"For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!" - 1 Corinthians 9:16

This past week, evangelist Billy Graham passed away at the age of 99.  Dr. Graham was an ambassador of the Christian faith to many in this nation and across the world.  His early crusades made him famous because of his passionate preaching and the large number of people who responded to his Gospel invitation.  He was a spiritual counselor to many Presidents and world leaders.  Most of all, Billy Graham lived a life of integrity.   

Much has been said about Dr. Graham's life and ministry.  In this article, I want to address this subject, who will be the next Billy Graham?  We are tempted to look at some of the most famous ministers of our day and crown one of them as "the next Billy Graham."  I think this is wrong.  First of all, there will never be another Billy Graham.  He was unique.  He was God's man, doing God's work, God's way with God's timing.  When a man graduates to glory, he cannot be "replaced." 

There are many gifted ministers who are famous today because of their preaching or writing.  Will God use one of these men on the same level that he did Billy Graham?  It is possible, but I doubt it.

The fact is that God most uses men that others belittle.  If God so chooses to use a man again like Billy Graham, He'll probably use someone from a humble background.  It would probably be a meek, but surrendered man who walks with God, stands on the Word and loves souls.  His contemporaries would not have expected a young Billy Graham to become a world famous evangelist either.

While I don't see another Billy Graham on the horizon, it is possible for you and I to serve Jesus with the same devotion and integrity that Billy Graham did.  You may never preach at a stadium, but you may be able to lead your children to Jesus.  You may never have a television ministry, but you may be used of God to impact the lives of your co-workers.  You may never travel the world to preach; yet you may walk across the road to witness to your neighbor. 

You see, there is a minister that we need to emulate --- and it isn't Billy Graham.  There was a teacher who walked the shores of Galilee and proclaimed the Good News.  His Name is Jesus.  He ministered to the needs of many.  He preached to large crowds ... and even saw many of them turn and walk away.  He didn't live to the ripe old age of 99.  Instead, at 33, Jesus was crucified.  Many were angry with this preacher and His message.  On the cross, Jesus died for our sins.  His death makes life a reality for you and me. 

While we remember and honor the memory of Billy Graham, let us stay focused on Jesus.  Because Christ lives, Billy Graham lives on.  So will you.  So will I. 

Will anyone be raised up to have the impact of a Billy Graham again?  That is up to the Lord.  Although Billy Graham cannot be replaced, the next great evangelist may be a youngster in your church or neighborhood.  Then again, it is very possible that there will never be another minister like Billy Graham.  One thing is certain, though.  You and I can be used of God if we are surrendered to Him and His will. 

One of the greatest evangelists of all time was the Apostle Paul. His ministry took him on long trips (without modern transportation).  His ministry is still being used of God to impact lives today.  Concerning his ministry, Paul once wrote, "... woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel." 

In 2018, woe unto us if we don't proclaim it!

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