LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years.” - Habakkuk 3:2
nation is in a mess. Tensions are running high. Anger and violence
are common these days. We lack civility when sharing opinions,
especially political opinions. There is public shaming of people who
have differing views. Those who are vocal about bullying are often
guilty of it themselves. Then there are accusations of racism,
corruption and hatred that are freely vocalized.
is the answer for all these problems? How can this mess get cleaned
would argue that political change is needed … even radical change.
Others would say that common sense needs to return to our country.
I'm certainly not opposed to common sense, in fact, it really isn't
common these days.
we need most in our country is a mighty move of God. We need to see
massive changes that only God can provide.
many are passionate about their preferred political party, I think it
is time for Christians to return to the prayer closet and seek God.
I am not naive about our situation. Republicans can't solve our
nation's woes. Democrats aren't the answer either. Our nation needs
the Lord.
me share two things that we need most in America:
of all, we need revival in our churches. It is time for Christians
to come together and pray for a mighty move of the Spirit in our
churches. Sadly, some professing Christians are more passionate
about filling a ballot box than filling the church pews. We seem to
be more fired up about our political agendas rather than the
advancement of the Kingdom of God. We need believers to start acting
like believers. We need Christians who will storm the gates of
heaven in prayer. We need to live the truth, speak the truth and
share the truth. We need to see a revival of holiness among
professing believers. We need to see evangelistic zeal return to our
churches. We need to be desperate in prayer.
we need a spiritual awakening in America. Let me be specific. I'm
not referring to a generic spiritual awakening that includes every
religious brand out there. Instead, I am referring to a
Christ-centered, God-honoring, sin-hating, devil-bashing,
church-edifying, soul-winning spiritual awakening. We need the
Spirit of God to stir people, awaken hearts and radically change
lives. We need a move of God that sweeps across this land, bringing
civility to our nation, peace among Americans, and decency to
everyday life. We need to see such a mighty move of God that
completely changes the tone of our land. We need to see personal, as
well as widespread repentance. From the highest levels of government
to every home in America, we need a return to the basic elements of a
healthy society. Our nation needs to turn to God.
would argue that this is not the direction our country needs. Think
about it. If you want God's blessings on our country, you shouldn't
expect His blessings when we deliberately embrace the things He
strongly condemns. Since our nation has opened the door to allow
wickedness to seep into every fiber of society, our country has
quickly fallen apart. We don't need to continue this route any
need revival in our churches and a spiritual awakening in our
country. These things can't be planned or produced by us. Only God
can provide them. However, you and I can seek God for these things.
One thing is true: He won't answer the prayers we don't pray. As
Christians, we must seek God in prayer. Keep praying until God
woes won't be reversed at a ballot box, but they may get reversed in
the prayer closet.
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