"For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost." - Matthew 18:11

There is a striking difference between the Old and New Testaments.  The Old Testament revealed man's fall and the tragic fallout of that sin.  The law was given to show man the nature of his condition and the consequences of his transgressions.  The Old Testament shows us that God is holy & righteous.  He is not One that overlooks sin.  He takes sin seriously ... and He expects mankind to do the same.  Much of the Old Testament focuses on God's dealings with the people of Israel.  He chose Israel to be the apple of His eye.  His interaction with Israel reveals His love for them.  Yet His love for them did not give them immunity from His justice when they rebelled against Him.  The Old Testament closes with prophetic books that pronounce judgment upon people because of their sinful disobedience.

The New Testament unfolds with God bringing hope to lost mankind --- not just to Israel, but hope for all of us.  God demonstrated His love in the most tangible way possible ... He became a man and walked among us.  The Old Testament reveals man's ugly sinful nature.  The New Testament gives us the answer for man's hopeless condition.  God used the Old Testament to give us the diagnosis of our condition.  He gave us the New Testament to show us the remedy.

God did not give us a New Testament because the Old Testament was bad.  The Old Testament is inspired Scripture just like the New Testament.  The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament.  Just as the first act of a play leads an audience to anticipate and appreciate future acts, the Old Testament repeatedly points forward to a future awesome event that was revealed in the New Testament.  We appreciate the New Testament much more as we understand the nature of man's sin that was revealed in the Old Testament.

The Old Testament is primarily about man's need for a savior.  The New Testament reveals God's provision of that Savior in the person of Jesus Christ. 

While it is true that Jesus performed miracles, cared for people and taught powerfully, the real purpose for His coming is summarized in His own statement in Matthew 18:11, "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost."

Jesus came with a purpose in mind ... to save lost people.  Look closely at a few facts that Jesus revealed to us.

First of all, Jesus refers to Himself in the third person as, "the Son of man."  In this reference, He reveals to us the miracle of the incarnation.  Jesus was God and man.  Some deny His humanity.  There are many who say that Jesus never lived.  Of course, this is a denial of history.  Jesus did live as a man.  This is a historical fact.  Others deny His deity.  Even some religious people object to His deity.  They believe He was a man, maybe even the Son of God, but they reject the fact that He was God in the flesh.  However, Jesus was BOTH man and God.  He was not 50% man and 50% God.  He was 100% man and 100% God.  He declared Himself to be "the Son of man." 

Jesus came to save the lost, but how could this be done?  Since God is just, He must punish the guilty.  The Old Testament gives us full evidence of man's guilt.  As the Apostle Paul wrote, "The law entered that the offence might abound."  A good judge must punish the guilty ... so how could we be saved from the penalty that we deserve?  Jesus is the answer.  He came and lived a perfect life & died upon a cross to save us from our sins.  He had to be 100% man in order to be a proper substitute on the cross.  He had to be 100% God in order to live the perfect life and purchase salvation.  You see, only God has the power to save.  If He were not God, Jesus could not save anyone.  He was the High Priest who offered up the perfect sacrifice (Himself), for us.  This was a once-for-all sacrifice that was acceptable to the Father.  When Jesus died upon the cross, the veil of the temple tore in two.  The veil had been placed in the temple to keep men out of the sacred meeting place with God.  Through His death upon the cross, Jesus opened that curtain to allow sinners like you & me to enter in and enjoy sweet fellowship with the Father.   

Next, notice that He came to "save that which was lost."  Jesus did not come to make self-righteous people feel better.  Neither did He come to enrich your bank account.  He came to save the lost.  The reason most people remain lost is that they do not see a need for salvation.  They utterly resist and reject the truth that they are sinfully depraved and hopelessly lost.  Their rejection of this truth keeps them from receiving the Good News of the Gospel.  The reason that I have a problem with self-motivational "sermons" is that they lack the convicting power of the Holy Spirit.  Before a sinner can be saved, he must realize his enormous guilt and hopeless condition.  The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to convict the sinner.  When a sinner realizes his condition, then the Gospel begins to make sense.  The sinner can then understand why Jesus came to die for him.  Through Jesus, the sinner can experience forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

First responders are trained to save lives.  All they can do, however, is save a person from physical death.  Only Jesus can save us from the second death in a lake of fire.  Only Jesus can save the lost from the penalty they richly deserve. 

By his own choice, mankind is on the road to destruction.  Jesus came to save those who will believe on Him.  This could only be accomplished through His sacrificial death upon the cross.  That is God's saving plan.

Have you been saved? 


"Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.  And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him." - Malachi 3:16-17

What do you treasure most?  If you're like most Americans, you probably value your family greatly.  If you're a Christian, you probably would say that you value Christ most, followed by family.  But what does God treasure?

Malachi 3:16-17 gives us precious insight about a subject that few think about.  God will have a collection of jewels in heaven.  No, I'm not referring to the precious jewels that compose the foundation of heaven.  In our text, the Bible says that God will soon gather His jewels.  His jewels are actually people.  Not necessarily rich, famous or powerful people, but those who are precious to Him.

I want you to notice several things about the people that God treasures as His jewels.

First of all, our text indicates that His jewels are "...them that feared the LORD."  I don't ever recall hearing a sermon that concentrated specifically on the fear of God.  These days, "the fear of God," is an unpopular topic --- even among professing believers.  In this age of cheap grace, we have emphasized subjects like love, mercy & grace; but we've eliminated the subjects of holiness, judgment and righteousness.  What does it mean to fear God?  Does it indicate that we are to be afraid of God?  For the believer, our fear of God should be a healthy reverence and respect for God.  Yes, there should be a fear of His chastisement.  There should be a fear of disappointing Him.  There ought to be a fear of severing intimate fellowship with Him when we disobey.  Our fear of Him is based upon fact and not emotional rhetoric.  God treasures those who have a healthy reverence of Him.  God is keeping "a book of remembrance."  He has not overlooked or forgotten those who belong to Him or the work they have done in His Name!

Secondly, our text indicates that His jewels are those, "...that thought upon his name..."  Basically, God treasures those who treasure Him.  Is God in your thoughts daily?  Is He the subject of your meditation?  Those who reverently treasure God above all things will be the jewels He will gather soon.

Finally, our text informs us that His jewels are a prized, personal possession, "... they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts."  Those who fear and treasure Him are a valued possession of our Lord.  Notice that these jewels will soon be gathered:  "...in that day when I make up my jewels."  Our Lord is coming soon.  He is not coming for everyone.  Instead, He is coming for just a chosen few.  He is coming to gather His jewels.  These are they who will be "saved from the wrath to come." (1 Thessalonians 1:10).  In fact, our text states, "I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him."  God will take care of His own possession!

God is in the jewel business.  Through His saving grace, filthy sinners are transformed into precious jewels.  He is coming to gather His jewels soon & will display them in heaven ... all for His glory. 

Will you be among that number?


"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." - Zechariah 4:6

We live in a generation that has seen great advances in the field of medicine and technology.  In many ways, the quality of life has improved drastically because of these advances.  However, there are many things that haven't improved.  Ethics, morality and spirituality have declined rapidly.  Mankind is sinfully depraved.  This spiritual depravity is obvious to any Biblically literate Christian.

One thing that is sadly missing in the Christian community is Spirit-filled, Spirit-led churches.  In this age of high-tech resources, the felt presence of the Holy Spirit is noticeably absent.  Think about this.  The first century church did not have large screen monitors, paved parking lots, extravagant buildings or polished musicians.  What they did have was the Holy Spirit & He worked through the Church to impact the world with the Gospel.

There is no substitute for the Holy Spirit.  Despite the numerous books written about church health and church growth, I believe that there is one Book that is overlooked --- the Bible itself.

In this day and time, it seems like pastors want to be CEO-type leaders rather than shepherds of the flock.  In some areas, the church is run like a business with secular marketing techniques.  Rather than operating as a business, the church should be a Spirit-led congregation, touching lives with the Gospel. 

In some churches, the entire "worship service," is programmed, very much like a radio station is programmed.  The music & message targets a specific audience. 

Speaking of music, in some churches the music resembles a rock concert.  High-energy music is performed with the intention of getting the crowd emotionally charged.  It is one thing to get caught up in the sway of the beat; it is another thing to be caught up in the Spirit.

There's a problem with all of this.  The American church has gotten too big for its britches.  We've substituted style for substance; entertainment for edification; emotion for worship; and polish for preaching.  Somewhere along the way, the Holy Spirit has exited most churches and hasn't even been missed. 

Here are some things that the American church has substituted for the Holy Spirit. 

Programs are popular in church.  On one hand, there is nothing wrong with a Biblically based program.  However, there is a problem when programs are expected to bring life to the church.  I find it strange that many pastors talk about having a church like the one found in the book of Acts, but then promote ideas and programs that aren't found in the first century church.  Programs are a means to an end, not the end itself.  Certainly, programs will never take the place of the Holy Spirit.

There are two forms of politics that are deadly to the church.  First of all, internal politics is destructive to a church.  Most church splits occur because of internal politics and bickering.  There is nothing worse than Christians fighting over control.  Isn't the Holy Spirit the One who should be in control of a church?

External politics is also bad for the church.  While it is good for Christians to be involved in the political process, it is wrong for the church to look to politicians and political parties for solutions to the ills of our nation.  Doesn't the church have the answer to our country's problems?  Why do we look to a politician instead of looking to Jesus?  During political season, why are visiting politicians permitted to occupy the pulpit on Sunday?  Lord, have mercy on our churches!  While it is good for a Christian to vote, we must remember that the hope for our country is not found in the voting booth but in the prayer closet.  The recent Presidential election was revealing.  I noticed on social media that most professing Christians seemed more zealous and outspoken about their political views than they've ever been about Jesus.  Don't you agree that this is a problem?

A third hindrance to the American church is the Hollywood-type status of certain preachers.  Some will drive for hundreds of miles to see & hear a TV minister in person, but won't even show up at their local church for a prayer meeting.  I believe there are good ministers in America, including some who are famous.  However, we need more than a polished preacher to turn things around, we need God Himself!  Instead of following TV evangelists, let's get back to following Jesus!  Instead of pursuing famous evangelists, let's pursue God!  Rather than seeking to talk for a moment with a religious leader, let's seek a divine encounter with God Himself!

In some circles, tradition has trumped truth.  Some cling to empty tradition with religious fervor.  Some would rather die in defense of a worthless ritual than to take up the cross & follow Jesus.  When tradition is worshiped rather than God, spiritual decay occurs.

For many, the issue is not tradition.  Instead, they are going through the motions.  Their worship is lifeless.  They have grown cold and indifferent.  They attend church without expecting a move of the Spirit.  Dead churches are abundant throughout the land.

What is the answer for the spiritual dilemma in America?  I believe there must be honest, sincere repentance.  It is time we throw away the religious idols that we've held so dear.  It is time we get on our knees and seek God diligently.  We need to pray with desperation.  We need the Holy Spirit, not more programs.  We need the Spirit to work anew and afresh in our lives.  It is time that we quit playing games at the foot of the cross.  It is time that we quit settling for the superficial and pray for the supernatural.  We should no longer be content with the status quo.  Only the Holy Spirit can bring life to a dead soul.  Only He can bring about long-term change.  Only a move of the Holy Spirit can restore a marriage, revive a church or turn a nation around.  We need more than the power of programs or the persuasion of preachers; we need the power of the Holy Spirit.  As Zechariah wrote, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts."

It is time for God's people to repent of our foolishness and surrender anew and afresh to the Lord.  Pray until God moves.

Without Him, our efforts are in vain.


"Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways." - Haggai 1:7

The local church used to be a vital part of the community.  Residents of the community would regularly attend and support the church.  The local church was a spiritual and social gathering place.  The local church was a vital part of the community's identity and functionality. 

Things have certainly changed.  These days, the local church is considered an option for the super-spiritual or "Jesus Freaks."  Most feel that they can be religious without any formal church attendance or membership.  For some, a church is just a status symbol of religious freedom.  For many, it is just a place to go only for weddings and funerals. 

God's house is being neglected these days.  The same was true for Haggai's day.  Although the residents of Israel were living comfortably in their nice homes, they were neglecting the rebuilding of God's house.  As a result, God led Haggai to challenge the people with these words, "Consider your ways."

In Haggai 1:6, the Bible says,  "Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes."  Their neglect of God's house was the reason that their efforts had been in vain.  The people were experiencing unnecessary trials because of their disobedience.  When the people neglect God's house, they are the ones who lose.

It is not the changes in the White House that will turn this nation around.  Instead, if people would repent and get back in God's house, we'd see positive change.  Because of Haggai's prophetic message, the people of Israel were convicted.  They repented and began working on restoring God's house.

I believe that the people of America have neglected God's house.  Have you?  When was the last time you attended church? 

We tend to blame our nation's economic and international challenges on a politician or a political party.  Perhaps we are looking at the result of God's judgment rather than the cause of His judgment.  Judgment must begin at the House of God.  Perhaps the real culprits in America are "good, religious folk." 

Since we are in a brand new year, let me challenge you to consider your ways.  Rather than judge the faults of church members, perhaps you should review your own stewardship.  If you've dropped out of church, get back in church where you belong.  If you are inconsistent in your church attendance, go every Sunday, beginning with this Sunday.  If you go to church regularly, do you get involved?  Are you serving?  Are you giving of your time, talents and treasures to see God's work advance through the ministry of your local church, or do you only warm the church pew on Sunday?

Maybe you're not involved in a local church because you feel out of place when you attend church.  The issue may not be with the church.  Perhaps you feel out of place because you aren't right with God.  If that is the case, my word for you is, "Consider your ways."  While I encourage you to begin attending church, I challenge you to go much deeper than that.  Attending church will not get you into heaven.  Involvement in a local church will not make you a Christian.  Instead, you need to repent of your sins right now.  Turn from your sins and place your faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.

The neglect of God's house is a reflection of our neglect of God Himself.  God deserves better.

Consider your ways.

Storing Treasures

STORING TREASURES “ Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” - Psalm 119:11 When a person accumulates worldl...