"Behold, the day­­­­s come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD." - Amos 8:11

Here in America, famines are very rare.  We've had times of recession, depression & drought (and some areas are experiencing severe drought right now), but a widespread famine is uncommon for our country.  There are nations and regions that endure long periods of famine.  International relief is often supplied to help alleviate the situation.

When Amos wrote to Israel, he wrote of a different type of famine.  As our text states, "... not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD."  The famine Amos wrote about is part of God's judgment on a nation that had turned its back on Him.  In their desperation, the people would seek a word from God but would be unable to get a word from Him.

Right now, there is no shortage of God's message.  In the area where I live, there are numerous churches; each proclaiming God's Word.  Like most of America, the Word is available for those who wish to hear it.  Despite the availability of God's Word, I feel that we are on the threshold of a spiritual famine, a famine very similar to the one that Amos wrote about. 

I believe several things lead to a spiritual famine.  First of all, rejection of God's Word leads to a famine.  When people deliberately reject God's Word, He tends to withdraw His Word from them.  When a plate of food is placed before a man, he has the option of eating or rejecting the food.  If he rejects the food, eventually, the plate will be removed.  I feel that many in America are rejecting God's Word.  Some are rejecting His Word outright, rejecting God's existence and authority.  Others are rejecting His Word by agreeing only with passages that are in harmony with their own pre-conceived biases.  Many Americans give positive affirmation to the "positive" words of the Bible, while rejecting passages that they feel are "negative" or "outdated."  When you reject any part of God's Word, you are rejecting God Himself, since the entire text is His Word.  Partial rejection of the Bible is the first step in the downward spiral of spiritual ruin.  When people reject God's Word, a spiritual famine is inevitable.

Secondly, disobedience leads to a spiritual famine.  It is one thing to hear God's Word but it is another thing to obey God's Word.  You may hear a preacher proclaim God's Word, but unless you obey the Word, it has not benefited you at all.  Disobedience is a sign of rebellion.  We should be doers of the Word and not just hearers of the Word.  If God's people would obey the truth, I believe we'd see a genuine revival in America.  Instead, most church members treat God's message as an option to be considered rather than a command to be obeyed.  When a believer zealously seeks to obey God's Word, most church members look down upon such a person as being a "religious nut."  This shows how far off track we are in our country.  Our disobedience to God's Word reflects a lack of holy respect for God Himself.  Disobedience always leads to serious consequences.  A spiritual famine often comes when people disobey God's Word on a regular basis.

Also, apathy often produces a spiritual famine.  Most church members treat the Bible with indifference.  They may bring their personal copy of the Bible to church on Sunday morning ... but the Bible is neglected the rest of the week.  Despite the availability of God's Word, most professing Christians neglect the Bible.  There is so much ignorance of the Bible today.  No wonder that false teachers and heresy are tolerated in this generation.  Neglect of God's Word occurs when we treat it lightly or consider it be of less importance than "other things."  We are living in a time of spiritual apathy.  How do I know this?  Most professing Christians in America do not attend church on a regular basis.  There is no hunger for God's Word.  Most are satisfied with political speeches or positive motivational lectures.  Few have a holy desire to hear the man of God preach the Word of God in the power of the Spirit of God for the glory of God.

When a spiritual famine comes, the consequences are severe.  As in the prophecy of Amos, many will desperately seek a word from God, but won't find it.  The Word that had been treated with disdain, disobedience and neglect will be a word they will desperately seek & it won't be available to them.

How can we avoid a famine in our land?  It must begin on a personal basis.  First of all, believe God's Word.  Receive the Bible for what it is ... God's Word to you.  Secondly, read God's Word daily.  You don't neglect meals do you?  Well, don't neglect your spiritual food either.  Feast from God's Word each day.  Third, obey God's Word.  Treat God's message seriously.  Obey the Word of God daily.  Fourth, go to church regularly.  Be fed from the Word.  Your opportunities to attend church are limited, so make the most of the opportunities you have left.  Also, store God's Word in your heart.  Meditate on the Word.  Memorize key verses.   Next, stand on the Word of God.  Mark the promises of God and trust them.  Depend on God to keep His Word.  Finally, spread the Word to others.  Hungry souls need the Bread of Life.  Share the Good News they desperately need.

Do you have a spiritual hunger within?  Let me recommend that you feast on God's Word.  You don't have to experience a spiritual famine yourself.  Open your Bible and begin reading the Gospel of John.  "O taste and see that the Lord is good."

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