For many years, well-meaning people have labored to provide the Christian community with faith-based entertainment. To be rather blunt, some of these productions were cheesy at best. Low budget production, terrible scripts and poor acting have made many Christians very hesitant to spend money on Christian movies.

In recent years, there has been a vast improvement in the quality of Christian entertainment. Admittedly, cheesy productions still occur. But I have found a handful of faith-based movies to be enjoyable, evangelistic and entertaining. I wanted to dedicate this blog message to share with you my top 10 favorite Christian movies. Yes, some of these movies are a little cheesy in places, but overall I enjoy these movies and highly recommend them to you.


This epic blockbuster movie is not technically a Christian movie, but does convey the Biblical story of Moses and the exodus. The motion picture was made in 1956 and is still a personal favorite. It has action, romance and humor. With some minor exceptions, it follows the Biblical story rather close. The special effects are spectacular. The script is great. The choice of actors is outstanding and the acting is superb. This movie would rank close to #1 if it wasn't so long. The epic runs 3 hours and 40 minutes.


Like “The Ten Commandments,” this 1959 epic is technically not a Christian movie, but the fictional story of a man who struggled through life, having brief encounters with Jesus of Nazareth. We never see the face of Jesus during the movie, but His presence is unmistakable. Judah Ben-Hur finds his life touched by the Messiah at crucial times. The chariot race near the end of the movie has long been heralded as a masterpiece of special effects. It is difficult to watch the crucifixion scene with dry eyes. Like “The Ten Commandments,” this movie would have scored near #1 if it wasn't so long. This movie runs 3 hours and 32 minutes.


I like this little movie. It mixes science fiction and faith, which is rare. The story is about a seminary professor who travels forward in time to witness our present society --- in which ethics and morality are no longer based on absolute truth. Christians need to watch this movie!


The Kendrick Brothers have raised the bar for quality in the Christian community. This faith-based movie stars Kirk Cameron as a fire fighter, whose marriage is falling apart. Despite negative reviews by movie critics, this movie has been used to save many marriages.


This Kendrick Brothers movie was a #1 Box Office success. It is the story of a couple who are having marriage problems. The wife is befriended by an elderly lady who introduces her to a life of prayer.


I have to admit that it took me a while to like this movie, but the more I watch it, the more I like it. Unlike previous Kendrick Brothers movies, this one has some strong, tense moments. The story revolves around a deputy sheriff who was greatly impacted by personal tragedy. There is a lot of action in this movie, with powerful scenes about drugs, gangs and death.


I recently found this special movie. “The Printing,” was produced in 1990 by Bob Jones University. I really think every Christian should watch this powerful movie. I will not give much of the plot away except to reveal that it is about the underground movement to produce Bibles in Russia.


This is a fictional story of an elderly man who befriends three young boys. Themes like personal Bible study, prayer and evangelism are highlighted in this touching story.


This movie was made in the late 1970's. It is a true story that focuses on the ministry of the circuit-riding preacher, Robert Sheffey, who ministered here in the Appalachian mountains in the late 1800's. Sheffey was a remarkable prayer warrior and servant of the Lord. I am inspired every time I watch this movie!


I really didn't care much for Christian movies until I saw this film. I actually saw bits and pieces of this movie when I took my Mom to an orthopedic doctor. This movie was shown in the waiting room as patients waited for their appointment. This led me to purchase the DVD myself. This was the second movie produced by Sherwood Baptist Church and the Kendrick brothers. At the time, I was impressed with the football scenes and the plot. Obviously, they are producing movies with greater production quality than this one, but this remains a favorite of mine. I am blessed, inspired and encouraged each time I view this film!

There were a few movies that just missed out on my list, like Flywheel, A Man Called Peter, and The Trial. I haven't seen the new Kendrick Brothers movie, Overcomer, so I can't list it.  After preparing this list, I feel like getting some popcorn and watching a movie! 


... beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance...” - 2 Peter 3:1

For the first time since June, I am posting a blog message. I began blogging in 2014. For several years, I consistently posted a message very Saturday. This year, however, has been a different story.

2019 has been a challenging year. I have struggled with health problems most of this year. Additionally, my father became gravely ill in August. By God's grace, he has pulled through, although it has taken its toll on him.

Recently, I began a weekly video message that I share on Facebook called, “The One Minute Message.” As the title indicates, it is a very brief message, designed to convey spiritual truths in a concise manner for this busy generation. I chose to do the video messages because I felt I could reach more people with a video than I could with a blog message. Like it or not, more people will watch a video than read an article.

I want to return to blogging. Not because I have a vast readership, but I feel that I need to get back to writing. Writing is a discipline that I need to revive. Hopefully, many will read when I write. Whether the number of readers grows or not, I want to write messages that will be a blessing, whether it is for one person or many.

I admit that I would like for many people to read my messages, but my motivation cannot be driven by numerical goals.

I hope you'll take a few minutes each week to read what I write … and leave comments if you wish. Hopefully, you'll read something that will encourage or help you.


Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...