"Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine." - 1 Timothy 5:17

This Sunday (June 17, 2018) is a day designated to honor father's here in America.  Sadly, Father's Day is losing its importance because of the lack of men who will own up to their responsibility as fathers.  These days, a young person may rarely see his father & perhaps not even know who his father is.  This is a tragic reality in our society today.

I am grateful that I have my father still with me.  He isn't able to do the things he used to do.  At one time, Dad was an active man, working hard on a job and in ministry.  He raised a family on a meager income and worked extra hours to make ends meet.  He was a pastor for 30 years and preached hard most Sundays.

I want to pay tribute to him in this week's blog.  His impact in my life is incalculable.  While many do not have a godly, male influence in their lives, I am grateful that I have.  Even now, he offers wisdom and insight from his years of living and ministry.

I know several things about my father:

First of all, he loves the Lord.  He met the Lord as a teenager.  There on Belcher Mountain, in McDowell County, WV, his life was changed by the power of the Gospel.  Later, he was called into the ministry.  Through the years, Dad diligently read and studied his Bible.  Even now, it is not uncommon to find him reading the Bible.  He loves to talk about the Word of God and spiritual matters.

As I wrote above, Dad has sacrificed much for his family.  He still deeply loves his bride of almost 57 years.  He still loves my brother and I.  When I was growing up, Dad was not able to provide for us as well as he wanted.  He worked hard in a low-income job.  In spite of this, he sacrificially gave to us.  Others may have had the expensive, extravagant toys, but my brother & I had something more valuable:  the love of godly parents.

Dad was ordained into the Gospel ministry in 1966.  For a while, he was an itinerant minister.  Later, he became a pastor.  He faithfully studied the Scriptures and stood for his convictions.  This made him unpopular at times, but the Lord blessed his ministry.  Under his pastoral leadership, his church experienced many changes.  He baptized many.  He counseled people.  He preached with zeal and power.  All of this was done while he raised a family and worked hard in his job.

In the early 1990's, doctors found a cyst on his brain stem.  He underwent surgery, but part of the cyst remains unto this day.  Even now, he suffers several painful symptoms due to the cyst.  In more recent years, he has suffered from atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure and has had several bouts with pneumonia.  Obviously, these major health issues, plus his advancing age, have slowed him down significantly.  Yet, he tries to remain active.  He tries to work on his computer, reads from his Bible daily and has a desire to return to oil painting.  He does several things to keep his mind sharp.

My father is not a perfect man.  In fact, no earthly father is perfect.  However, his desire is to point men and women to a perfect Father in heaven.  Although he & I are different in many ways, I know that he has passed several things on to me that are vitally important.  I greatly appreciate and respect the example he has been to others & myself.  

I love you, Dad!

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