For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”
- Luke 2:11

It is strange how far things go astray in our culture. For many years, December 25th has been set aside as a time to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. In the later part of the 20th century, the fictitious character of Santa Claus was created as a focal point of the holiday. Slowly, the emphasis of Christmas shifted from Jesus to this fictional character. Furthermore, Christmas has become a time for retailers to make a lot of money from well-meaning consumers. Each Christmas, Americans spend an enormous amount of money purchasing Christmas gifts for family members and friends.

Here's my question: haven't we missed the point? Everyone gets a Christmas gift at Christmas except for the One who is having the birthday. While it is not wrong to give gifts to those you love, shouldn't we be dedicating Christmas to the birthday of Jesus? If giving to loved ones is so important, why are we only giving gifts once every year?

It is easy to say that we are keeping Christ in Christmas, but are we really doing that? American Christians tend to treat Christmas like the unbelievers do. Sadly, many professing believers go deeply in debt to purchase gifts for everyone EXCEPT the One whose birthday we are supposed to be observing.

In all honesty, we do not know that Jesus was born on December 25th. Whether or not He was born on that exact date, we do know that His birth was a major event. When Jesus was born, hope was provided to sinful mankind.

The birth of Jesus was treated as a holy event. Angels proclaimed His arrival. Shepherds came to behold the newborn. Later, wise men would arrive, giving Him gifts. Yes, gifts were given … to Jesus.

It is time for all Christians to sit back and evaluate our approach to Christmas. I know it may seem extreme, but shouldn't we be focused on the Son of God instead of contributing to the pagan rituals that have taken over Christmas?

Here are just a few suggestions to consider:

When the wise men saw the baby Jesus, they knelt before Him and worshiped. Shouldn't we do the same? If your local church has services on Christmas Day, take your family to church and worship the King. If your church does not have services, spend time worshiping Him in your own home.

Instead of reading “The Night Before Christmas,” to your kids, read the Biblical account of Jesus' birth. Share the truth with your family instead of fiction. Expose your children and grandchildren to the reason for this season.

During the Christmas season, focus on giving to the needy in Jesus' Name. Traditionally, people give only to family members at Christmas. Be different. Give of your time, talents and treasures to those in need. Learn from the ministry of Jesus and serve those who can't repay you.

I know this may sound like an attempt to sound modest, but I just want to be honest with you. Receiving Christmas gifts is no longer a big deal for me. I have already received the greatest Christmas gift of all --- Jesus, my Lord. His birth was a gift to me. His life was a gift. His death upon the cross paid for my salvation. His resurrection guarantees that my sin debt is paid in full. What can be a greater gift than Jesus?

If you want to share something wonderful with your family on Christmas, share Jesus with them.

Sadly, Christ is no longer welcome as people “celebrate” on Christmas. Americans have taken Christ out of Christmas. How foolish!

Christmas is a holy day, not a holiday.

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