Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” - Jeremiah 33:3

There is a price to pay for every worthwhile thing in life. Of course, salvation is an exception to this, but it is among the few exceptions. While I believe that revival is a sovereign work of God in the lives of His people, I think a proper study would reveal that nearly every revival began with a small remnant of believers seeking God in prayer.

In a previous blog message, I wrote that most Christians want the benefits and blessings of revival without paying the price required for revival. Certainly this is true when it comes to prayer.

Most believers would admit that prayer is important. Most Christians would say that they are praying people. However, prayer is often a minor aspect of life for American Christians. They pray when there's a crisis. They pray when we get bad medical news. They pray when a family member suffers. To be rather blunt, the average Christian has a superficial prayer life.

What ever happened to prayer meetings in our churches? Quite honestly, you can't get most church members to show up for a prayer meeting. These days, church members have taken the role of spectators. They show up at church, take a seat and hope to be entertained for an hour or so. When challenged to participate, most people would rather stay home. Although most Christian leaders would disagree, I tend to think that the best gauge of spiritual vitality in our churches is not the size of the Sunday morning congregation, but the number of people who regularly attend and participate in the prayer meeting.

For many people, prayer does not have much glitter and glamour. Prayer is hard work. Prayer requires faith and discipline.

If we really want to see revival come to our churches and a widespread awakening occur in our nation, believers need to get on their knees and seek God. We need to pay the price on our knees before God.

First of all, we need to pray passionately. Don't be half-hearted in your prayers. Pray as if lives depended on it! Put your heart into your prayer. Pray passionately for a mighty move of God!

Secondly, be specific in your prayers. Pray for revival in your church. Pray for the prodigals. Pray for the indifferent church members. Pray for the lost. Pray for your community. Pray for those who are slaves to their addictions. Pray for more laborers to enter the harvest field. Pray for your enemies. Pray for your neighbors. Pray for those in leadership. If you want to receive specific answers to prayer, pray specific prayers.

Next, pray expectantly. Expect God to answer. God may not answer the way you want Him to, but He WILL answer. Pray with faith. Depend upon God to answer your prayers.

Finally, pray diligently. Keep on praying. Even if others quit praying, keep praying yourself. Though your church stops praying, stay faithful in prayer. Though you are tempted to quit, continue praying until the answer comes.

Do I believe revival comes when God's people pray? Yes, I do. Although at times revival may break out at a church or in a community, there are times that the revival falls just on those who were praying. Those who pay the price are often the ones who enjoy the greatest rewards.

If there has ever been a time that revival is needed, it is today. If there has ever been a time in our nation's history that we've needed a spiritual awakening, it is right now. The need has never been greater. The future of our country hangs in the balance. The future of souls is at stake. Someone needs to pay the price for revival.

Will you pray?

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...