Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” - Luke 5:4

When Simon was instructed to “launch out into the deep,” it seemed like a ridiculous command. He had fished unsuccessfully all night. The Lord's command seemed to be foolish. Yet Simon responded, “nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” We should have as much sense as Simon. When the Lord gives a command, it is our job to obey. It is His job to supply the need. Simon obeyed Jesus and had an abundance of fish to show for it.

Far too often, we tend to quit when times get tough. When results don't measure up to expectations, we tend to get discouraged quickly.  Too many Christians are floating around in the shallows. Others have hung up their nets. It is time for all believers to get the nets in the water and launch out into the deep.

Leaving the safety of shallow waters is unnerving at times. When we have little or no fish to show for a long time of fishing, the deep waters can be intimidating. However, most fish are in the deep waters.

It is wrong to expect your nets to be full if you simply float along in the shallow water. Yet that is the condition of most Christians. Empty nets bring discouragement.

Simon fished for a living. He was a professional. He would have been considered an expert. Yet even an expert needs the Lord. Jesus knows more about your occupation than you do. He is omniscient. He knows how to fill your nets.

It all begins with His Word. Simon said, “nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” We tend to heed the advice of society, philosophers, and self-help gurus rather than simply obeying God's Word. Whether God's Word seems practical or feasible is not the issue. It is our job to believe His Word and obey it. God will take care of the rest.

Going deeper requires three things.

First of all, it requires a matter of truth. We will either go deep in the truth or hang up our nets. Jesus said to the Father, “thy word is truth.” We go deeper when we quit following the world and start obeying the Word. It is time we get serious about the Bible. It is time we believe God's Word completely and obey His Word explicitly. Obeying God's Word will require us to leave the safety of shallow waters.

Secondly, it requires a matter of trust. When the Lord says to launch out into the deep, we should trust Him enough to do what He says. It is easy to tell an unbeliever to trust the Lord, but do we trust Him ourselves? Do we trust Him enough to obey Him, even when it is difficult or uncomfortable to do so?

Finally, it requires a matter of time. Simon had quit fishing. He was washing his nets. Yet when Jesus told him to launch into the deep, the washing job was over. It was time to get the nets back in place and get to work. Time is a precious commodity. Walking with God requires time. Most Christians have their schedule so full that there is no time for Jesus. What a tragedy! Simon took time to hear and heed the Master. If your schedule is too full for spiritual devotions, your schedule is too full. Clean out room in your schedule for Jesus. If you don't, you'll soon find yourself either aimlessly floating in the shallows or cleaning your nets.

We have too many shallow Christians these days. Even worse, we have some who feel like quitting. They are cleaning their nets, thinking that it is all in vain.

Perhaps our problem has been that we've been fishing on our own. We've been living and working according to our plans, rather than seeking the Lord's will. Maybe we've been laboring in our own strength, rather than His. Regardless of the case, get the nets back in service. Set sail once again. Leave the shallows and launch out in the waters according to the Word of the Lord.

It is time that we go deeper.

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DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...