"The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing." - Zephaniah 3:17

Every person has an innate desire to be loved.  We never outgrow the longing to be wanted, appreciated & loved.  God created us to seek & enjoy relationship with others. 

Despite our desire for love, we must confess that our world is an unloving environment.  Selfishness is prevalent due to sin.  We often get suspicious of strangers who show concern or care for us because we imagine that they have an ulterior motive.  Many do have secret motives, wanting a "favor" in return. 

It is refreshing to open the pages of Scripture and find that God cares for His people.  His love is an unconditional love.  When we think about God's love, we must not confuse His love with His approval.  God's love for His people is unconditional, but His approval may vary, based upon their obedience to Him.

In Zephaniah 3:17, God directed the prophet write the following words to His people, Israel: "The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing."  Israel had been disobedient to God, but He still loved His people.

Look at the verse again and meditate on the love God has for His people.

First of all, the prophet wrote, "The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty."  God was in the midst of His people, Israel.  Today, His people have the promise of His presence, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."  God has not forsaken His people.  Friends may forsake you.  Foes will oppose you.  But God remains the same.  He is present with us right now. 

Furthermore, God's love is extended to His people with this promise, "... he will save."  We have Someone who can and will deliver us.  God has not forsaken His own, but offers hope and help to His people through His Word.  It is time for God's people to believe His Word, obey His Word and stand on His Word.

God cares for His people.  Zephaniah wrote, "... he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing."  God's people are very important to Him.  God is not a politician, simply seeking support from people & then dump them when He gets what He wants.  God is always available for His people.  Notice that he rejoices over his people.  Just as an earthly father enjoys watching his children, God enjoys us.  We are His and He is ours.  I believe He enjoys our obedience to Him.  I believe He enjoys seeing us love others in His Name.

Furthermore, His love is not boisterous.  The Bible says, "... he will rest in his love."  In other words, His love is a strong love.  Often, those who have a "boisterous love," don't really love at all.  It is one thing to be noticed for loving others, it is another thing to love for love's sake.  God loves us, not because we deserve it, but because He is love.  Love is the essence of His being.  While I believe that God is holy, righteous, and perfect, it is wrong to forget His loving kindness and tender mercy.

Finally, God expresses His love.  Even though His love is a strong type of love, that does not mean that He refuses to demonstrate His love.  Zephaniah wrote, "... he will joy over thee with singing."  God sings?  That's what this verse seems to indicate.  Some believe that the translation should be more like, "shouts of joy."  In any case, God is not ashamed to demonstrate His love for His people.  We shouldn't be ashamed to demonstrate & declare our love for Him either.

God demonstrated His love for us by sending His Son to die for us.  "But God commendeth (demonstrated) his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."  God declared His love for us.  God demonstrated His love for us.

The One who knows us best loves us most.  He knows our faults, flaws and sins, & yet He loves us in spite of it all. 

He is a Father who truly loves His children.

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