"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." - 2 Timothy 4:2

I am seeing an alarming trend among churches in America.  During an election cycle, more and more pastors are permitting politicians and politically driven people to occupy their pulpits.  Some would argue that these "guest speakers" are people of faith who are simply giving their testimony.  Some of these men may even be ordained ministers who are political activists.  These men tend to be very vocal on political views and very silent on the Bible.

Am I the only one who finds fault with this?  Politics should be kept out of the pulpit.  The pulpit should be reserved for the preaching of the Word and not the spreading of political dogma.  A pastor should zealously protect his flock and pulpit from being led astray from the Gospel.  We are called to go and make disciples of men, not make Republicans (or Democrats) of men.

The local church should be a sanctuary from the political upheaval of our day, not a facilitator of it.  At church, people should hear the Good News, not political views.

Let me be clear about something, lest I be misunderstood.  Some hot-button issues of our day may be addressed from the pulpit.  It is never wrong to condemn evil in our society.  It is not wrong to preach against sin, even sins that may have political overtones (such as abortion, same-sex marriage and transgender issues).  However, it is wrong for a church to publicly endorse a political candidate. 

The church used to be considered a sacred place.  People used to respect the church.  Now, because of our departure from the Bible, the church has lost her respectability.  The world no longer respects the Church because the Church resembles the world.  We cannot reach the world by acting like the world.

In the Gospels, we read that Jesus cleansed the temple.  I believe that churches need to be cleansed today.  I believe that if Jesus walked to and fro today, He would not be pleased with what He sees in churches.  He would not even be welcome in some churches.  If He were to cleanse the temples in America today, politics would be among the things He would cast out.

Read carefully the Gospels and the book of Acts & you'll find that political opposition and hostility was a regular occurrence.  Despite this, Jesus and His disciples shared the Word with the people, not political opinions.  By the way, political opinions are just that ... opinions.  We have a sure word from the Lord.  That is the Word that is needed desperately today.  Let us not be guilty of feeding the flock pig's slop when they could be nourishing on the meat of the Word.

Although He spoke to specific issues of His day, Jesus refused to get deeply involved in politics.  Instead, He came to meet a greater need --- the spiritual need of precious souls.  Since when has the temporal affairs of this world become more important than the eternal souls of men?

If you play with fire, you will be burned.  Billy Graham learned this the hard way when he aggressively supported Richard Nixon's presidential campaign.  Nixon's private life and political corruption taught Dr. Graham to stay faithful to the Word and stay away from politics.  Today, many preachers are going down a similar path, but the ultimate result will be same.  Let's keep our ministries away from politics and avoid being burned.

The preacher needs to be heard and respected for his preaching ministry.  He needs to keep his ministry clean from worldly influence.  The pulpit is the place where God's Word should be heralded. 

What the world needs desperately today is God's Word, not political rhetoric.  


"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's." - Luke 20:25

The political climate of our country is toxic.  It feels like any moment our nation may erupt into civil unrest and chaos.  In the past, differences of opinion were tolerated for the sake of civility, national unity and pride.  These days, manipulation, anger, hostility and even violence explode when friends discuss their political views.

Sadly, I find many Christians being swept into the angry tide of political mayhem.  I am disappointed and disheartened to see Christians get hostile on social media over political differences.

While I have strong political views, I am not naive.  I know that politics is a dirty business.  Corruption abounds in politics on both sides of the isle.  Hypocrisy is the norm in American politics.  Those who preach the highest morals on the campaign trail are often guilty of the worst criminal activity themselves.  We should never place too much faith or confidence in a human being, especially those in politics.

While many may disagree with my view about politics and politicians, I want to challenge my Christian friends to exercise common sense about a few issues in regards to politics.

Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's."  As Christians, we are not immune to civic responsibility.  We are to pay our taxes.  Also, when we are chosen, we are to serve on a jury.  Plus, it is vitally important that we vote every time there is an election.  Don't just complain about the course of our country, do your part and vote!  Vote according to Biblical convictions.

It isn't wrong for a Christian to go into politics.  He or she needs to be forewarned, however, that the higher a person climbs on the political ladder, the more he or she will be tempted to compromise in the area of integrity.  Certainly, Christians are needed in our government, but they should never compromise their faith.

I find too many Christians are consumed by politics.  They can't hold a rational conversation about the issues without getting too emotional.  While it is important to have political views, don't let these matters be your main passion.   Some may object to this, but I believe that there are more important matters for a Christian to be consumed with.  Do people know you more by your politics or your faith? 

I think there are certain basic issues all Christians should agree on.  However, there is room for disagreements on numerous issues.  When a fellow believer expresses views that are different from yours, it is important to agree to disagree.  Don't belittle the other person or get into a hostile exchange. I find it ironic & sad,  that some will object to bullying tactics of a politician, then turn around and bully the ones who support that politician. It is time for Christians to act like Christians, especially when we disagree on politics.

Finally, give your passion and allegiance to God's kingdom.  Jesus said, "Render ... unto God the things which be God's."  I don't think the Lord is impressed with Christians trading verbal barbs on social media about politics.  I don't think He is pleased with those who rarely go to church but will drive hundreds of miles to see a politician.  I doubt that the Lord is satisfied with those who complain about the length of a preacher's sermon, but will speak glowingly of a politician's speech that runs more than an hour.  The Bible does NOT say that there is rejoicing in heaven over one soul that changes political parties. 

If you read the Gospels, it is obvious that many Jews had high expectations that the Messiah would deliver them from Roman oppression.  To the disappointment of many, Jesus refused to get involved in political issues.  Instead, His focus was on the mission He was sent to accomplish.  Jesus was focused on the Kingdom of God, not politics. 

His own disciples wanted Jesus to commit to a timetable when a political revolution would occur.  Rather than encouraging their political ambition, Jesus said, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.  But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."  Jesus challenged His disciples to be busy with evangelism, not politics.  That's what they did.  Against all political pressure, the disciples got busy spreading the Gospel.  Shouldn't we?
Paul wrote, "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."  While many are passionately pushing a political agenda, Christians are called to zealously proclaim the Gospel.  Which are you doing?

A thousand years from now, it won't matter who won a Presidential race or captured a congressional seat.  The United States probably won't exist a thousand years from now.

It is time for Christians to passionately labor for the things that will last forever.


"... whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31

Social media is a blessing in many ways.  It allows me to stay in contact with family, old school chums, former co-workers and friends.  Social media also keeps me encouraged and inspired by those in ministry.  I find my soul being enriched with the wisdom that is sometimes shared on social media.

Despite all the positive potential that social media offers, it is also a place where people show their evil nature.  Profanity, accusations, name-calling, bullying and threats are not uncommon on social media.  For me, the worst part of social media is the conduct of professing Christians.  So let me share some common sense tips with my Christian friends.

First of all, a Christian should not use profanity.  Ever.  Posting filthy language on social media is totally inexcusable.  Think before you post something on social media.  Remember that unbelievers read your words.  How can you be an effective witness to the lost when your language is just as bad as theirs?  Secondly, remember that God sees the words you post on social media.  Don't use profanity.  Don't use God's Name in vain. 

You will not always agree with the opinions of others.  That's fine.  Be courteous.  It is true that our nation has become angry, hostile and downright mean.  That is no excuse for a Christian to act this way.  Sometimes the best thing you can do is to agree to disagree.  Jerry Vines once said, "A Christian does not have the luxury to be unkind."

Too many professing Christians use social media to express their frustrations.  Whether it is work-related problems, family issues, marital disharmony, or disagreements with the neighbors, some vent their raw emotions on social media.  This only deepens wounds and makes problems worse.  Sure, some may take "your side" on the issue, but in the end you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.  The Bible instructs us how to handle disagreements.  It is time for Christians to obey the Bible. 

Also, don't spend all day on social media.  You have a life to live, so live it!  John Piper said, “One of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time.”  Don't waste your life consumed by social media.   Let me recommend that you spend more time every day in God's Book, the Bible, than you do on Facebook.

Finally, Christians should use social media for the glory of God.  Do the things posted on your Facebook wall glorify God?  As your "friends" look at your social media accounts, is it obvious to them that you are a Christian? 

There is nothing wrong with sharing family pictures or clean humor on social media.  Ultimately, social media should be used to glorify God.  Paul wrote, "... whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."  Notice that Paul instructs us to do ALL to the glory of God.  I believe that in 2018, this includes social media.  

Social media is a great tool, but it must be used correctly.  Use social media for the glory of God.


"For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness." - Psalm 107:9

It has been said that every man needs a hobby.  I suppose my hobby is eating.  I love good food!  My weight testifies to that fact. 

When I was growing up, most of our family meals were based on Dad's work schedule.  But there were times when Dad wasn't working.  At these times Mom would sometimes ask, "Are you hungry?"  Our response would give her an indication when to prepare the next meal.

I think it is important to ask ourselves the question, "Am we hungry?"  Are we spiritually hungry?  In a very technical sense, every person is spiritually hungry.  Most are feasting at the wrong table.  The devil has a banquet table where worldly desires are fed.  Those who feast there leave hungry and empty.

For the Christian, there is only one place where we can find nourishing spiritual food.  The Bible says, "O taste and see that the Lord is good."  Do we have a real hunger for the Lord and the things of God?  I really don't think many people recognize their spiritual hunger.  Yet for those who hunger after God, there are four things that are true of them.

First of all, they have a holy discontent.  They are not satisfied with the status quo.  They aren't impressed with religion, tradition or rituals.  Those who hunger for God and the things of God will not be content with anything less than close communion with Christ.

Secondly, there is a holy discrimination.  Those who hunger for the Lord avoid the junk food of this world.  When I was growing up, Mom always told us to avoid eating potato chips near suppertime.  She knew that junk food, like potato chips, would ruin our appetite.  The same is true of many church members.  Most pastors would admit that a shocking percentage of their church membership is not faithful to attend.  Perhaps too many are eating the junk food of this world rather feasting on the good things of God.

Third, there is a holy determination.  When a man hungers for the Lord, he seeks to have his hunger satisfied.  A hungry man pursues intimacy with the Lord.  He is not passive about his hunger.  He doesn't have to be nagged into going to church.  He doesn't have to be reminded to read his Bible.  His hunger drives him closer to God.

Finally, there is a holy desperation.  A hungry person can get desperate.  A hungry man will sacrifice his time, talents and treasures in order to please the One he loves.  A lack of desperation has sadly tainted American Christianity.  Far too many people treat the things of God like they can "take it or leave it."  Few are driven to their knees to seek God desperately.  It seems like God has a soft spot for desperate people.  Desperation will humble a man, driving him to his knees.  Desperation will bring a people together to pray.  Desperation is often among the initial signs of a mighty revival.  Hungry people get desperate and that desperation fuels their spiritual intensity and desire.

The Bible says, "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD."  A famine, a time of real hunger, is coming.  Notice it is not a famine of bread, but "of hearing the words of the LORD."  Please note that it will not be a famine of preaching or teaching, but hearing the words of the Lord.  There's a famine in our land right now.  In spite of the number of Bibles being sold, few are feasting at the Master's table. 

Are you hungry?  Does your soul hunger for more of God and His Word?  Are your days filled with thoughts about your Lord?  Do you find yourself praying more?  Are you spending more time in His Word?  Are you seeking the face of God?  

The Lord, "... satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness."  So push aside all the junk food of this world.  Read and study your Bible.  Get on your knees in prayer.  Get back in church where you belong. 

Feast again on the good things of God.

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...