"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's." - Luke 20:25

The political climate of our country is toxic.  It feels like any moment our nation may erupt into civil unrest and chaos.  In the past, differences of opinion were tolerated for the sake of civility, national unity and pride.  These days, manipulation, anger, hostility and even violence explode when friends discuss their political views.

Sadly, I find many Christians being swept into the angry tide of political mayhem.  I am disappointed and disheartened to see Christians get hostile on social media over political differences.

While I have strong political views, I am not naive.  I know that politics is a dirty business.  Corruption abounds in politics on both sides of the isle.  Hypocrisy is the norm in American politics.  Those who preach the highest morals on the campaign trail are often guilty of the worst criminal activity themselves.  We should never place too much faith or confidence in a human being, especially those in politics.

While many may disagree with my view about politics and politicians, I want to challenge my Christian friends to exercise common sense about a few issues in regards to politics.

Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's."  As Christians, we are not immune to civic responsibility.  We are to pay our taxes.  Also, when we are chosen, we are to serve on a jury.  Plus, it is vitally important that we vote every time there is an election.  Don't just complain about the course of our country, do your part and vote!  Vote according to Biblical convictions.

It isn't wrong for a Christian to go into politics.  He or she needs to be forewarned, however, that the higher a person climbs on the political ladder, the more he or she will be tempted to compromise in the area of integrity.  Certainly, Christians are needed in our government, but they should never compromise their faith.

I find too many Christians are consumed by politics.  They can't hold a rational conversation about the issues without getting too emotional.  While it is important to have political views, don't let these matters be your main passion.   Some may object to this, but I believe that there are more important matters for a Christian to be consumed with.  Do people know you more by your politics or your faith? 

I think there are certain basic issues all Christians should agree on.  However, there is room for disagreements on numerous issues.  When a fellow believer expresses views that are different from yours, it is important to agree to disagree.  Don't belittle the other person or get into a hostile exchange. I find it ironic & sad,  that some will object to bullying tactics of a politician, then turn around and bully the ones who support that politician. It is time for Christians to act like Christians, especially when we disagree on politics.

Finally, give your passion and allegiance to God's kingdom.  Jesus said, "Render ... unto God the things which be God's."  I don't think the Lord is impressed with Christians trading verbal barbs on social media about politics.  I don't think He is pleased with those who rarely go to church but will drive hundreds of miles to see a politician.  I doubt that the Lord is satisfied with those who complain about the length of a preacher's sermon, but will speak glowingly of a politician's speech that runs more than an hour.  The Bible does NOT say that there is rejoicing in heaven over one soul that changes political parties. 

If you read the Gospels, it is obvious that many Jews had high expectations that the Messiah would deliver them from Roman oppression.  To the disappointment of many, Jesus refused to get involved in political issues.  Instead, His focus was on the mission He was sent to accomplish.  Jesus was focused on the Kingdom of God, not politics. 

His own disciples wanted Jesus to commit to a timetable when a political revolution would occur.  Rather than encouraging their political ambition, Jesus said, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.  But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."  Jesus challenged His disciples to be busy with evangelism, not politics.  That's what they did.  Against all political pressure, the disciples got busy spreading the Gospel.  Shouldn't we?
Paul wrote, "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."  While many are passionately pushing a political agenda, Christians are called to zealously proclaim the Gospel.  Which are you doing?

A thousand years from now, it won't matter who won a Presidential race or captured a congressional seat.  The United States probably won't exist a thousand years from now.

It is time for Christians to passionately labor for the things that will last forever.

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