"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God." - Colossians 3:1

This weekend, the message of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection will be proclaimed from pulpits across our land.  The powerful truth of the resurrection will impact many lives.  The implications of the resurrection are far reaching, influencing every area of our lives.

When Paul wrote to the Colossians, he challenged them, "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."  The young Christians at Colosse needed these words and we need them today.  

When a man or woman repents of sin & turns, by faith, to Jesus Christ, he or she experiences a change.  At conversion, the new believer dies to sin.  The Bible refers to this death as being crucified.  In his letter to the Galatians, Paul put it this way, "I am crucified with Christ." 

As we remember the crucifixion of Jesus this weekend, we are reminded that He was cruelly nailed to a cross.  Crucifixion was a public form of execution.  The guilty party would be nailed to a cross, suffering public humiliation while experiencing the agonizing physical effects of the punishment.  The human body cannot endure the misery of crucifixion.  It is a horrible form of death.

Paul likens Christian conversion to crucifixion.  When a person gets saved, they die to sin.  The old life is gone.  This is illustrated publicly in baptism.  Some old timers referred to baptism as "the liquid grave."  There, the new believer would demonstrate that the old life is dead and buried (symbolized by going under the water). 

That is not the end of the story.  The convert has died to sin.  The old life is dead.  Now Christ lives within.  The old life has been dead and buried, but the believer has now rises as a new person (symbolized by rising up out of the baptismal waters).  Crucifixion preceded resurrection. 

Paul wrote to the Colossians, "If ye then be risen with Christ."  Notice the word, "if."  Just because a person attends a church or is a member of a congregation, it does not guarantee that the person has been genuinely saved.  I fear that many church members are religiously lost.

Paul goes on to write that if they have been risen with Christ, "... seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."  Life is much different for a believer because of salvation.  Salvation changes many things in the life of the believer.
First of all, there is a change of allegiance.  Prior to conversion, the sinner lived for himself.  In reality, he lived for the devil.  When he got saved, his allegiance changed.  Instead of loving sin and living for self, he hates sin and longs to love Jesus and live for Him.

Secondly, there is a change of attitude.  The believer thinks differently.  His outlook on life and eternity is vastly different.

Next, there is a change of affections.  As I mentioned before, the new believer loves Jesus and hates sin.  He is now passionate about spiritual matters.  He loves God's people.  He treasures prayer.  He feeds upon God's Word. 

Finally, there is a change of actions.  The new convert begins to live and act differently.  His actions are motivated by love.  He is compassionate about the needs of others.  The new believer lives to honor and please God.

If a person has died to sin and risen with Christ, he should have his heart and mind in glory.  Believers should look above because we are citizens of that heavenly country.  Our treasure is stored there.  Most important, the Lord that we love is there.  Our future is there.

Isn't it good to be a citizen of a better country?  The longer we live for Jesus, the more we feel like aliens in this world.  The longer we live for the Lord, the more homesick we get for heaven.

While we look back to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, let us also look up.  Our redemption draweth nigh.  Our Lord is coming back for us very soon.  Things may be bleak here on earth, but our prospects are as certain as God Himself.

Spiritually, we are raised with Christ.  Very soon, He will return and we'll rise to meet Him in the air. 

Keep looking up!

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