we want to reap a different kind of harvest, we need to start sowing different seed. 

Israel was a nation that had sunk to the lowest point of shame and dishonor.  When God spoke through Hosea the prophet, the Lord compared unfaithful Israel to a prostitute.  In Hosea 10:12, God told Israel, "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you."  God invited Israel to seek forgiveness, cleansing and restoration. 

Regardless of the outcome of our national election, America needs to repent.  As Americans, we need to quit pointing the finger of blame at others and accept responsibility for our own decisions and actions.  Instead of seeking to be politically correct or pleasing the crowd, it is time that we start sowing the right seed. 

The principle of sowing and reaping is described in both the Old and New Testaments.  It is a personal principle as well as a principle for a nation. 

Look again at Hosea 10:12 and note the stages of this principle:

First of all, there is the preparation stage.  The Bible says, "Break up your fallow ground."  Before you can plant good seed, you need to plow the ground.  The plowing process includes stirring the ground, making it soft and ready for planting. 

The same is true for us as a nation.  We need to break up the fallow ground.  This is referred to as repentance.  As Americans, we tend to be hard-hearted, stiff-necked, independent people.  We celebrate such stubbornness.  However, the only things that grow in unbroken ground are weeds.  That is why we see such a rotten display of weeds in political circles.  The fact is that weeds are everywhere.  It is easy to spot sinful weeds during a political debate, but we fail to notice the weeds in our own lives. 

If we want to see a better harvest, we must sow the right seed, and this can only occur once the fallow ground is broken.  

Secondly, we need to plant the correct seed.  "Sow to yourselves in righteousness," was the challenge God gave to sinful Israel.  It is advice that America should take to heart also. 

These days, people are sowing seeds of politics, religion, finance, career and family.  In their right place, these things aren't necessarily bad.  The problem is that these are not the seeds we need to be planting.  We need to sow "in righteousness."  Even in "Christian" circles, righteousness is not a virtue that many desire.  Without righteousness, a nation will rot to death because of sin. 

On a personal level, sowing to righteousness stems from a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  When a man repents of sin and trusts Christ alone for salvation, God declares him righteous.  From the moment of conversion, the born again believer seeks to honor God with righteousness.  Jesus instructs us to, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness" (Matthew 6:33).  So many sow the wrong seed, then pray for crop failure on judgment day. 

You must sow the right seed if you expect the right harvest.  You reap what you sow.

Next, there is a process.  The Bible says, "It is time to seek the Lord."  When a farmer plants seed, he works hard to keep weeds away.  Furthermore, he tries to provide the necessary conditions for the seed to grow.  Spiritually, as we seek the Lord, the weeds of sin are continually dealt with as we repent and pray.  Nationally, God works in the hearts of people and moves them to publicly seek God in one accord.  When the body of Christ unites in prayer and purpose, widespread revival could break out! 

Next, there is patience.  A farmer must be patient as he waits for the harvest to come.  When we start trusting God for results instead of looking to politicians, our nation will begin to experience a tremendous turnaround. 

Finally, a harvest comes.  Notice several things about the harvest God promised Israel if they would repent.  First of all, it was a harvest of mercy.  God told Israel that if they would sow in righteousness, they would, "reap in mercy."  Instead of getting the results they deserved, they received God's mercy.  Lately, my prayer has been, "Lord, have mercy on America."

Secondly, it was a harvest of God's divine grace.  God told Israel to keep seeking the Lord, "... till he comes."  That is the challenge for the American church.  Seek God until He comes.

Finally, it was a harvest of God's rich blessings.  When God comes, He will, "...rain righteousness upon you."  We need that kind of rain to fall upon the dry, crusting soil of America today.

I'm tired of this political season. I'm tired of the advertisements.  I'm tired of the verbal accusations.  I'm tired of the strife among Americans over the election.  I am bothered that most Christians I know on social media spend more time, emotion and energy on political issues rather than the Gospel. 

I would rather be part of the solution rather than contribute to the problem.  The answer is not found in the voting booth, but in the prayer closet.  Let's starting sowing in righteousness today.

We'll reap what we've sown.

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...