"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." - 1 Timothy 2:5

I was driving through town this week & noticed a law office on the side of the road.  On the glass window to the office, the name of the lawyer was printed in large letters.  Below his name was a description of the services he offered.  One of his services was mediation.  Most of us do not use the word, "mediation," very often.  Sometimes when there is a conflict between nations or even among businesses, the news will mention that a mediator has been brought in to help settle a dispute.

A mediator is someone who intervenes in a disagreement and works to bring both sides together for a mutual resolution.  Typically, the mediator is an independent third party, someone who is not biased in the dispute. 

In his first epistle to Timothy, Paul wrote, "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."  According to the Bible, sin created a division between God and men.  In this division, mankind was the offender and God was the offended.  This division could not be resolved by a simple confession or apology.  The offense was so great that blood was required to satisfy the offended.

According to the Apostle Paul, Someone got involved in the problem and offered a solution.  According to Paul, Jesus became a mediator between God and men.  This mediation took place on the cross of Calvary where Jesus hung on a cross between God and men.  His blood satisfied the offended party, making it possible for men and women to be reconciled to God.  Typically, a mediator is an independent party, but in this case, God Himself took upon Himself flesh & did for us what we could never do for ourselves.  Jesus was the only One who could mediate and bring men back to God.

Many people remain enemies of God.  They feel the distance from Him.  They know that isolation exists between themselves and God.  When they sit in church, they feel uncomfortable.  When they hear Christians talk about their faith, it makes them uneasy.  When they are confronted with a crisis, they find it difficult to talk with God.  The sinner knows that a quick, simple apology will not suffice.  Repeating a cold, empty prayer will not make amends.  The Bible states that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.  The only way a sinner can be justified is through the shedding of blood.  It is not an apology, a prayer or joining a church that redeems a sinner.  Only blood can accomplish this.

Faith in the finished work of Christ in the cross is required for a sinner to be redeemed because only the blood of Jesus satisfies the offended.  A sinner must come to Jesus and receive the cleansing power of His precious blood.  As the old songs says, "What can wash away my sin?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus."

Most people believe that they are heaven-bound because God is loving and merciful.  What is tragically missing from their belief is the fact that God's love and mercy is only extended through the blood of Christ.  The blood of the Lamb must cover a person's sin.  A man or woman can never enter into the kingdom of God apart from a genuine saving faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the mediator between God and men.  Apart from the mediating work of Christ, a sinner remains far from God & remains responsible for an offense that will cost him everything.  If a sinner refuses to receive the mediation of Christ, he will ultimately die in his sins and face God in judgment.  On the Day of Judgment, those who've rejected Christ's mediation will be required to pay for their sins.  The Bible states, "The wages of sin is death."

It is sad to think that most of humanity remains far from God.  A sinner is an enemy of God.  I would hate to be an enemy of Him, wouldn't you? 

Mediation is the only path for a sinner to find peace with God.  That mediation was accomplished on the old rugged cross.  The mediation of Jesus was fully complete through the shedding of His precious blood. 

Jesus is not just the best mediator between God and men; He is the ONLY mediator between God and men. 

Thankfully, His mediation is sufficient. 

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Down To The River To Pray

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