"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." - Romans 8:18

We are living in dangerous times.  Riots, racial tension, terrorism and mass killings have become a regular headline in the national news.  Just recently, a lone gunman killed nearly 60 people in Las Vegas.  As a nation, we are appalled at such a tragedy. 

Let's be honest about it.  There are no safe places to live.  Violence may erupt in rural areas as well as urban settings.  No one is safe in their own home, despite the amount of security measures that are enacted.  Violent crimes have even taken place in schools and houses of worship. 

Being a Christian does not make a person immune to violence.  Christians are often slain along with the pagans in such acts of evil.  There are certain terror groups who target Christians with acts of cruelty and death.  While there are times that God intervenes & protects His people, there are also times that He permits His people to suffer ... and to die.  We do not follow Jesus because He offers physical security; we follow Him because of who He is.  He never promised us a life free of pain, problems or persecution.  On the contrary, He promised that His followers would endure persecution and tribulation. 

While living in such violent times, we need to remember a few things:

We should always be focused on the fact that we are not here on earth to live for ourselves.  Our purpose in life is to glorify God, not the pursuit of temporal comfort, pleasure or wealth.  We have a short space of time to live here on earth.  We don't know when or how we will leave here.  In the time we have left, let us live for Jesus.  There are no regrets to those who live for Him.

There are many who try to get Christians to compromise in areas of doctrine, conviction and ethics.  There is overt pressure placed on us to conform to this world.  We need to remind ourselves that we here on earth to please only One ... and not the world.  In an age of violence, fear tends to grip people's lives.  Living for Jesus does not preclude us from having fears, but it gives us direction and hope while living in a world of grief and pain.

It isn't wrong to watch the TV news, but it is not the final authority for us.  The latest popularity polls should not govern our lives.  The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105).  This world is shrouded with darkness.  Apart from God's Word, we are prone to stumble and fall.  God's Word gives us the wisdom and insight that our pagan neighbors do not have.  They can be easily swayed by the indoctrination of the world.  We have an unchanging Word from God.  We need to read His Word daily, believe His Word continually, obey His Word explicitly and stand on His Word faithfully. 

We do not know what lies ahead in this life.  An act of violence may erupt at the workplace.  A gunman may open fire at the mall.  A terrorist may sabotage the drinking water.  A deranged neighbor may open fire at the church or school.  We pray that these kinds of evil acts will never occur, but they may.  Despite the possibility of violence and persecution, it should not dim our faith.  Our faith is not based upon a good day tomorrow, but the One who holds tomorrow.  Tomorrow may be a good day ... then again it may be a bad day.  Tomorrow could be our final day on earth.  Regardless, we should approach each day with our faith and confidence in Jesus Christ alone.  Our future is in His hand.  Should this be our final day on earth, we know that when we leave this world, we will be in a better place, with the Lord Himself.  Uncertainty, violence and death should not dim our focus on the promise of heaven. 

Paul wrote, "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."  Paul did not promise us that suffering would not come.  Instead, he wrote that the sufferings of this life couldn't be compared to the glory that lies ahead.  In this life, there may be violence.  In the Lord, there is victory. 

We should not define, "victory," as about us getting our own way.  Nor should "victory," be described as living a comfortable, carefree life.  Instead, victory is all about God being glorified as we live for Him, trust Him and obey Him.  We should do His will and leave the results up to Him. 

Victory is not about avoiding death, but trusting & obeying God in the face of death.  In regards to death and the resurrection, Paul wrote, "But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."  We don't earn victory --- it is given to us.  Jesus won the victory when He died and rose again.  He has conquered death, hell and the grave.  He took the sting of death away.  He has put a nail in the coffin of death.  

In spite of all that we may face in this violent, wicked world, we can agree with the Apostle, who wrote, "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."

Praise the Lord for victory in Jesus!

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