"... whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31

This weekend, 68 men's college basketball teams will be formally invited to play in the NCAA tournament.  Only one of these teams will emerge as the national champion.  Players from different backgrounds will be playing hard to reach the pinnacle of the college basketball world.  Their dream is to hold that national championship trophy.  100 years from now, that trophy won't matter.

Most Americans pursue goals and dreams that are just as temporary as a national championship.  It goes without saying that fame and fortune are not eternal.  Vacations and retirement don't last.  Too many people are climbing the "ladder of success" without noticing that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall. 

The fact is that most people fail to understand why they are here on earth.  Most think they are here to earn a living, raise a family and retire.  The Bible gives us a far different reason.  Revelation 4:11 states, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."   Reread that last line again:  "... thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."  Everything, including you & I, were created for God's pleasure.  We were created to bring glory to God.

Our purpose for living is not wrapped up in careers and cars.  We're here for something more than homes and hobbies.  Life is about something bigger & better than fame and fortune.  We are here on earth to bring glory to God.

Why should we live for God's glory?  Here are several important reasons.

First of all, we should live for God's glory because He is worthy.  Actors, musicians and athletes are sought after because of their talent.  Often these celebrities are far from being decent human beings.  There is only One who is truly good.  Only One is perfect.  God is worthy of our glory.  When a man or woman lives to glorify God, he or she is devoting himself or herself to the ultimate purpose of life.

As I've already written, we are here to bring Him glory.  When we live for God's glory, we fulfill our purpose for living.  Only in living for Him can we find peace and satisfaction in life.  When we live fully for Him, we can die without regrets.

Ultimately, those who live for God's glory will be rewarded.  The Bible says, "... them that honor me I will honor" (1 Samuel 2:30).  One day, God will reward those who live for His glory.  That's a good reason to glorify Him, don't you think?

We should live for God's glory, but how can we do this?  First of all, we must believe in His Son, Jesus Christ.  Only a born again believer can really bring God glory the way he was designed to do.  Secondly, we must live humbly.  Rather than seeking our fame, we should seek His fame.  We can't occupy the spotlight while simultaneously shining the spotlight on Him.  We must reject our selfish ways and seek to make Him known to those who need Him most.  Third, we must obey His Word.  A Christian cannot live for God's glory without obeying the Word of God.  We honor Him by submitting to His Word.  Next, we must make His glory our all-consuming passion.  Living for God's glory is not one of many things we do; it should be the total passion of our lives.  Thus, every aspect of our lives is impacted by this passion.  Whether at home, work, church, in the community or on vacation, we should do everything so that God will be glorified.  This greatly changes our approach to marriage, parenthood, careers, hobbies and spirituality.  When we live for God's glory, we do not become hermits.  Instead, we live on a mission to glorify God in all we say and do.

We were created to bring glory to God.  The Bible says, "... whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."  Glorifying God is not just a Sunday experience.  Notice the Bible tells us to glorify Him in "... whatsoever ye do."  If you haven't been living for God's glory, begin today.  Then continue to glorify Him every day. 

Live for God's glory.

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