"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." - Galatians 6:9

The devil seeks to hinder the work of God's people.  He has many weapons at his disposal to hinder Christians from serving God.  I believe that discouragement is one of his strongest weapons.  The devil knows that discouraged people are anemic in their efforts.  Discouragement tends to slow people down and, eventually, stop them. 

Discouragement is the gap between expectations and reality.  Often we get discouraged when results fail to reach the pinnacle of our goal.  For some, just a little bad news is all it takes to get them discouraged.  For others, a series of disappointments is required to bring discouragement.  The ultimate goal of the enemy is to discourage the Christian to the point that he gives up. 

It is easy to quit.  Far too many people have quit going to church.  Many have quit serving God in ministry.  Others have quit serving their neighbor and those in need.  Here in America, it has become a common thing for people to quit.  Quitting has become a national epidemic. 

In his epistle to the Galatians, the Apostle Paul gives us a reason to keep going.  In Galatians 6:9, he wrote, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."  Considering the lateness of the hour and all that is at stake, this is not a time to quit. 

Let's look again at Paul's challenge to us.  While it is easy to get discouraged at times, let's resolve to keep going in the Lord's work.    
I believe that the first step in spiritual fortitude is to live by God's principles.  When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians, he gave them a basic truth:  a man reaps what he sows.  While most of us understand this truth, few live by it.  So many think that they can sow wrong seed but reap a good harvest.  It is foolish for a man to think he can commit adultery without experiencing repercussions for his action.  It is wrong for a woman to think that she can live an immoral lifestyle without serious consequences.  A man is seriously mistaken to think he can mistreat others without paying a cost.  A man reaps what he has sown.

Notice what Paul wrote, "And let us not be weary in well doing."  The Christian should be doing what is right.  If we desire a wonderful harvest, we need to sow the right seed.  As John Maxwell once said, "If you don't like the harvest you're reaping, change the seed you're sowing." 

There is another matter to consider.  Some expect a harvest even though they aren't sowing anything.  I believe that one crisis we face in the American church is idle harvest workers.  It is true that most Christians aren't sowing to the wind, but at the same time, they're not sowing anything.  The best seed is useless as long as it remains in a bag.  Seed must be sown before it can yield a harvest.

Live by God's principles.  Sow the right seed.  Sow it daily.  

Secondly, we need to live by God's promises.  Paul gives us this promise, "... for in due season we shall reap."  God's promise is true:  we will reap what we have sown.  Just because a harvest hasn't arrived yet doesn't mean it isn't coming.  If we are sowing good seed, we will reap a good harvest.  Discouragement comes when we quit trusting God & focus solely on present circumstances.  Take God at His Word.  Trust Him right now.  We should live by faith and not by sight.  Stand on the promises of God.  If we are actively sowing the right seed, at the right time we WILL reap a great harvest.

Finally, we need to live with persistence.  Paul wrote that in due season, we'll reap, "... if we faint not."  It is one thing to give out; it is another thing to give up. We need to obey God daily, not just when things are going well.  When times get bleak, we need to depend on God more.  Others need our help more when things are tough.  People may look to you for inspiration or hope.  Others may depend on you for strength & wisdom.  Living for God is not a Sunday activity.  We must live for God 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  God is not looking for part-time help.  He expects us to serve Him every moment. 

Life consists of ups and downs.  There are mountains we must climb and valleys we must cross.  There are sunny days and rainy days.  An unbelieving world needs to see Christians who consistently live for Jesus regardless of circumstances.

A farmer depends on the sunshine and the rain.  He does not tend the soil only when circumstances seem good.  He works hard, sowing the right seed, depending on God, and laboring persistently because he knows a harvest will come.  The same should be true of every Christian.

Knowing that God guarantees a harvest to those who persistently sow the right seed, we have good reason to keep sowing.

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