"Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." - Luke 15:10

I must confess that I don't watch network television anymore.  I used to enjoy a good sitcom from time to time, but these days most of the "sitcoms" are poorly written and morally bankrupt.  They aren't even funny.  TV sitcoms are prime examples of Hollywood's failures. 

If the quality of the average TV sitcom is any indication, it doesn't take much to make the average American laugh.  The devil has certainly duped most Americans into pursuing happiness rather than joy.  In fact, I feel that the pursuit of happiness is the devil's substitute for joy.  Happiness is temporal, but joy is lasting.  Joy is something the devil cannot offer, because it is something only the Holy Spirit can produce.

Recently, I was asked what I enjoyed doing during my "spare time."  Perhaps you've been asked a similar question before.  Have you ever wondered what God enjoys doing?  In Luke 15:10, Jesus said, "... there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth."  Later in the same chapter, Jesus told the story of a prodigal son to illustrate His point.  When the prodigal son returned home with a repentant heart, his earthly father ran to meet him.  The father was filled with joy and threw a party to celebrate the return of his wayward son.  From that story it is obvious that the Heavenly Father has great joy when a sinner repents.

If the repentance of a sinner causes the Father to rejoice, shouldn't it cause us to rejoice, too?  I fear that the American church has veered too far off the spiritual path.  I fear that some well meaning Christians have been trying to portray Christianity as a "cool religion," for their family, friends and neighbors.  It is not uncommon for a church to be advertised as "a happening place," because of "exciting programs" and "professional-quality music."  While good music and programs can be beneficial, could it be that the average American Christian wants to impress his lost neighbor rather than seek his conversion?  Whether your neighbor is impressed with your church or not, he will still be lost until he repents.

The Bible doesn't state that there is joy in heaven over our church's programs, high-tech lighting or gifted musicians.  Instead, there is joy when a sinner repents. 

Does it bother you that so few "converts" seem to be moved concerning their sin?  Why are few tears shed about sin?  What ever happened to Holy Spirit conviction?  Yes, we may impress someone that our church may be "cool," but without repentance, the sinner is still lost and bound for hell. 

It is time that Christians seek to enjoy the things God enjoys.  We should rejoice about the same things He rejoices about.  Maybe our time would be better spent on the things that bring Him joy.  Instead of trying to impress a sinner, we should be praying and witnessing so that he'll come to genuine repentance.  That will bring joy to heaven ... and our own souls.

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...