"If thou count me therefore a partner, receive him as myself.  If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee ought, put that on mine account." - Philemon 7, 8

For many years, Bill Bright served as the leader of Campus Crusade for Christ.  Years before, he & his wife made a covenant with the Lord, giving themselves as slaves for His cause.  That sounds like a radical thing to do, but they meant it.  As a result, God used them in profound ways to impact the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In his famous Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves here in America.  His bold move paved the way for people of every color to enjoy the freedom that our forefathers envisioned.  Looking back, we are ashamed that our nation once approved of slavery. 

The tiny book of Philemon is the letter that Paul wrote about a runaway slave.  Philemon's slave, Onesimus, had escaped from his master.  During his exodus, he encountered the Apostle Paul.  In their encounter, Paul led Onesimus to Christ.  Onesimus was now a new man, yet he still had responsibilities.  He needed to return to Philemon, ask for forgiveness and submit to Philemon's leadership.  Paul sent Onesimus back to Philemon with a letter that has been included in our Bible.

The book of Philemon is a personal appeal from Paul, asking Philemon to have mercy and take Onesimus back without penalizing him.  In fact, Paul wrote, "If thou count me therefore a partner, receive him as myself."  Paul put his reputation on the line.  He reminded Philemon that he owed Paul a great debt because of Paul's ministry to him.  Now Paul is calling in the favor.  Furthermore, Paul told Philemon that any debt that Onesimus has created would be a debt that he would take responsibility for. 

I believe that Paul's intercession for Onesimus mirrors the intercession that Jesus made for us.  We were unfaithful to the Father.  We had offended Him.  We had strayed from Him, rebelling against Him.  We were far from the Father.  Jesus came and went to the cross on our behalf.  Through His shed blood, we have been redeemed from our sins.  We may now approach the throne of grace and speak directly to the Father because of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

It is easy to look back at the past and feel ashamed.  We may not forget our sins, but the Father accepts us because of Jesus.  Through His shed blood, Jesus could address the Father & say of me, "... receive him as Myself."  God receives me because of Jesus.

Furthermore, like Paul's writing to Philemon, Jesus could say to the Father of me, "... If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee ought, put that on mine account."  I had a great debt that I owed, but a great Savior paid my account in full.  Like the old song says, "The Old Account Was Settled Long Ago."  Another hymn states it this way, "Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe." 

Just think, we've been freed from the oppression of Satan ... the ruthless taskmaster that sought our death.  We were purchased by One who loves us and prizes us.

In seemed counter-intuitive for Bill Bright to offer himself as a slave for Christ.  Yet as we read the book of Philemon, we realize that he was right.  My friend, Charles Towler, wrote a great song several years ago that illustrates this perfectly:

"Just a slave on the auction block of sin,
I was serving Satan's purpose, but then;
Jesus paid the sacrifice, fully paid sin's awful price,
Bought my ransom on the old rugged cross.

No longer a slave, I've been loosed from my chains,
And now I can sing, I'm free! I'm free!
He's my Father, I'm His son, Praise the Lord! The work is done,
And I'm His for eternity!"
(c) James D. Vaughan, Music Publisher

Living as a slave to Christ is much different than being a slave to Satan.  We obey Christ because He loves us and we love Him.  Now that we belong to Him, we have His protection, His grace and His mercy.  We enjoy fellowship at His table and have now been adopted as His children.

I'm glad that God receives me as He receives Jesus & I'm glad that Jesus paid my debt in full. 

What a great God we serve!!!


"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost." - Titus 3:5

Cults and false religions have one thing in common:  they teach that a person must do good deeds and be a good person to be saved.  Sadly, most people in America, even those in churches, believe this myth.  Salvation is not a goal for us to work toward; it is a gift that we must receive.  Salvation is not based upon human merit, but the merit of God Himself.

When Paul wrote to Titus, he emphasized that salvation was a work of God.  Paul wrote, "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost."  Salvation is not something a man works up, but a gift God sends down.  Let's consider this more deeply.

First of all, we must recognize the folly of self-righteousness.  Paul wrote that salvation was, "Not by works of righteousness which we have done."  Empty religion can cause a man to feel rather proud of his position, but such thinking is vain and deceitful.  Here's the problem with self-righteousness:  we really don't have any righteousness of our own.  Our effort & works could never merit God's attention, yet alone His acceptance.  We deceive ourselves into thinking that we are "good people," when the reality is that we are sinfully depraved and very wicked.  We tend to judge ourselves by our intentions, never realizing that our intentions are flawed and sinful.  We like to brag that, basically, our hearts are good --- but the Bible states that our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked.  The fact is that we are wicked sinners that deserve God's wrath.  We need God's mercy & grace instead of trusting in our own works.

Thankfully, God's mercy is available to sinful people like us.  God's mercy was made available through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, upon the cross.  There on the cross of Calvary, God's justice was satisfied and God's mercy was extended.  His justice was satisfied as Jesus received the penalty that we should have received.  Too many people are trusting in the mercy of God without believing in Jesus.  This is futile and fatal.  God's mercy is only available through the person and work of Christ.  When a sinner realizes his lost condition, repents and believes in Jesus, God's mercy saves him.  It is faith in the person & work of Christ that saves.  We must believe that He died for our sins and rose again.  We must receive His payment for our sins. 

Furthermore, Paul wrote that we are washed and made clean through regeneration.  Instead of patching up the old life, God gives us a new life.  We must die to sin and self before we can experience the new life found in Christ.  Just as Jesus died & rose again, the believer must die to sin and then be raised a new person in Jesus.  This is beautifully illustrated through water baptism.  When a new believer is baptized, his old life is shown being plunged beneath the watery grave and a new life emerges --- a life that only Jesus brings.  More than a new beginning, Jesus brings new life to a believer.

Finally, Paul wrote that the Holy Ghost renews us.  Water baptism demonstrates what the Holy Spirit does within us when we believe.   When we believe, the Spirit baptizes us (1 Cor. 12:13).  We are made new by the power of the Holy Spirit.  That is why a new believer seems to be like a new person ---- he is. 

Sadly, most Americans have empty religion rather than a vibrant relationship with Jesus.  Their theology is based upon human merit rather than the person of Christ.  While they like to identify themselves as Christians, they do not have eternal life.  Eternal life is a gift that God gives through His Son.  It cannot be earned.  It cannot be purchased.  It can only be received as a gift & only through the person of Christ.

Salvation is a work God performs.  Salvation is God's work, not ours.


"When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also." - 2 Timothy 1:5

This Sunday, Americans will be observing Mother's Day.  It is a special day when we honor mothers.  Historically, the modern observance of Mother's Day began in Grafton, West Virginia in 1908. A few years later, our nation began to observe this day as a holiday.

Most of us are very sentimental about our mothers --- and for good reason.  A mother has the opportunity to greatly impact the lives of her children.  Those of us who were blessed with a Christian mother have much to be grateful for.  Our mothers have been used of God to shape our lives.

Never underestimate the influence of a godly mother.  When the Apostle Paul wrote to young Timothy, he reminded him of the godly heritage of his grandmother and mother:  "When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also."  Notice that the strong faith that Timothy had, "dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice."  In other words, his grandmother and mother were Christians before Timothy became a believer.

The Apostle Paul recognized the influence that these two ladies had in the life of Timothy.  It is apparent that his grandfather and father did not share in this faith.  In spite of this, the faith of his grandmother and mother had impacted Timothy's life.  Now this young man was serving the Lord, preaching the Gospel. 

As we consider Timothy's Christian heritage, I want to share just a few thoughts with you.

There are great preachers and ministries in our country.  They are used of God to reach millions of souls.  But I believe that real ministry begins at home.  Christian fathers and mothers can do more to reach their children than all the preachers in our land.  While I believe in Christian education at church, it is wrong to leave all the Christian instruction to your local church.  As a parent, it is YOUR job to teach your children about Jesus and the Bible.  It is YOUR job to demonstrate and declare the Gospel to them.  It is YOUR job to model Christian living in your home.  The influence this will leave on your children is incalculable.

Many Christian parents acknowledge the need for ministry in their home, but they fail to change.  The time to begin is right now.  Even if you have already wasted precious years, begin investing in your children right now.  Perhaps your children are grown and have moved away, still begin right now.  When they visit, make sure they are struck with the reality that their parents' home is a Christian home.

Most people look for big ministry opportunities.  They tend to overlook or neglect the small things of life.  God often uses these small things to accomplish great things in the lives of people.  Be faithful in the small things.  Ultimately, you'll be glad you did.

It is one thing to take your children to church ... and drop them off.  It is a much better thing to bring your children to church with you.  They need to see that public worship & fellowship are significant to you.  They need to see that baptism and communion are important to you.  They need to realize that the church is more than just a building to you.  Go to church every time the doors are open and bring your children with you.  Furthermore, stay in church.  Don't let petty differences, outside distractions, or difficult circumstances keep you out of church.  Once you start missing church, it becomes easier and easier to miss.  Your actions speak louder than words.  Be a faithful, active member of your church.

The first way to teach your children about the Bible is to show them the Bible is important to you.  They should catch you reading the Bible alone at times.  Furthermore, read the Bible with them & give them the freedom to ask questions from the Bible. 

Teach your children to pray.  Teach them by example.  They should identify you as a person of prayer.  Pray over each meal.  Pray privately yourself.  Pray with your children.  Pray with them when they have problems.  When your children get older, they will cherish the memory of a praying home.

Children are quick to sense a parent's fear or frustration.  They need to see faith in action.  It is a powerful thing for them to behold their parents trusting God when times get tough.  It is one thing to sing, "Living By Faith," it is another thing to actually live by faith when times are hard. 

Perhaps your spouse is not a Christian, or perhaps your spouse is spiritually weak.  Don't let that hinder your faith.  Be faithful to the Lord whether your spouse is or not.  Perhaps your Christian influence will not only impact your children, but your spouse also.

If your parents were godly Christian parents, be grateful.  If they are still living, honor them.  Love them.  Show them that you love & appreciate them.  If they are no longer living, remember their Christian influence and example.  Share stories of their faith with your own family.  Honor them by continuing the Christian example they set for you.

The devil is working hard to destroy families, including Christian families.  Keeping your marriage and home strong in the faith is critical as the enemy attacks.  It is not easy to be faithful in these faithless times.  Your family is facing ungodly attacks through school, work, entertainment, social media and society as a whole.  While you may try to limit the influence of the ungodly culture, you can't keep it completely away from your family.  Instead, remain faithful to the Lord and trust Him to use you to impact each member of your family.

Who knows --- it could be that one of your children may be just like young Timothy & impact millions of lives himself.   Perhaps your children will influence their children for Jesus.  Maybe generations to come will be impacted because of your godly influence.  I'm sure the Christian influence of William & Morrow was great in the life of their eldest son.  They probably had no clue that God will raise him up to be a great man of God.  We know their eldest son as one of the great Christians of our generation ... Billy Graham.

Never underestimate the influence of a godly parent.


"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." - 1 Timothy 2:5

I was driving through town this week & noticed a law office on the side of the road.  On the glass window to the office, the name of the lawyer was printed in large letters.  Below his name was a description of the services he offered.  One of his services was mediation.  Most of us do not use the word, "mediation," very often.  Sometimes when there is a conflict between nations or even among businesses, the news will mention that a mediator has been brought in to help settle a dispute.

A mediator is someone who intervenes in a disagreement and works to bring both sides together for a mutual resolution.  Typically, the mediator is an independent third party, someone who is not biased in the dispute. 

In his first epistle to Timothy, Paul wrote, "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."  According to the Bible, sin created a division between God and men.  In this division, mankind was the offender and God was the offended.  This division could not be resolved by a simple confession or apology.  The offense was so great that blood was required to satisfy the offended.

According to the Apostle Paul, Someone got involved in the problem and offered a solution.  According to Paul, Jesus became a mediator between God and men.  This mediation took place on the cross of Calvary where Jesus hung on a cross between God and men.  His blood satisfied the offended party, making it possible for men and women to be reconciled to God.  Typically, a mediator is an independent party, but in this case, God Himself took upon Himself flesh & did for us what we could never do for ourselves.  Jesus was the only One who could mediate and bring men back to God.

Many people remain enemies of God.  They feel the distance from Him.  They know that isolation exists between themselves and God.  When they sit in church, they feel uncomfortable.  When they hear Christians talk about their faith, it makes them uneasy.  When they are confronted with a crisis, they find it difficult to talk with God.  The sinner knows that a quick, simple apology will not suffice.  Repeating a cold, empty prayer will not make amends.  The Bible states that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.  The only way a sinner can be justified is through the shedding of blood.  It is not an apology, a prayer or joining a church that redeems a sinner.  Only blood can accomplish this.

Faith in the finished work of Christ in the cross is required for a sinner to be redeemed because only the blood of Jesus satisfies the offended.  A sinner must come to Jesus and receive the cleansing power of His precious blood.  As the old songs says, "What can wash away my sin?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus."

Most people believe that they are heaven-bound because God is loving and merciful.  What is tragically missing from their belief is the fact that God's love and mercy is only extended through the blood of Christ.  The blood of the Lamb must cover a person's sin.  A man or woman can never enter into the kingdom of God apart from a genuine saving faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the mediator between God and men.  Apart from the mediating work of Christ, a sinner remains far from God & remains responsible for an offense that will cost him everything.  If a sinner refuses to receive the mediation of Christ, he will ultimately die in his sins and face God in judgment.  On the Day of Judgment, those who've rejected Christ's mediation will be required to pay for their sins.  The Bible states, "The wages of sin is death."

It is sad to think that most of humanity remains far from God.  A sinner is an enemy of God.  I would hate to be an enemy of Him, wouldn't you? 

Mediation is the only path for a sinner to find peace with God.  That mediation was accomplished on the old rugged cross.  The mediation of Jesus was fully complete through the shedding of His precious blood. 

Jesus is not just the best mediator between God and men; He is the ONLY mediator between God and men. 

Thankfully, His mediation is sufficient. 

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...