Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” - Matthew 7:12

What has ever happened to civility in our land? Common sense is no longer common. Anger, hostility and lawlessness prevail throughout our land. Even in our government, we are witnessing despicable actions by those who should be leading us. Sadly, even Christians are guilty of acting in such disgraceful ways, treating each other with scorn and ridicule when they disagree of minor issues.

I think it is time for all Americans, from the White House down to every house, to get back to practicing the Golden Rule. Jesus said, "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” When I was growing up, school teachers rephrased this as, "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." We need to get back to living by the Golden Rule.

I think this includes several basic things:

We may disagree on politics, but we can agree to respect each other. Christians may have differing views on non-essential points of doctrine, but we should still treat each other with respect. I was brought up to respect my parents, peers and those in authority. I was taught to respect the flag and what it represents. I grew up respecting the church and the spiritual beliefs of others. These days, showing respect is seen as a weakness. However, if you wish for others to respect you, then you should respect them. I know there are things I don't respect. I don't respect those who are dishonest. I don't respect those who are wicked. I don't respect those who harm others. However, there are many people I can respect. If we practice the Golden Rule, we will treat others with respect.

It doesn't cost any extra to be kind to someone. The late Country artist Glen Campbell had a hit in the 1970's called, "Try A Little Kindness." Many need to practice the message of that song today. We can be kind to others, even if we disagree with them. We want others to be kind to us, don't we? Name-calling, verbal abuse and other forms of personal attacks are childish. It is time that people grow up and act like adults. In football, a player (or coach) is harshly penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct. Quite honestly, I still like to see a player lend a helping help to an opponent on the football field. Why don't we do this in real life? When we practice the Golden Rule, we treat others with kindness.

It is rare to find those who treat others fairly. These days, the distinction between right or wrong is based upon civil law rather than a code of ethics. A person can be unethical and yet remain within the boundaries of the law. God expects better of us than merely staying within the limits of the law. He wants us to live honesty. He expects us to treat others right. "Victory at all costs," has become the motto of modern day politics, but it is a deadly concept that is infecting our entire nation. You don't like to be mistreated, do you? Then treat others fairly yourself.

People will do you wrong and even hurt you from time to time. Sometimes the offense is innocent and at other times it is deliberate. At such times, it is easy to get angry and seek revenge. There are professing Christians who refuse to forgive others. It is amazing that we want God to be merciful and forgiving to us, yet we want Him to be harsh and condemning to others. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He stated that His forgiveness of our offenses is contingent upon our forgiveness of others. Paul wrote that we should forgive others just like Christ has forgiven us. That is a difficult thing to do, but God has forgiven us of sins that were far greater than any offense we've received. We want God and others to treat us mercifully, thus we should treat others mercifully.

There's much more that could be said about this subject. There was a time that civility was the norm in our country. It is time we return to it again.

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