"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." - Zechariah 4:6

We live in a generation that has seen great advances in the field of medicine and technology.  In many ways, the quality of life has improved drastically because of these advances.  However, there are many things that haven't improved.  Ethics, morality and spirituality have declined rapidly.  Mankind is sinfully depraved.  This spiritual depravity is obvious to any Biblically literate Christian.

One thing that is sadly missing in the Christian community is Spirit-filled, Spirit-led churches.  In this age of high-tech resources, the felt presence of the Holy Spirit is noticeably absent.  Think about this.  The first century church did not have large screen monitors, paved parking lots, extravagant buildings or polished musicians.  What they did have was the Holy Spirit & He worked through the Church to impact the world with the Gospel.

There is no substitute for the Holy Spirit.  Despite the numerous books written about church health and church growth, I believe that there is one Book that is overlooked --- the Bible itself.

In this day and time, it seems like pastors want to be CEO-type leaders rather than shepherds of the flock.  In some areas, the church is run like a business with secular marketing techniques.  Rather than operating as a business, the church should be a Spirit-led congregation, touching lives with the Gospel. 

In some churches, the entire "worship service," is programmed, very much like a radio station is programmed.  The music & message targets a specific audience. 

Speaking of music, in some churches the music resembles a rock concert.  High-energy music is performed with the intention of getting the crowd emotionally charged.  It is one thing to get caught up in the sway of the beat; it is another thing to be caught up in the Spirit.

There's a problem with all of this.  The American church has gotten too big for its britches.  We've substituted style for substance; entertainment for edification; emotion for worship; and polish for preaching.  Somewhere along the way, the Holy Spirit has exited most churches and hasn't even been missed. 

Here are some things that the American church has substituted for the Holy Spirit. 

Programs are popular in church.  On one hand, there is nothing wrong with a Biblically based program.  However, there is a problem when programs are expected to bring life to the church.  I find it strange that many pastors talk about having a church like the one found in the book of Acts, but then promote ideas and programs that aren't found in the first century church.  Programs are a means to an end, not the end itself.  Certainly, programs will never take the place of the Holy Spirit.

There are two forms of politics that are deadly to the church.  First of all, internal politics is destructive to a church.  Most church splits occur because of internal politics and bickering.  There is nothing worse than Christians fighting over control.  Isn't the Holy Spirit the One who should be in control of a church?

External politics is also bad for the church.  While it is good for Christians to be involved in the political process, it is wrong for the church to look to politicians and political parties for solutions to the ills of our nation.  Doesn't the church have the answer to our country's problems?  Why do we look to a politician instead of looking to Jesus?  During political season, why are visiting politicians permitted to occupy the pulpit on Sunday?  Lord, have mercy on our churches!  While it is good for a Christian to vote, we must remember that the hope for our country is not found in the voting booth but in the prayer closet.  The recent Presidential election was revealing.  I noticed on social media that most professing Christians seemed more zealous and outspoken about their political views than they've ever been about Jesus.  Don't you agree that this is a problem?

A third hindrance to the American church is the Hollywood-type status of certain preachers.  Some will drive for hundreds of miles to see & hear a TV minister in person, but won't even show up at their local church for a prayer meeting.  I believe there are good ministers in America, including some who are famous.  However, we need more than a polished preacher to turn things around, we need God Himself!  Instead of following TV evangelists, let's get back to following Jesus!  Instead of pursuing famous evangelists, let's pursue God!  Rather than seeking to talk for a moment with a religious leader, let's seek a divine encounter with God Himself!

In some circles, tradition has trumped truth.  Some cling to empty tradition with religious fervor.  Some would rather die in defense of a worthless ritual than to take up the cross & follow Jesus.  When tradition is worshiped rather than God, spiritual decay occurs.

For many, the issue is not tradition.  Instead, they are going through the motions.  Their worship is lifeless.  They have grown cold and indifferent.  They attend church without expecting a move of the Spirit.  Dead churches are abundant throughout the land.

What is the answer for the spiritual dilemma in America?  I believe there must be honest, sincere repentance.  It is time we throw away the religious idols that we've held so dear.  It is time we get on our knees and seek God diligently.  We need to pray with desperation.  We need the Holy Spirit, not more programs.  We need the Spirit to work anew and afresh in our lives.  It is time that we quit playing games at the foot of the cross.  It is time that we quit settling for the superficial and pray for the supernatural.  We should no longer be content with the status quo.  Only the Holy Spirit can bring life to a dead soul.  Only He can bring about long-term change.  Only a move of the Holy Spirit can restore a marriage, revive a church or turn a nation around.  We need more than the power of programs or the persuasion of preachers; we need the power of the Holy Spirit.  As Zechariah wrote, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts."

It is time for God's people to repent of our foolishness and surrender anew and afresh to the Lord.  Pray until God moves.

Without Him, our efforts are in vain.

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