"Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;  And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,  In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:  Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." - 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9

I am deeply bothered that most Americans have a belief in God that does not match what the Bible teaches.  Even those who claim to be Christians are not immune to this.  

One of the most frequent ways that people express their belief in God is in reference to judgment.  It is not uncommon for someone to say, "My God is loving and kind and would never send anyone to hell."  Another may share something similar by stating, "The only people God will send to hell are murderers and rapists."  In one way, they are right.  The one they believe in won't send people to hell because the one they believe in isn't really God.

God has revealed Himself to us through the pages of Holy Scripture.  A proper view of God can only be developed as we read, understand and believe what the Bible teaches. 

In 2 Thessalonians chapter 1, the Apostle Paul describes people that will be "punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power."  Let's consider this Scripture closely because this event will soon unfold.

Paul wrote that the Lord Jesus is coming again and "shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels."  Jesus will come some day in power and glory.  While I believe that Jesus is coming after His children (see 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18), the Scripture we are reviewing in 2 Thessalonians refers to a different event.  In this event, Jesus is coming in wrath.

The false god that most believe in would never exercise wrath.  However, the Bible clearly states that God is a jealous God.  He is a God who gets angry at the wicked.  His wrath has been unleashed before and will be again.  One day, Jesus is coming in wrath.  I wouldn't want to be a recipient of that wrath, would you? 

Paul wrote that Jesus is coming, "In flaming fire taking vengeance."  Often a victim or a victim's family will testify in court, asking the judge to execute justice on a guilty felon.  We often sympathize with such victims.  Most of us fail to understand that God is the victim of injustice in this world.  Most people deliberately and angrily rebel and reject the very One who created them.  Despite the fact that He gave them life and shows mercy towards them daily, they use His Name as a curse word.  They deny Him.  They hate Him.  They hate His Word, His Church and His people.  They trample His Name under their feet.  They live in open hostility to the One they are accountable to.  Some even reject His existence.  Sin is a treasonous act against the God of the universe, resulting in the death penalty.  To varying degrees, the description I have just outlined really depicts all of us.  Apart from the salvation available in Christ, all of us are guilty rebels, deserving death.  

Finally, Paul gets specific about the ones God will judge:  "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:  Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power."  Look closely at those who will receive judgment:  "them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." 

In John 17:3, Jesus said, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."  The only way to have eternal life and miss the coming wrath of God is to know God, and this life is received when we personally know Jesus Christ.  Those who reject Jesus do not know God personally and are subject to His judgment.  That's why Paul wrote that God's wrath would be unleashed on those, "that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ."  

The Bible continues with a description of the coming judgment: "Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power."  Everlasting destruction is coming to those who reject Jesus Christ.  Many reject the doctrine of hell, but the Bible has numerous passages that specifically teach that everlasting judgment is facing those who reject Christ.

Jesus is coming.  Justice is coming.  Judgment is coming.  Apart from a saving faith in Jesus Christ, every person will perish.  This includes your family members, friends, co-workers, politicians, musicians, actors, athletes, the rich and the poor.  That is why we need to make the Gospel known to everyone while we can. 

Time is running out.  Are you prepared to meet God?

"Wherefore comfort one another with these words." - 1 Thessalonians 4:18

The last few months have been difficult for my church family.  Two members from our small congregation have graduated to glory in the last two months.  Both were active, vital members of our congregation.  They will be missed greatly.

These events have reminded us that life is temporary.  Furthermore, we've been reminded that pain and sorrow comes to everyone, including Christians. 

When Paul wrote his first letter to the church at Thessalonica, he addressed the issue of death.  No doubt, many Christian deaths in the early church were due to persecution.  Others died of natural causes.  Regardless of the circumstances, the death of someone dear was a heartbreaking incident for the new believers at Thessalonica.

Paul wrote the Thessalonians to reassure them that a bodily resurrection will occur when Jesus returns.  As he concludes his remarks on the subject, Paul told them, "Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

I believe that Christians in the 21st century need to heed Paul's words.  This is a time when comfort is needed.  As we ponder Paul's words, there are three things I want to share with you.

First of all, we need to understand that pain, suffering, and death are part of this life.  People of faith are not immune to heartbreak.  We are not excluded from grief.  As a result, comfort is needed.  First of all, we need to offer comfort.  We are called to minister to the needs of our brothers and sisters.  These days, I see too much isolation among professing believers.  Far too many live independent of a church family and, as a result, fail to minister to real needs around them. 

Secondly, there will be times when we'll need to receive comfort.  Death is not a respecter of persons.  If you live very long in life, death will impact your life.  When a member of your family dies, it is important to receive comfort from those at your church.  When you live isolated from a church family, you are causing yourself significant harm.  The local church is vital, because a church family is there to lovingly comfort you when you need it most. 

Notice that Paul wrote, "Comfort one another..."  Selfishness keeps many from helping those who need it most.  It is important for us to be sensitive to the needs of those around us. 

Love should be the motivation of our ministry to others.  We should help those who need it most because of love for Jesus and love for them.  We are His hands reaching out to them.  We are His feet, moving to help them. 

Finally, Paul wrote to comfort one another, "... with these words."  Paul wrote his epistle to the Thessalonians under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  Thus, the words he wrote were God's words.  I am convinced that the only source of comfort is God Himself.  His Word gives us promises we can rely on.  God's Word gives us guidance for the road ahead.  His Word gives us peace in the midst of the storm.  God's Word offers us hope and help during times of discouragement and devastation.

Furthermore, God's Word is the Spirit's sword.  The Holy Spirit uses God's Word to impact our lives.  Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as "the Comforter."  It is wonderful to have a helper who lives within.  He gives us the comfort we need so much.   

Death is certain for all of us.  In this life, the future often seems bleak.  It is glorious to know that the Christian can look up with hope.  Our future is as bright as the promises of God.  For us, the best is yet to come!

Comfort one another with these words!


"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God." - Colossians 3:1

This weekend, the message of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection will be proclaimed from pulpits across our land.  The powerful truth of the resurrection will impact many lives.  The implications of the resurrection are far reaching, influencing every area of our lives.

When Paul wrote to the Colossians, he challenged them, "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."  The young Christians at Colosse needed these words and we need them today.  

When a man or woman repents of sin & turns, by faith, to Jesus Christ, he or she experiences a change.  At conversion, the new believer dies to sin.  The Bible refers to this death as being crucified.  In his letter to the Galatians, Paul put it this way, "I am crucified with Christ." 

As we remember the crucifixion of Jesus this weekend, we are reminded that He was cruelly nailed to a cross.  Crucifixion was a public form of execution.  The guilty party would be nailed to a cross, suffering public humiliation while experiencing the agonizing physical effects of the punishment.  The human body cannot endure the misery of crucifixion.  It is a horrible form of death.

Paul likens Christian conversion to crucifixion.  When a person gets saved, they die to sin.  The old life is gone.  This is illustrated publicly in baptism.  Some old timers referred to baptism as "the liquid grave."  There, the new believer would demonstrate that the old life is dead and buried (symbolized by going under the water). 

That is not the end of the story.  The convert has died to sin.  The old life is dead.  Now Christ lives within.  The old life has been dead and buried, but the believer has now rises as a new person (symbolized by rising up out of the baptismal waters).  Crucifixion preceded resurrection. 

Paul wrote to the Colossians, "If ye then be risen with Christ."  Notice the word, "if."  Just because a person attends a church or is a member of a congregation, it does not guarantee that the person has been genuinely saved.  I fear that many church members are religiously lost.

Paul goes on to write that if they have been risen with Christ, "... seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."  Life is much different for a believer because of salvation.  Salvation changes many things in the life of the believer.
First of all, there is a change of allegiance.  Prior to conversion, the sinner lived for himself.  In reality, he lived for the devil.  When he got saved, his allegiance changed.  Instead of loving sin and living for self, he hates sin and longs to love Jesus and live for Him.

Secondly, there is a change of attitude.  The believer thinks differently.  His outlook on life and eternity is vastly different.

Next, there is a change of affections.  As I mentioned before, the new believer loves Jesus and hates sin.  He is now passionate about spiritual matters.  He loves God's people.  He treasures prayer.  He feeds upon God's Word. 

Finally, there is a change of actions.  The new convert begins to live and act differently.  His actions are motivated by love.  He is compassionate about the needs of others.  The new believer lives to honor and please God.

If a person has died to sin and risen with Christ, he should have his heart and mind in glory.  Believers should look above because we are citizens of that heavenly country.  Our treasure is stored there.  Most important, the Lord that we love is there.  Our future is there.

Isn't it good to be a citizen of a better country?  The longer we live for Jesus, the more we feel like aliens in this world.  The longer we live for the Lord, the more homesick we get for heaven.

While we look back to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, let us also look up.  Our redemption draweth nigh.  Our Lord is coming back for us very soon.  Things may be bleak here on earth, but our prospects are as certain as God Himself.

Spiritually, we are raised with Christ.  Very soon, He will return and we'll rise to meet Him in the air. 

Keep looking up!


"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." - Philippians 1:21

Some subjects are difficult to talk about.  Death is one of those subjects.  Some may talk about death vaguely, but it makes them very uncomfortable to speak about their own death. 

It is refreshing when you meet a Christian that is excited about death.  While most seem to go out of their way to avoid the subject, the Apostle Paul embraces the subject with excitement --- and why not?  He had good reasons to look forward to death.  Christians everywhere should share Paul's excitement, but few have the same passion that Paul had. 

Actually, the Apostle Paul's outlook about death was closely related to his view about life.  In Philippians 1:21, Paul wrote, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."  In this brief verse, Paul describes his perspective on life and death.  Paul was incredibly excited about life and death. 

Why was Paul so passionate?  Maybe the better question is, why aren't we so passionate?

We only have one life to live here on earth.  Because of this, we need to live intentionally.  Our time is limited and is passing quickly.  With eternity at hand, we can't waste time or play games.

Let's consider Paul's perspective.  Perhaps his perspective will change ours.

Paul was passionate about life.  His passion was strong because his perspective was undiluted.  He wrote, "For to me to live is Christ."  In that simple phrase, Paul captured the essence of his passion.  Notice that Paul did not write, "For to me to live is preaching," or "For to me to live is mission work."  In fact, Paul did not write, "For to me to live is due, partially, to Christ."  No, Paul wrote, "For to me to live is Christ."  What was Paul really saying?  Paul was emphatically stating that Christ was his life.  For most American Christians, Christ is part of their lives.  For Paul, Christ was his life.  Christ did not occupy a place in Paul's life ... Christ was everything to Paul.

These days, people think that church is about Christ, but business, home or hobbies are not.  Paul was consumed with a passion to know Christ and make Him known.  Every day, Paul was obsessed with Jesus Christ.  Jesus was #1 in his life ... and there was nothing else that came in second, because his life was Christ.

Every day was a time of fellowship with Christ.  Each day was an opportunity for the indwelling Christ to use Paul and make Himself known through the life of the Apostle Paul.  No wonder Paul was excited to live.  It is not a dull life when you have the awesome God of the universe abiding within and working through your life to impact others. 

Secondly, Paul wrote, "... to die is gain."  Paul was not writing about an abstract subject.  Paul knew that his time was running out.  Death was very near.  Despite the fact that death was in his near future, Paul was not sad about it.  Instead, he considered death to be the best thing that could happen to him.

As Christians, we believe that heaven is ahead for us when this life is over.  You'd never know it by the way Christians act.  Many times, we act no different than the unbelieving world.  We treat death as an end instead of a beginning.  Unlike Paul, we act like death is loss rather than gain.  Why is that?  Could it be that we need our perspective changed?  It is time that we believe what the Bible says about heaven.  If you are going to heaven, it is not a demotion to die.  The best is yet to come! 

Here are a few reasons why it is gain for a Christian to die.  First of all, our earthly pain and problems will end.  All suffering will come to an end.  Our burdens will be lifted.  Our trials will be over.

Secondly, it is gain to die because when we die, we move to our new home in heaven.  Heaven will be so much better than anything we've ever experienced here on earth.  Heaven will be a beautiful place.  Best of all, it will be our home forever.

Third, it will be gain to die because we'll get to be many friends and loved ones again.  While we tend to be rather sentimental about this subject, it is true that we'll see our Christian friends and kinfolk again.  Won't that be cool?

Also, if we've been serving Jesus faithfully, we have treasures waiting over there.  As Christians, we are laying up our treasures where they can never be tarnished or stolen.  It will be gain to reach heaven and enjoy the treasures and rewards that will be ours.

Most of all, it will be gain to die because we'll see Jesus and be with Him forever.  A few years ago, I wrote a song with a title that summarizes it all:  "Jesus Will Make It Heaven For Me."  For Paul, Christ was his life.  In death, he would get to see the One who had changed his life.  He would get to serve his Lord in a fuller dimension.  Yes, it will be gain to die.

For Paul, everything was about Jesus ... his life, his death --- everything!  We are here on earth to serve Him.  When we die, we'll continue to serve Him ... and serve Him forever. 

If we truly love Jesus, as we should, we can join with Paul in saying, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

"And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins." - Ephesians 2:1

Television ministries can be a blessing and a curse.  Many ministries are a blessing because many bedfast Christians find spiritual nourishment from some of the fine ministers who broadcast via television.  Furthermore, some unbelievers are brought to faith in Christ after hearing a Gospel message from a faithful minister on TV.

We must admit that television ministries can be a curse.  For instance, some believe that watching a television preacher is a substitute for involvement in a local church.  Probably the worst aspect of television ministries is the few who bring shame upon the ministry because of their outrageous behavior and false doctrine.  The American public has been exposed to so much false teaching that the false teaching is considered proper orthodoxy to most Americans. 

While I do not wish to write extensively about all the false teaching that is broadcasted these days, I do wish to address one of these subjects.  If you watch some television ministers, you get the idea that Christian conversion is simply a matter of choice, a personal decision that can made at any time.  In fact, some of these ministers refer to conversion as "making a decision for Christ." 

The Apostle Paul did not view salvation in such a light way.  When he wrote to the Ephesians, he addressed the first century believers at Ephesus, "And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins."  In other words, Paul stated that a lost person is "dead in trespasses and sins."  Salvation, according to Paul, was a dead person coming to life.

That is a dramatic description of conversion, yet it is very accurate.  A person doesn't become a Christian by "making a decision for Christ."  Here are some facts about salvation:

A person becomes a Christian because of a miracle.  It takes a miracle for a dead person to come to life.  A dead person does not revive himself.  I've visited funeral homes many times but I've never seen a corpse get up on his own and exit the casket.  A dead person cannot make himself alive.  Neither can a lost person simply "make a decision" and become a Christian. 

Only God can perform a miracle.  God is the only One who has the power to raise the dead.  Jesus raised Lazarus after he had been dead for four days.  God has raised many people who've been spiritually dead for decades.  God, and God alone, has the power to bring life to spiritually dead people.

Personal reform will not save a lost person.  While I think it is good for a sinner to quit drugs and other sinful, destructive habits, this will not make him a Christian.  In order for a dead person to live, something must happen within that dead person.  God must do an inside work.  Religion tends to put an emphasis on external matters (such as good deeds), but salvation is an inside work, performed by God alone. 

Many confuse religion and salvation.  Religion may be a matter of choice, but salvation is a work of Christ.  When a man or woman gets saved, spiritual life is birthed within.  That's why Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be born again."  Nicodemus had religion, but he didn't have salvation.  The Bible says that there is life in the blood.  Life-giving nutrients are carried through the body through the blood stream.  When a person experiences salvation, spiritual blood begins to flow.  It is the blood of Jesus that gives life to an unbeliever.  Thank God, there is power in the blood!

Often Christians will congratulate a newly saved believer.  Often you will hear phrases like, "I'm proud of you."  The fact is that the sinner is not the one to be congratulated.  God is the One who did the saving.  God is the One who deserves the glory for the salvation of a soul.  Too much credit is given to the sinner, the soul-winner and the evangelist, but not enough credit is given to Jesus.  He is the One who purchased salvation by His death upon the cross.  The Holy Spirit is the One who brought conviction of sin, bearing witness of the sinner's hopeless plight.  God is the One who did the saving.  As Lester Roloff once said, "Salvation is all of God.  The Father sought it, the Son bought it, the Holy Ghost wrought it."

Joining a church will never save a person.  Turning over a new leaf doesn't bring genuine conversion.  Making spiritual decisions will never transform lives.  A dead person can only be made alive through the miracle working power of God.  When the Gospel of Jesus Christ is communicated & the Holy Spirit works in the heart of the sinner, conviction of sin takes place.  The sinner is awakened from his deadness and made to recognize his lost condition.  The sinner is brought to life by the power of God through repentance and faith in Christ. 

It doesn't take rocket science to recognize the difference between a dead person and a living person.  When a man is made spiritually alive, it is evidenced by a changed life.  The man no longer lives the same way.  The God he once avoided and hated is now the One he loves and wishes to serve.  The man now acts differently, talks differently and lives differently.  "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature."  God has changed his life! 

Salvation is the miracle of all miracles.  When a person gets saved, he or she is spiritually raised from the dead.  Thank God for eternal life through Jesus Christ!

Have you experienced salvation yourself?

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...